Research ProjectsDoctoral programmes
- Innovation
"Rome Business School signed a new cooperation agreement to boost its international network with our University.
University of Pécs is a prestigious academic institution with a long history behind: the year 1367 appears in the seal of the university, which claimed its roots in the medieval university founded in Pécs in 1367 by King Louis I the Great. Twenty thousand students presently attend the University of Pécs, approximately 4,500 of whom are international students studying in English or German.
Besides being the oldest university in the country, the University of Pécs has earned a prominent position in terms of international excellence as well. The entire institution, as well as many of our faculties and study programmes took leading positions in highly recognized international rankings. The University of Pécs has been listed in two categories in the Academic Ranking of World Universities (ARWU) Global Ranking of Academic Subjects by Shanghai Ranking Consultancy. The institution has been ranked 401-500th among the best 500 universities of the world on the subject field of clinical medicine and public health.
Both institutions mutually agreed on establishing a program of exchange and collaboration in areas of interest and benefit to both of them. The purposes of the cooperation are to promote interest in the teaching and business activities of the respective institutions and to deepen the understanding at each institution of the economic, cultural and social issues relating to its counterpart.
The agreement provides a strong platform through which both institutions can seek to widen participation in higher education in Hungary and in Italy and support students to progress and achieve their full potential.
To achieve these goals, in the next months Rome Business School and University of Pécs will provide their students with different opportunities like business projects, online conferences with Professors from both institutions, symposia and short/summer programs both in Italy and in Hungary. But also exchange information pertaining to developments in teaching, student development and research.
According to the Rome Business School Dean Antonio Ragusa: “We are honored to partner with University of Pécs, a solid academic institution with an international vision based on their successful history of top education delivery; sharing same values and vision, will allow us to further develop opportunities for all our students”