Bernadett Riedelmayer

Bernadett Riedelmayer

Assistant Lecturer
riedelmayer.bernadett [at]
Please ask for an appointment in email
Bernadett Riedelmayer graduated from the University of Pécs Faculty of Business and Economics in 2016 with a bachelor's degree in Finance and Accounting, and in 2019 she received her Master's degree in Management and Leadership from the same university. In addition to her studies in economics, she obtained a degree in Public Administration from the Ludovika University of Public Service in 2019. She started her doctoral studies at the Doctoral School of Business Administration of the Faculty of Economics of the University of Pécs in 2019. Since 2019, her teaching portfolio has been continuously expanding, focusing mainly on human resource management.  Her main research interests are talent management and human resource management, with a special focus on the public sector. 

Riedelmayer B. (2023)
Public administration talent management in a different international context
Benke, Mariann; Schmuck, Roland; Riedelmayer, Bernadett 4th Ferenc Farkas International Scientific Conference: „Inspiring Change: Visions for the Future”: Conference Book = 4. Farkas Ferenc Nemzetközi Tudományos Konferencia: „Inspiráló változások, jövőképek” Konferenciakötet

Riedelmayer B., Ásványi Zs., Sipos N., Barakonyi E., Galambosné T. M. (2023)
COVID-19 várható hatása az ENSZ 8. Fenntartható Fejlődési Cél alakulására Magyarországon a szakszervezetek körében végzett kutatás alapján
Vezetéstudomány 54: (10) pp. 54-65. 

Riedelmayer B., Ásványi Zs., Sipos N., Barakonyi E. (2022)
Az imposztor szindróma munkaerő-piaci relevanciája
MARKETING ÉS MENEDZSMENT 56: 2 pp. 59-71., 13 p

Curriculum Vitae (206.57 KB)