Conferences in 2018
ICUBERD 2018: Innovation, Entrepreneurship, Regional Development and EU Smart Specialization Policy
International workshop hosted by the Simonyi Business and Economic Development Center (BEDC) and the Regional Innovation and Entrepreneurship Research Center (RIERC) at the Faculty of Business and Economics, University of Pécs
November 29, 2018
9:00-9:20 Welcome words
Zoltán Schepp, Dean of the Faculty of Business and Economics, University of Pécs
Zsolt Bedő, Director of the Simonyi Business and Economic Development Center (BEDC)
Attila Varga, Director of the Regional Innovation and Entrepreneurship Research Center (RIERC)
9:20-11:30 Knowledge networks, productivity and innovation (Chair: Tamás Sebestyén)
Scherngell Thomas (Austrian Institute of Technology): Impacts of EU funded R&D networks on the generation of Key Enabling Technologies: Empirical evidence from a regional perspective
Gergő Tóth (Hungarian Academy of Sciences): Inventor collaboration and its persistence across European regions
Andreas Diemer (London School of Economics): Knowledge Flows and the Geography of Social Connectedness in the United States
Manfred Paier (Austrian Institute of Technology): Knowledge creation and R&D collaboration in a multi-regional setting: An empirical agent-based model
Esteban Lafuente (UPC Barcelona Tech):The global technology frontier: productivity growth and the relevance of Kirznerian and Schumpeterian entrepreneurship
11:30-11:50 Coffee break
11:50-13:30 Regional development and EU Cohesion Policy (Chair: Katalin Erdős)
Ugo Fratesi (Politecnico di Milano): One policy, different effects: estimating the region-specific effects of EU cohesion policy funds
Joan Crespo (University of Toulouse): Actors of change for regional renewal: Roles and Characteristics. The case of IoT in Toulouse
Adam Whittle (University College Dublin): Unpacking Regional Resilience: The Role of Global Pipelines and Technological Flexibility
Tamás Sebestyén (University of Pécs): Estimating the economic impacts of knowledge network and entrepreneurship development in smart specialisation policy
13:30-14:30 Lunch
14:30-16:40 Entrepreneurship, universities and Smart Specialisation Policy (Chair: László Szerb)
László Szerb (University of Pécs): The relevance of quantity and quality entrepreneurship for regional performance
Marcus Dejardin (University of Namur and Université catholique de Louvain): Entrepreneurship and Regional Economic Resilience
Luke Pittaway (Ohio University) - Zsolt Bedő (University of Pécs): University-Centered Entrepreneurship Ecosystems: A Conceptual Framework
Elisabetta Marinelli (Joint Research Center, European Commission): Higher Education and Smart Specialisation: Evidence from action research in EU regions
Attila Varga (University of Pécs) - Katalin Erdős (University of Pécs): Economic impact modeling in the prioritization process of smart specialization
16:40 Closing of the workshop


Coffee breaks

Conferences in 2017
Date: November 30- December 1, 2017
Venue: Faculty of Business and Economics, University of Pécs
Mission: Entrepreneurial activities either commercial or non-commercial ones are crucial drivers of both the economic and the social development of a region. Universities, as the sources of innovative ideas and new discoveries should take a leading role in initializing, catalysing, and coordinating such activities to strengthen the regional innovation system and to integrate the stakeholders of the region into a wider international innovation system. By taking the lead in this process universities should solve socioeconomic problems that have the potential of helping communities in the region and also around the world. Those institutions that choose to be initiators, catalysts and coordinators of their regional innovation system should make changes on multiple domains, most importantly in the mindset of the stakeholders of the innovation system. How it can be pursued and what are the pitfalls of such a process is still to be discovered, debated and resolved. The conference aims to address two important domains: how to drive and manage a process of institutional transformation towards a more entrepreneurial model, and how university-based ecosystems can be nurtured in cultural, economic and socio-political environments that may not be naturally conducive to entrepreneurship and innovation.
