Information about state of emergency due to coronavirus

2020. March 11. 16:26

We are constantly updating the news. 


08 May 2020

Rules for final examinations in Spring semester 2019/2020


06 April 2020

Information about the submission of thesis/dissetation in 2019/20 spring semester

Dear Student,

In case you wish to submit your thesis/dissertation in the second semester of the 2019/20 academic year, please check whether you have „under consulatation” status in the following menu point in Neptun: Studies/Degree thesis/Thesis Application.

In case you cannot see your topic in the above mentioned status please inform the Study Department which will advise you.

Method of uploading your thesis/dissertation:

Period: 20th April – 27th April 2020 (3rd May with request/permission and extra fee)

I call your attention to the fact that delayed submission is only possible if you request it from your supervisor and they give their permission by informing the Study Deparment via email. Deadline of such action is 20th April 2020.

Having the current circumstances theses/dissertations should be submitted only in electronic format by uploading it to Neptun. Printed format is not neccesary and will not be handled in this semester.

Please note that an additional declaration of originality has to be sent to the Study Department (to [at] (to[at]ktkpte[dot]hu)) when uploading your thesis/dissertation (either scanned or photo version). The docment should be named NEPTUNCODE_DO.PDF.

Your Supervisor Contact Form should be handled by your supervisor. Please send one with your name and other personal data to them who will fill it and forward it to prof. Kármen Kovács. Please remember that you are responsible for taking care about this action.

If your thesis/dissertation is confidental do not forget to declare it when uploading it to Neptun by adding a tick in the appropriate box.

Useful link about format and referencing:

Good luck with your work!

Best wishes,

Péter Norbert Nagy

Head of Study Department


01 April 2020

Dear Students!

The Operative Crew of the University of Pécs has made important decisions about the temporary order of operations concerning the university dormitories, of which we provide useful information below:

Decision about the dormitory fee of March

  • Students having to leave their dormitory accommodation between the 15th of March and the 31st of March due to the emergency are entitled to a 50% fee reduction for the month. The dormitory fee reduction will be compensated in the following unpaid dormitory fee. In case of passivation of the student status, termination of the student’s dormitory contract, or if the student does not have unpaid dormitory fees, the reduction cannot be compensated through the following dormitory fee. In these cases the student should issue a demand for repayment via the Neptun Unified Education System.

Aforementioned the March fee reduction is going to be compensated through the first fee after moving back to the dormitory. If for any reason it is not possible, students should demand the overpayment via Neptun Unified Education System at the end of the semester.

Decision about the dormitory fees from April

  • The Student Council of the University of Pécs may set payment deadlines different from the general procedure (G.P.: the last day of the preceding month) concerning dormitory payments in the II. semester of the academic year 2019/2020. The latest payment deadline is the 31th of August. Please note that in the II. semester of the academic year 2019/2020 monthly fees may be divisible as well.

According to Article 52 paragraph 3 of the Code of Charges and Benefits, dormitory fees are paid in advance, thus the dormitory fee concerning April was due until the 31th of March. The Operative Crew – until Senate approval – authorized the Student Council to postpone the payment deadline concerning the due April dormitory fees.

Naturally, dormitory fees for April and the following months will be due after the date of moving back to the dormitories is known. If you have paid these months in advance, the settlement will be organized similar to the repayment and overpayment procedures above.

Situation of students in temporary accommodation

  • According to Rector’s Order No. 3/2020. the monthly dormitory fee of the students in temporary accommodations is equivalent to the price of the occupied dormitory, unless their monthly fee is lower in their dormitory contract respectively.

According to the Rector’s Order related to the temporary order of operations concerning the dormitories of the University of Pécs, foreign students and students with Rector’s permission has been accommodated in different dormitory quality categories compared to their original rooms.

Based on Rector’s Order No. 3/2020., throughout the temporary period students are obliged to pay the lower fee of the original and the emergency accommodation options. Hence those who are accommodated in Laterum Dormitory should pay Laterum Dormitory fees, while those who are accommodated in Szántó Dormitory should pay their original dormitory contract fees.


If you have any question concerning dormitory issues, feel free to contact us on kollegiumok.ehok [at] (kollegiumok[dot]ehok[at]pte[dot]hu)!


