University of Pécs & Ohio University Joint Conference

2018. November 5. 09:35

Innovation and Business Analytics in the Workplaces of the 21th Century Challenges for Research, Business and Policy

Date: 9-10. November 2018
Place: University of Pécs; Pécs, Rákóczi street 80.

The University of Pécs, Faculty of Business and Economics and the Ohio University organized a joint conference on the 9th and 10th of November 2018.


Final Program

8th November – Thursday

19.00 – Welcome reception (Pezsgőház restaurant, Szent István tér 12.)

9th November – Friday

8.30 – Registration, coffee (Hallway, 3rd floor)

9.00 – Conference opening (Room B323/1) 

  • Speeches from the founders: John Schermerhorn and József Vörös
  • Speeches from the present deans: Hugh Sherman and Zoltán Schepp

9.30 – Plenary session (Room B323/1) – David Audretsch: Entrepreneurship ecosystems (preliminary)

10.45 – Coffee break (B323/2)

11.00 – Parallel session 1 (Room B312): University-based innovation and entrepreneurial ecosystems

  • Bedő, Zs., Kuti, M., Tóth-Pajor, Á., Balogh, V.: Does the Success of the University Based Crowdfunding Initiative Depend on the Quality of the University Centered Entrepreneurial Ecosystem?
  • Pittaway, L.: Infrastructure for Entrepreneurship Education: Analysis of a New Campus ‘Arms Race’

11.00 – Parallel session 2 (Room B313): Behavioral analytics and finance

  • Fodor, A.: Behavioral Biases in Sports Betting and Finance
  • Rádóczy K., Tóth-Pajor, Á.: Overreaction and Short-Term Reversal in the Hungarian Stock Market

12.00 – Lunch

13.30 – Parallel session 3 (Room B312): Generational differences in the workplace

  • Szűcs, K., Nagy, Á., Kehl, D., Törőcsik, M., Németh, P.: Generation Z’s Lifestyle Patterns in Hungary
  • Rapp, A.: Generational Faultlines within Sales Teams and the Related Outcomes

13.30 – Parallel session 4 (Room B313): Sustainability, Supply Chains and Customer Behavior

  • Atanazovné Hartung, K.: Comparing a Cost Minimizing versus a Pollution Minimizing Firm Behavior
  • Gabler, C.: Juggling Environmental and Social Firm Values: Outcomes from Managers and the Frontline

14.30 – Coffee break

14.45 – Parallel session 5 (Room B312): Innovation and regional development

  • Cano-Kollmann, M.: Innovation, Connectivity and Catch-up in Peripheral Regions
  • Varga, A., Farkas, R., Sebestyén, T.: Network quality and innovation in Europe: how do peripheral regions learn?

14.45 – Parallel session 6 (Room B313): Operations management in the workplace

  • Hauck, Zs., Rabta, B., Reiner, G.: Optimizing the Speed of Screening in an EPQ Model with Speed-dependent Defect Detection and Production Rates
  • Metcalf, A.: The Impact of Quality Management Practices and Employee Empowerment in the Performance of Hospital Units

15.45 – Coffee break

16.00 – Parallel session 7 (Room B312): Social innovation and entrepreneurship

  • Kiss, T.: Blue Economy as a Long-Term Goal for Social Entrepreneurship
  • Uzuegbuna, I.: An Ecosystem View of Strategic Hybridization in Social Entreprises

16.00 – Parallel session 8 (Room B313): IPOs and public markets

  • Gokkaya, S.: Is Washington Policy Research valuable to Capital Markets?
  • Tóth-Pajor, Á., Rádóczy, K.: Capital Allocation Decisions of European Listed Firms

19.00 – Conference dinner (Vylyan wineyard, Kisharsány)

10th November – Saturday

9.00 – Parallel discussion sessions (rooms B310, B312 and B313)

  • Finance
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Management (operations, sales, HR)

10.30 – Coffee break

11.00 – Parallel discussion sessions (rooms B310, B312 and B313)

  • Finance
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Management (operations, sales, HR)

12.30 – Lunch

13.30 – Scientific paper writing session (with experienced OU faculty)

14.00 – City tour

17.00 – Transfer to Budapest (for OU faculty)


Participation is free but is subject to registration.

Registration to the conference