As soon as we decided to organise a professional day, I knew that I would enjoy every minute of it and I was very confident that others would feel the same.
Of course, at the time I had no way of knowing how many other people would be interested in the lectures, how many researchers and professionals would be attracted to the topic.
A topic that is extremely relevant and challenging from both the academic and practical sides.
The aim of the event was to raise awareness of our research results, to find researchers and research groups working in similar fields and to show the opportunities to our corporate partners.
We thought that, as well as presenting our own research results, it was important to invite presenters from abroad.
It is a great tribute that Professor Carlos Flavián, one of the most (if not the) renowned researchers in the field, accepted our invitation and contributed to its success with his presentation. We were similarly honoured that Professor Udo Wagner came to Pécs again to present the research results of his recent papers. One of the highlights of the day was the presentation by our fellow researchers of our latest research results on the profitability of omnichannel shoppers.
All of this was done while the corporate partners were also present, and I think we can say that they were inspired by what they heard. It was also an important moment during the day because in the afternoon we focused more on practical problems, following the presentations of dunnhumby and IPSOS, we presented segmentation results that can help companies to identify target groups.
Given the subject matter, the event was organised in a hybrid format, i.e. it was possible to join in person and online, obviously those sitting in the room might have found it a bit easier to participate in the discussions, but thanks to the professional organisation, those attending online could easily join in the discussions that developed.
The feedback we received showed that we had succeeded in organising a professional event that achieved its objectives and hopefully gave all 63 participants something they could use in their future work.
Thanks therefore to all the participants, the speakers, the organisers and of course our fellow researchers for a super event!
Dr. Szűcs Krisztián
Pécs, 13 May 2022.