Tourism for All: Smart, Inclusive, and Responsible Travel in the Age of Turbulence
Conference Call
Pécs, Hungary, 11th April, 2025.
Dear Colleagues!
The Institute of Marketing and Tourism, Faculty of Economics, University of Pécs is hereby launching the 2025 call for proposals for the
6th International Tourism Marketing Conference.
An important ambition of the event is to provide a space for inspiring and constructive discourse to strengthen the relationship between researchers, educators and practitioners. On 11th April 2025, we plan to organise a presentation and publication opportunity in Hungarian and English language sessions on curricular topics in the field. We hope we have aroused your interest and that you will honour the conference with your presence and your thoughts.
We are delighted that two eminent international experts have accepted our invitation to give plenary presentations at our sixth conference:
Prof. Dr. Richard W. Butler (University of Strathclyde)
Prof. Dr. Simon Darcy (University of Technology Sydney)
Best regards,
on behalf of the Organising Committee,
Prof. Dr. János Csapó,
Conference Co-organise
Co-Chair of the Scientific Committee,
University of Pécs, Faculty of Economics,
Department of Marketing and Tourism
Dr. Tibor Gonda
Conference Co-organiser
University of Pécs, Faculty of Economics,
Department of Marketing and Tourism
Prof. Dr. Mária Törőcsik,
Initiator of the Conference,
Co-Chair of the Scientific Committee,
University of Pécs, Faculty of Economics,
Department of Marketing and Tourism
Dr. Krisztián Szűcs, Associate Professor,
Institute Director,
University of Pécs,
Faculty of Economics,
Department of Marketing and Tourism
Conference venue
University of Pécs Faculty of Economics
H-7622 Pécs, Rákóczi út 80.
General Chairs of the Conference
Prof. Dr. János Csapó
Dr. Tibor Gonda
Organising Committee
- Prof. Dr. Mária Törőcsik
- Prof. Dr. János Csapó
- Dr. Tibor Gonda
- Gabriella Varga
- Dr. Zoltán Raffay
- Ágnes Boglárka Mészáros
- Réka Wilhelm
- Anett Szabó
- Tímea Baksai
- Anna Horváth
Chairs of the Scientific Committee
- Prof. Dr. János Csapó
- Prof. Dr. Mária Törőcsik
Scientific Committee
- Prof. Dr. Alina Zajadacz (Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań)
- Prof. Dr. Zoltán Bujdosó (Magyar Agrár- és Élettudományi Egyetem)
- Prof. Dr. Dejan Kojić (PIM University, Banja Luka)
- Prof. Dr. Ermina Mustafić (University of Tuzla)
- Prof. Dr. Zoltán Kaposi (Pécsi Tudományegyetem)
- Prof. Dr. Gábor Michalkó (Pannon Egyetem)
- Dr. Aşkım Nurdan Tümbek Tekeoğlu (İstanbul Ticaret University)
- Dr. Norbert Beták (Nyitrai Konstantin Filozófus Egyetem)
- Dr. Tibor Gonda (Pécsi Tudományegyetem)
- Dr. Éva Happ (Széchenyi Egyetem)
- Dr. Melinda Jászberényi (Budapesti Corvinus Egyetem)
- Dr. Josef Kunc (Masaryk University)
- Dr. Kornélia Kiss (Budapesti Gazdasági Egyetem)
- Dr. Katalin Lőrincz (Pannon Egyetem)
- Dr. Markéta Novotná (Masaryk University)
- Dr. Andrea Máté (Pécsi Tudományegyetem)
- Dr. Benedek Nagy (Sapientia Erdélyi Magyar Tudományegyetem)
- Dr. István Piskóti (Miskolci Egyetem)
- Dr. Szabolcs Prónay (Szegedi Tudományegyetem)
- Dr. Zoltán Raffay (Pécsi Tudományegyetem)
- Dr. Tamara Rátz (Kodolányi János Egyetem)
- Dr. Ferenc Szilágyi (Partiumi Keresztény Egyetem, Nagyvárad)
- Dr. Vanja Krajinović (University of Zagreb)
- Dr. Wolfgang Fischer (University of Graz)
- Ivancsóné Dr. Zsuzsanna Horváth (Széchenyi Egyetem)
Supporting professional organisations
MTA PTB Turizmusföldrajzi Munkabizottság (MTA PTB Working Committee on Tourism Geography)
Magyar Földrajzi Társaság - Dél-dunántúli Osztály (Hungarian Geographical Society - South Transdanubian Section)
MTA Gazdálkodástudományi Bizottság Marketingtudományi Albizottság (MTA Committee for Economic Sciences Marketing Subcommittee)
MTA II. és IV. Osztály Agrártörténeti és Faluszociológiai Osztályközi Állandó Bizottsága (MTA Interdepartmental Standing Committee on Agricultural History and Village Sociology, Divisions II and IV)
MTA PAB II. Osztály Gazdaság- és Társadalomtörténeti Munkabizottság (MTA PAB Division II Working Committee on Economic and Social History)
Magyar Regionális Tudományi Társaság Dél-dunántúli Tagozat (Hungarian Regional Science Association South Transdanubian Section)
OTKA: "The No. 142571 project was funded by the Ministry of Innovation and Technology with support from the National Research Development and Innovation Fund under the „OTKA” K_22 call programme."