Kind regards,

The Student Council of the University of Pécs



20 March 2020


The deadline for choosing the thesis topic changed to 30.03.2014


Information concerning digital administration

  1. FBE, University of Pécs will manage its teaching and administrative processes in the form of digital teaching, examinations and administration as of 23 March 2020, until the elimination of the regulations in effect.
  2. Digital teaching and examinations are regulated by the Dean’s Instruction No. 2/2020.
  3. For digital administration, the platform primarily recommended for students is the e-mail address to [at] (to[at]ktk[dot]pte[dot]hu), but questions addressed directly to the administrative staff will also processed the same way.
  4. During the time of the effect of the emergency regulations, requests submitted by the students will still be managed in line with the Academic and Examination Regulations, Regulations on Student Fees and Benefits of the University of Pécs, and the relevant regulations of the Faculty of Business and Economics, with the condition that in cases where paper-based administration is required by the regulations, we also accept Word format versions scanned, photographed, and sent from the electronic mailing address of the students registered in the Neptun Study system.
  5. In addition to all of these, students must make a declaration, under penalty of perjury, that the document(s) submitted by them contain accurate information. Please, insert it into the text of the electronic letter. Its form is as follows: “I, undersigned, Name (Neptun code), declare under penalty of perjury that the data in the request annexed are true and correct.”.
  6. If students require, they will be sent the scanned versions of decisions, or (in duly justified cases) if required by official or other administration, the Study Department will also send the certificate made out on request of the student by postal mail.
  7. The Study Department will file and manage the request of the students in line with its appropriate procedures.
  8. If a decision is made concerning the request submitted, the Study Department will register the resolution in the Neptun Study system.
  9. If any amendment concerning the schedule of the second semester of the school year 2019/2020 is made, the Study Department will immediately communicate them to students.

Thanking for your understanding cooperation,

Best regards,

Norbert Péter Nagy

Head of the Study Department


19 March 2020

Procedure of teaching and reviews/examinations as of 23 March 2020


Dear Students,


there are two major changes in the preliminarily announced scheduling of the semester so far, both of them as a result of decisions made at higher levels than the Faculty:

  • on 12-14 March (Thursday to Saturday) we had an extraordinary break ordered by the Rector, accordingly full-time course classes were not held on 12 March, Thursday and 13 March, Friday;
  • the Rector also ordered to bring the spring break originally scheduled for the week 14-17 April 2020 forward to the week 16-20 March 20, accordingly no classes are held this week.


The related procedure is as follows:

  1. Teaching is restarted at all programmes on 23 March, now in digital form. Lectures are free to choose the solutions best matching their subjects from the following online tools defined by the management of the Faculty: Neptun/MeetStreet, Office 365 Teams, Unipoll and other tools with similar functions.
  2. Classes cancelled on 12-13 March are NOT HELD AT ANY LATER DATE, as they were deleted by the Rector’s instruction ordering the extraordinary teaching break.
  3. In accordance with the schedule announced at the beginning of the semester, classes scheduled for the week 16-20 March (Monday to Friday) WILL BE HELD in the week of the originally planned spring break (14-17 April). Exception from this are classes on Monday, they cannot be made up on Easter Monday, in the cases of such courses one occasion less must be calculated with. This means that classes not held on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday  and Friday this week due to the earlier spring break are moved to the dates 14, 15, 16 and 17 April. In all other aspects the schedule announced at the beginning of this semester is to be applied for teaching.
  4. In-class tests and exams will also be made on the originally set dates, except for the amendments made necessary by the spring break brought forward.
  5. Each lecturer is obliged to provide their students with detailed information concerning all of his/her subjects by 24:00 P.M. this Friday (20 March) the latest. Should you not receive such information until the deadline given, please, do not hesitate to inform your lecturers or the Study Department about it.


Thank for your cooperation,

Yours sincerely

Management of the Faculty


An introductory guide about MS Teams can be accessed here:


18 of March 2020

EHÖK has summarized for our students useful tips, advice and important information on the coronavirus. Please read it and act accordingly!


17 of March 2020 11:39


Dear Students,


as you must have already been informed, the emerging global crisis situation made the Government of Hungary announce a prohibition of visiting the institutions of higher education for all students, as a consequence of which working from home (home office) was ordered for the majority of colleagues (teachers and administrative staff) of our Institution.

