Discover it!

We are glad that we have managed to raise your interest, and browsing our website you want to get to know us better!

Our Faculty offers several possibilities for the students for the foundation of their careers in addition to the transfer or practical knowledge, from gaining international experiences through shorter or longer cycle training programmes and the promotion of becoming an entrepreneur right to the financial support of the studies.

We hope that by the time you have browsed the page for applicants, you will have discovered these attractions and feel that it is worth belonging to the community of Pécsiközgáz, to continue your studies here.

We encourage you to make a decision not only on the basis of what you have read in our publications and on our website, watch out for the occasions when you can meet us personally. Our colleagues visit secondary schools right until the deadline of application in order to hold informative presentations for you, applicants. In the admission period we hold two open days when you can get to know us by paying a visit to our campus.

We hope that we will be able to give you the prompt answer to all your questions and we will meet you at the beginning of next semester!