2022. April 26. 11:55
corporate talk márkaépítés marketing nélkül

It is an interesting question about a very specific market. Experts from Philip Morris Hungary Ltd. share their experiences at the third Corporate Talk event.

The answer is: I think there isn’t. Or is there? In order to find out, I have invited some of my most knowledgeable colleagues on the subject – the “hotshots” of the tobacco industry – to discuss how consumer marketing communications changed before and after the introduction of the new system of tobacconists’ shops. What it is like to work in a “dark market”, what can be done in a situation where the consumer is becoming more and more important for all companies, but communication with the consumer is subject to strict rules and constraints for industry players. It will also be discussed how constantly and rapidly changing circumstances can condition an organisation to be flexible and how this has turned out to be a benefit (however strange it may sound) at the outbreak of the pandemic.

Hosted by

Gabriella Karnis, head of retail relations in Southwest Hungary, Philip Morris Hungary Ltd.

 Gabi’s guests are

  • Emese Németh, “Try and Buy” manager of Philip Morris Hungary Ltd. and
  • Tamás Vizi, Country Head of External Commercial Relations, Philip Morris Hungary Ltd.



5 May 2021 (Wednesday) 17.00 PM

Participation is free, but registration is required. You can join the discussion using MS Teams, a link to which will be sent to registrants by email before the broadcast.