Nevertheless we are going to continue our basic task, teaching, in the form of so-called digital education and examination. You have already been given a lot of information about this through the Neptun study system, by the Rector’s Office and other units. Complementing these, I summarise below the most important information (regarding education and examinations) that concern you in connection with the programmes running at the Faculty of Business and Economics:


1. The Faculty guarantees the acquisition of the credits of subjects registered at this semester through digital education and examinations, for all students, irrespective of the type of the subject (theory or practice).


2. Teachers of the Faculty were given detailed instructions concerning digital education and examinations by the Management of the Faculty. In the light of this, the following instruments were introduced for keeping a continuous touch with the students, for consultations, thesis and other advising: Neptun/MeetStreet, e-mail, telephone, Office 365 Teams application or other text-, image- or video-based applications. Reviews and examinations will take place in the form of essays to be uploaded to the Neptun system or to be sent by e-mail, or by the use of Unipoll or other systems with similar functions (e.g. Moodle). The applicable range of tools has been defined for the lecturers by the Faculty Management, within which the lecturers are entitled to choose the form most appropriate for the respective subject.


3. Syllabuses are still valid (the only exceptions from these are the inevitable amendments coming from the extraordinary teaching vacation and the early spring break defined by the Rector’s instructions), the study materials and criteria are unchanged, it is only the form of tutoring and exanimations that is changed, from personal to digital based.


4. The originally defined conditions for the completion of the respective courses, their dates and deadlines are not changed (except of the inevitable amendments mentioned above).


5. Lecturers are obliged to inform students no later than 24:00 P.M. Friday, 20 March 2020, about the digital teaching and examination methods applied after 23 March, concerning all their subjects taught in this semester, in the form of Neptun message or e-mail.


6. In each case that requires discretion, the Faculty will practise the largest possible flexibility and decisions most favourable for the students will be made within the frameworks allowed by law.


7. Study and other administration will fully take place in digital form; detailed information concerning this can be required from the Study Department.


Dear Students, we hope that you will be our partners in finding the effective and working solutions in this new and unknown world, so that your studies can progress by the original schedule during the semester.


Thanking for your supportive attitude and efforts in advance,


Yours sincerely


Management of the Faculty


More information:


12 of March 2020 14:50

We are forwarding you the message of our Rector:

Rector’s Order no. 2/2020 on rescheduling the spring semester of the academic year 2019/2020

Article 1.: In view of the state of emergency declared by Government Decree 40/2020 (III.11.) and pursuant to Article 4. b) of the Government Decree 41/2020 (III.11.) prohibiting students from entering the premises of higher education institutions, and adhering to the order issued by the State Secretary for Higher Education, I hereby reschedule the spring semester of the academic year 2019/2020 at every Faculty of the University of Pécs and order spring break from 16 March 2020 to 22 March 2020.

Article 2.: The order shall cover all higher education training programmes at the University of Pécs.

Article 3.: The order shall enter into force on 12 March 2020.

Dr. Attila Miseta, Rector

Knowledge Centre is closed

Please note that University of Pécs has decided - due to the epidemiological situation - that the entire University of Pécs Library and Knowledge Centre (Knowledge Centre, with all Faculty and Branch Libraries) won’t be accepting visitors for an indefinite period starting tomorrow (March 12). Rental, and use on site will be suspended.

The online services will be continuously available, and you will not have to worry about late fees during the closing period.

Further information:


12 of March 2020 08:30

A few minutes before midnight on Wednesday, the Government Decree appeared, and it is important to highlight:

Article 4 (b): "Visits to higher education institutions by students is prohibited"

Please observe this law!


11 of March 2020 18:30

We are forwarding you the message of our Rector:

Dear Student,

you have probably been informed that the Government of Hungary announced emergency for the whole country due to the coronavirus outbreak. In accordance with this, measures regarding higher educational institutions were also introduced.

I order full educational break in the current situation for March 12, March 13 and March 14, 2020 (Rector's Order No. 1/2020).

Please do not attend the University's facilities and premises until further provisions.

Further information will be issued tomorrow.

Dr. Attila Miseta, Rector