- Simonyi Business and Economic Development Center (BEDC)
- Regional Innovation and Entrepreneurship Research Center (RIERC)
- MTA-PTE Innovation and Economic Growth Research Group
- Financial and Institutional Reforms to build an Entrepreneurial Society (FIRES)
- University of Pécs Faculty of Business and Economics
Speakers: Mark Sanders (Utrecht University School of Economics, Netherlands); Zsolt Bedő (Simonyi Business and Economic Development Center, Faculty of Business and Economics, University of Pécs, Hungary); Paul Benneworth (University of Twente, Netherlads); Einar Rasmussen (Nord University, Norway); Jacek Klich (Cracow University, Poland);
International workshop hosted by the Regional Innovation and Entrepreneurship Research Center (RIERC)
Faculty of Business and Economics, University of Pécs
September 4, 2017
9:45 – 10:00 Registration
10:00 Welcome address: Dr. Varga, Attila (Director, RIERC)
10:05 Workshop opening: Dr. Schepp, Zoltán (Dean, Faculty of Business and Economics, University of Pécs)
10:15 – 11:45 Productivity, innovation and economic development (Chairs: Dr. Hayashi, Takabumi and Dr. Inzelt, Annamária)
Dr. Szerb, László (Professor, University of Pécs): Fostering innovation within the context of a system of entrepreneurship in European Union regions
Dr. Seki, Tomokazu (Associate Professor, Rikkyo University): Declining source of Multifactor Productivity and business behavior in Japan
Dr. Hayashi, Takabumi (Professor, Kokushikan University): New development strategies from emerging countries in Asia
11:45 – 12:00 Coffee
12:00 – 13:30 Research and development: A perspective of firms and universities (Chairs: Dr. Iguchi, Chie and Dr. Szerb, László)
Dr. Inzelt, Annamária (Founding director and honorable professor, IKU) and Dr. Csonka, László (Director, IKU): The varied impacts of Doctoral Degrees in the Social Sciences and Humanities, The case of Hungary;
Dr. Erdős, Katalin (Assistant Professor, University of Pécs): University technology transfer in Hungary: The case of spin-offs
Dr. Iguchi, Chie (Associate Professor, Keio University): Relocation of R&D by MNEs within ASEAN countries
13:30 – 14:30 Lunch
14:30 – 16:30 Innovation in a global-local environment (Chairs: Dr. Arai, Masashi and Dr. Csonka, László)
Dr. Csonka, László (Director, IKU) Dr. Inzelt, Annamária (Founding director and honorable professor, IKU), Schoen, Antoine (IFRIS) and Dr. Laurens, Patricia (IFRIS): Employment of the Hungarian knowledge base by MNCs (patent data analysis)
Dr. Varga, Attila (Professor, University of Pécs): Innovation in Central and Eastern European Regions: Does EU Framework Program participation lead to better innovative performance?
Dr. Kasahara, Tamiko (Lecturer, University of Shizuoka): Global talent management in Japanese MNCs
Dr. Arai, Masashi (Lecturer, Asia University): MNEs' GVC and innovation strategies in Asia
16:30 – 16:45 Coffee
16:45 – 18:15 Cooperation in the worlds of business and science (Chairs: Dr. Horiguchi, Tomoaki and Dr. Varga Attila)
Dr. Sebestyén, Tamás (Assistant Professor, University of Pécs): Knowledge network dynamics: An Agent-Based perspective
Negishi, Kanako (Lecturer, National Institute of Technology): The comparative study on the relationship between firms and UN Global Compact as the cooperation platform
Dr. Horiguchi, Tomoaki (Associate Professor, Kyoto University of Foreign Studies): Research on the structure of BoP business focusing on collaboration with NPOs / NGOs.
Conferences in 2016
International Conference on University-Based Entrepreneurship and Regional Development: Theory, Empirics and Practical Implementation (ICUBERD)
Date: December 1-2, 2016
Venue: Faculty of Business and Economics, University of Pécs
Mission: Entrepreneurial activities either commercial or non-commercial ones are crucial drivers of both the economic and the social development of a region. Universities, as the sources of innovative ideas and new discoveries should take a leading role in initializing, catalysing, and coordinating such activities to strengthen the regional innovation system and to integrate the stakeholders of the region into a wider international innovation system. By taking the lead in this process universities should solve socioeconomic problems that have the potential of helping communities in the region and also around the world. Those institutions that choose to be initiators, catalysts and coordinators of their regional innovation system should make changes on multiple domains, most importantly in the mindset of the stakeholders of the innovation system. How it can be pursued and what are the pitfalls of such a process is still to be discovered, debated and resolved. The conference aims to address two important domains: how to drive and manage a process of institutional transformation towards a more entrepreneurial model, and how university-based ecosystems can be nurtured in cultural, economic and socio-political environments that may not be naturally conducive to entrepreneurship and innovation.
