Dr. Brigitta Szabó-Bálint

Dr. Brigitta Szabó-Bálint

Assistant Professor
balintb [at] ktk.pte.hu
Please ask for an appointment in email.

Brigitta Szabó-Bálint is an assistant professor at the Department of Leadership and Organizational Sciences at the University of Pécs Faculty of Business and Economics.
She graduated in 2010 with a degree in Management - Management Consulting from PTE-KTK. During her university studies, she gained practice in the field of HR at AIESEC and a recruitment and hiring company. From 2010 to 2014, she worked in project management and application writing for consulting companies in Pécs. Since 2018 she has been a doctoral candidate in the Doctoral School for Business Administration. She received her PhD degree in 2021, the topic of the dissertation was organizational career development practice and its tools. Her supervisors were Mártonné Karoliny, dr. and Ákos Jarjabka, habilitated associate professors. In addition to her teaching work, she is currently taking an active mentoring and coaching role at the Talent Point.
Her research area is human resource management, with a focus on career development. Besides, she is dealing with employer branding and innovative recruitment methods. The subjects she teaches can also be classified mainly in the field of HR (mainly career, culture and knowledge management, as well as talent management).
In 2018, she was awarded the New National Excellence Program, and in 2020, the Nation’s Young Talent Scholarship in recognition of and support for her research work.
She is happy to work with students, has been a supervisor for many dissertation writers. She involves them in research projects with pleasure. It is important for her to connect science and education with practical life, for this purpose she organized several workshops, in which she brought together the representatives of the employers 'and students' sides.


Szabó-Bálint, Brigitta ; Venczel-Szakó, Tímea ; Pótó, Judit ; Sipos, Norbert 
Mennyire vonzó munkahely a nonprofit szektor a fiatalok számára?
CIVIL SZEMLE , 22 p. (2023)

Bányai, Edit ; Venczel-Szakó, Tímea ; Szabó-Bálint, Brigitta; Jarjabka, Ákos 
A coaching eredményességének mérési lehetőségei
MAGYAR TUDOMÁNY 183 : 4 pp. 464-475. , 12 p. (2022)

Kuráth, Gabriella ; Szabó-Bálint, Brigitta; Jarjabka, Ákos
Can a university’s anniversary be used to strengthen employee engagement and improve the employer brand?
Perspectives: Policy and Practice in Higher Education 26 : 1 pp. 11-18. , 8 p. (2022)

Szabó-Bálint, Brigitta ; Sipos, Norbert 
A karriersikeresség vizsgálata a gazdálkodási területen frissen végzettek körében
KÖZGAZDASÁGI SZEMLE 68 : 5 pp. 515-539. , 25 p. (2021)

List of publications