Research ProjectsDoctoral programmes
- Innovation
Mariann Benke has been a teaching assistant since September 2014, and an assistant professor since 2020 at the Department of Leadership and Organizational Sciences of PTE-KTK. She obtained his diploma in management and organization in 2011.
Previous working experiences: OTP Bank Nyrt. 2009, 2010 (trainee); Praktika Kft. 2012 (trainee); OTKA project 2013-2014 (research assistant).
Since 2018, she has been a member of the Eastern Academy of Management International. In 2022, she will receive the Visiting Scholar Program, which she spends at the University of North Florida doing research and teaching duties.
She teaches change management, leadership theories, organizational behavior, organizational development, and organizational management. Her fields of research include motivation and learning theories, and change management.
Her recent research topics include conflict management and animal-assisted leadership development solutions in higher education. She is an active member of the OTK, TKOK, and MKSZ kennel clubs.
Benke, Mariann
Motivációs elméletek vizsgálata, fókuszban az önmeghatározás elmélet pp. 20-30. , 11 p.
In: Tibold, Antal (szerk.) Munka és egészség : Tanulmányok a munkatudományok és a foglalkozásegészségügy határterületeiről
Budapest, Magyarország : Edge 2000 Kiadó, (2018) 226 p.
Benke, Mariann
Compare motivation theories and testing self-determination theory
In: Dobrai, Katalin; László, Gyula; Sipos, Norbert (szerk.) Ferenc Farkas International Scientific Conference = Farkas Ferenc Nemzetközi Tudományos Konferencia 2018
Pécs, Magyarország : Pécsi Tudományegyetem Közgazdaságtudományi Kar Vezetés- és Szervezéstudományi Intézet, (2018) pp. 662-682. , 21 p.
Benke, Mariann
Bábosik Mária (Szerk.): Vezetés a közjó szolgálatában: Közpénzügyi gazdálkodás és menedzsment. 2017. Typotex Kiadó, Budapest
MARKETING ÉS MENEDZSMENT 51 : 3 pp. 62-64. , 2 p. (2017)