Programme: Download PDF
- Simonyi Business and Economic Development Center (BEDC)
- Regional Innovation and Entrepreneurship Research Center (RIERC)
- MTA-PTE Innovation and Economic Growth Research Group
- Financial and Institutional Reforms to build an Entrepreneurial Society (FIRES)
- University of Pécs Faculty of Business and Economics
Speakers: Zoltán J. Acs (George Mason University, USA); Zsolt Bedő (Simonyi Business and Economic Development Center, Faculty of Business and Economics, University of Pécs, Hungary); Aldo Geuna (University of Torino, Italy); Paul D. Hannon (Institute for Entrepreneurial Leadership, Swansea University, UK); Robert Huggins (Cardiff University, UK); Annamária Inzelt (IKU Innovation Research Centre, Hungary); Helen Lawton Smith (Birkbeck, University of London and University of Oxford, UK); Harry Matlay (Editor of Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development); Anthony Mendes (Regnier Institute for Entrepreneurship and Innovation, Henry W. Bloch School of Management, University of Missouri-Kansas City, USA); Luke Pittaway (Center for Entrepreneurship, Ohio University, USA); Erik Stam (Utrecht University, The Netherlands).
In total 57 presenters from 9 countries participated at the conference.
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Conferences in 2015
NetWorkShop – New developments in the research on spatial (local and interregional) knowledge networks
Date: June 25-26, 2015
Venue: Faculty of Business and Economics, University of Pécs
Mission: The MTA-PTE Innovation and Economic Growth Research Group (funded by the Hungarian Academy of Sciences) is happy to announce the first NetWorkShop, organized around the topic of spatial knowledge networks. The event is going to take place on 25th and 26th of June, in Pécs, at the Faculty of Business and Economics of the University of Pécs. The main aim of the event is to bring together leading researchers in the field of local and interregional knowledge networks and draw a map of European research in this field.
Sponsors: MTA-PTE Innovation and Economic Growth Research Group and SROP 4.2.2.B15/KONV 2015-0011 Supporting Scientific Training of Talented Youth at the University of Pécs
Speakers: Laurent Bergé (GERThA, University of Bordeaux, France); Ron Boschma (Utrecht University, the Netherlands); Joan Crespo (Utrecht University, the Netherlands); Orsolya Hau-Horváth (University of Pécs, Hungary); Cilem Selin (University of Saint Etienne, France); Dieter Kogler (University of Dublin); Balázs Lengyel (KRTK-MTA, Hungary); Mario Maggioni (Universita Catholica di Milano, Italy); Agnieszka Olechnicka (EUROREG, University of Warsaw, Poland); Slavomir Ondos (University of Bratislava, Slovak Republic); Tamás Sebestyén (University of Pécs, Hungary); Tanja Sinozic (Vienna University of Economics, Austria); Attila Varga (University of Pécs, Hungary); Iris Wanzenböck (Austrian Institute of Technology, Austria)
Programme: Download PDF
Conferences in 2014
Via Futuri 2014 International Conference: Sustainability – Competitiveness – Regional development. Theoretical research and empirical applications at the University of Pécs
Date: November 27-28, 2014
Venue: Faculty of Business and Economics, University of Pécs
Mission: This closing conference is the final event of a European Union supported SROP research, named as “Modeling the effects of the energy-production, utilization and waste management technologies to the competitiveness of the cities and regions” This SROP- 4.2.2 A – 11/1/KONV-2012-0058 project aimed to initiate a fundamental research to analyze and model in a complex way the effects that different energy production, consumption and waste-managing technologies have on corporate competitiveness, urban and regional governance. The research was carried out in five working groups. One of the major objectives of the conference is to present the most important results of these five working groups. Moreover, the conference is intent to bring together interested scholars, researchers, experts, and policy makers from the fields of environmental studies, competitiveness, regional and urban development. The following sessions were organized directly or by invited researchers of the RIERC faculty: Competitiveness 1-4. chaired by László Szerb, Environmental CGE modeling chaired by Hannu Törma, and Technical developments in GMR.E-HU chaired by Tamás Sebestyén. Professor László Szerb also held a plenary lecture under title How competitive are the Hungarian enterprises?
Sponsors: SROP-4.2.2.A-11/1/KONV-2012-0058, Modeling the effects of the energy- production, utilization and waste management technologies to the competitiveness of the cities and regions
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Conferences in 2011
Regional innovation and growth: Theory, empirics and policy analysis
Date: March 31 – April 1, 2011
Venue: Faculty of Business and Economics, University of Pécs
Mission: Scientific and policy attention towards the regional dimension of technical change and ultimately economic growth has been growing substantially in the last decades. The theoretical integration of the new economic geography with the endogenous growth theory opened the way to look at the complex relationships between agglomeration dynamism and macroeconomic growth in a more structured way. At the same time, evolutionary views of technological change have contributed to develop theoretical and empirical approaches to structural and institutional transformations of regional economic systems. A burgeoning empirical literature has investigated a wide range of related topics such as the role of regional actors in innovation with a special interest in the academic sector and entrepreneurial firms, the spatial nature of knowledge transfers with increasing recent interest in the mechanism of interregional knowledge linkages, the nature of cumulative agglomeration externalities, and the integration of dynamic spatial structure into macroeconomic investigations. Various methods of research are applied in empirical and policy impact studies, ranging from survey techniques, spatial econometrics, network analysis, and numerical simulations to spatial CGE modeling and micro-to-macro economic approaches. The recent emergence of the concept of place-based economic development policy indicates the relevance of this field of research for policy making.
