Dr. Brigitta Szabó-Bálint
Dr. Brigitta Szabó-Bálint is an assistant professor at the Department of Leadership and Organizational Sciences within the Faculty of Business and Economics at the University of Pécs. She obtained her degree in 2010 in Management with a specialization in leadership consulting from the undivided program at the Faculty of Business and Economics. Between 2010 and 2014, she worked in project management and grant writing for companies specializing in grant writing and consulting. Since 2011, she has been a full-time PhD student at the Doctoral School of Business Administration. She earned her doctorate in 2021, with her dissertation titled "Organizational Career Development and Its Tools in the 21st Century." Her teaching and research areas focus on human resource management, particularly on career development. Additionally, she is interested in employer branding and innovative recruitment methods in her research. The subjects she teaches also include knowledge management, communication, and talent management.
She has supervised numerous thesis students and several students participating in the National Scientific Students' Associations Conference (OTDK) and is happy to involve them in research projects as well. It is important to her to connect science and education with practical life, and to this end, she has organized several workshops bringing together representatives from both the employer and student sides. She has also conducted research projects whose results have been utilized in organizational practice.
Since 2015, she has been involved in the work of the Pécsiközgáz Career Point as a mentor, and since 2021, as a coach.
Balogh, Gábor; Szabó-Bálint, Brigitta; Uhrin, Anett
A közgazdászhallgatók reális vagy irreális bérvárakozásait befolyásoló tényezők és a munkatapasztalat összefüggései
KÖZGAZDASÁGI SZEMLE 70: 11 pp. 1261-1287. , 27 p. (2023)
Kuráth, Gabriella; Szabó-Bálint, Brigitta; Jarjabka, Ákos
Can a university’s anniversary be used to strengthen employee engagement and improve the employer brand?
Perspectives: Policy and Practice in Higher Education 26: 1 pp. 11-18. , 8 p. (2022)
Szabó-Bálint, Brigitta; Sipos, Norbert
A karriersikeresség vizsgálata a gazdálkodási területen frissen végzettek körében
KÖZGAZDASÁGI SZEMLE 68: 5 pp. 515-539. , 25 p. (2021)