Conference Program soon
Planned sessions
- Okos turizmus, okos desztinációk (Smart tourism, smart destinations)
- Felelős turizmus, reziliencia, a turisztikai teherbíró képesség kérdései (Responsible tourism, resilience, issues of tourism carrying capacity)
- Közösségek és hálózatok a turizmusban (Communities and networks in tourism)
- Fogyasztói magatartásváltozások – önállóság, felelősség, trendek (Changes in consumer behaviour - autonomy, responsibility, trends)
- Új célcsoportok igényeinek feltárása, a célcsoportok elérése – generációk, szcénák (Identifying the needs of new target groups, reaching target groups - generations, scenes)
- A turisztikai termékfejlesztés és innováció új aspektusai (New aspects of tourism product development and innovation)
- A turizmus történeti aspektusai, turizmusmarketing történet (Historical aspects of tourism, history of tourism marketing)
- Kelet-Közép-Európa és a Balkán turizmusa (Tourism in Central and Eastern Europe and the Balkans)
- Current issues and the situation of accessible tourism
- Key drivers of competitiveness in the tourism industry
Registration using the online form below (speaker, interested participant)
Proposed deadlines
- Application with abstract: 28th February, 2025.
- Payment deadline: 25th March, 2025.
- Submission of paper: 20th May, 2025 (paper submission is not obligatory, but the deadline will give you the opportunity to incorporate any elements of the discussion of the conference presentations that you consider valuable)
Publication opportunities
Abstracts submitted to the conference will be published in an abstract volume with ISBN number.
The papers prepared in connection with the conference will be published in the following scientific journals (The papers will be reviewed by the conference scientific committee, which may reject them if they are not of sufficient quality, and will recommend where they should be published. This does not imply automatic publication, the paper will also go through the peer review process of the journal, but the editors-in-chief of the journals will appoint members of the conference scientific committee as one of the peer reviewers):
- Marketing & Management (GMB (Doctoral Qualification Committee in Economics) category B)
- Tourism and Rural Development Studies (RTB (Committee of Regional Sciences) Category C)
- Regional and Business Studies (RTB (Committee of Regional Sciences) Category C)
Participation fee
- Registration fee for speakers and authors: 80 euros + VAT
- Lecturer and author registration fee for PhD students: 65 euros + VAT
- Visiting professionals and interested parties: 65 euros + VAT
The participation fee includes full catering services for the conference day, the conference package and, in case of a paper, the management of the proofreading process.
Payment instructions:
I. If you require a VAT invoice when paying the conference fee, please proceed as follows:
- The University of Pécs (PTE – UP) will first issue a fee request form. For this please provide the following information: BILLING NAME, BILLING ADDRESS, TAX NUMBER, PARTICIPANT NAME (Without any of these details we cannot start the process of issuing the claim.)
- Based on this information, the PTE (UP) will therefore issue a fee request form which will be mailed to the Customer.
- After receipt of the fee request, the Customer should write the following message in the transfer: PTE KTK Turizmus Konf 430043 and the serial number of the fee request.
- When the amount is received, PTE (UP) will issue a final invoice which will be sent to the Customer by post.
- The payment of the registration fee is completed.
(It is not possible to request a VAT invoice in cash on the spot!)
II. If you do not require a VAT invoice, please proceed as follows:
- In this case, the fee should be paid by bank transfer directly from the bank account of the individual to the PTE (UP) bank account, stating "PTE KTK Turizmus Konf 430043, DO NOT REQUEST AN INVOICE".
- IBAN: HU88117310012313537800000000
- In this case, the PTE (UP) Finance Department knows that no invoice is required, only an internal accounting voucher is issued, on the basis of which no invoice can be issued subsequently.
- The registration fee payment process is closed.
(Cash payment is not possible!)
Further information, contact:
Organising Committee (turizmusmarketing2025 [at] ktk.pte.hu)
Prof. Dr. János Csapó (csapo.janos [at] ktk.pte.hu)