Sponsors: DIME Network of Excellence, University of Pécs, and the Hungarian Regional Science Association
Speakers: Maria Abreu (University of Groningen, The Netherlands); Pierre-Alexander Balland (University of Utrecht, The Netherlands); Martin Anderson (Jönköping Business School and Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden); Erkko Autio (Imperial College Business School, London, UK); Gábor Békés (Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest, Hungary); Ed Bergman (Vienna University of Economics and Business, Austria); Corinne Autant-Bernard (University of Saint Etienne, France); Heiko Bergman (University of St. Gallen, Switzerland); Andrea Bonaccorsi (University of Pisa, Italy); Ron Boschma (University of Utrecht, The Netherlands); Niels Bosma (University of Utrecht, The Netherlands); Andries Brandsma (European Commission JRC-IPTS, Seville, Spain); Thomas Brenner (University of Marburg, Germany); Roberta Capello (Politecnico di Milano, Italy); Nicolas Carayol (University of Bordeaux, France); Vincent Dautel (CEPS/INSTEAD, Luxemburg); Henri de Groot (Free University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands); Katalin Erdős (University of Pécs, Hungary); Saul Estrin (London School of Economics, UK); Bruno Fischer (Universidad Complutense de Madrid); Ugo Fratesi (Politecnico di Milano, Italy); Michael Fritsch (University of Jena, Germany); Zoltán Gál (Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Pécs, Hungary); Péter Harasztosi (Central European University, Hungary); Harvey Goldstein (Modul University, Vienna, Austria); Christophe Heyndrickx (TM Leuven, Belgium); Simona Iammarino (London School of Economics, UK); Imre Lengyel (University of Szeged, Hungary); Mario Maggioni (Catholic University, Milan, Italy); Joaquim Oliveira Martins (OECD, Paris); Raquel Ortega-Argilés (Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisbon, Portugal); Philip McCann (University of Groningen, The Netherlands); Raffaele Paci (University of Cagliary, Italy); Freddy Pachys (University of Pécs and Amit Technology LTD, Israel); Dimitrios Pontikakis Northumbria University,UK); Annalisa Primi (OECD, Paris); Javier Revilla Diez (University of Hannover, Germany); Andrés Rodriguez Pose (London School of Economics, UK); Tamás Sebestyén (University of Pécs, Hungary);Kim Swales (University of Strathclyde, UK); László Szerb (University of Pécs); Mark Thissen (PBL, The Netherlands); Stefano Usai (University of Cagliary, Italy); Attila Varga (University of Pécs, Hungary); Chyi, Yih-Luan (National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan); Esin Yoruk (University College London, UK)
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Conferences in 2010
Economic Modeling to Support Developmental Policy (Gazdaságmodellezés a fejlesztéspolitika szolgálatában)
Date: July 3-4, 2010
Venue: Faculty of Business and Economics, University of Pécs
Mission: The workshop is related to the IAREG project funded by the 7th Framework Programme of the European Union. In frame of the project the economic modelling group of the PTE KTK developed a complex macro- and regional level model system that aims the ex-ante and ex-post impact assessment of knowledge based regional development (tools: support of human capital, research and development, social capital). The model was applied to 144 regions of the EU. The workshop has twofold objectives. On the one hand, it introduces the model system to the experts of organisations involved in regional- and macro level developmental policy. On the other hand, it aims to provide an outlook to the expert participants by introducing further European and national modelling initiatives related to the model developed by the PTE KTK. The invited presenters rather put an emphasis on the models instead of focusing on technical details.
Speakers: Zoltán Jakab (Magyar Költségvetési Tanács, Budapest); Péter Járosi (Pécsi Tudományegyetem, Közgazdaságtudományi Kar, Pécs); Tamás Mellár (Pécsi Tudományegyetem Közgazdaságtudományi Kar, Pécs); Tamás Révész (Budapesti Corvinus Egyetem, Budapest); Attila Varga (Pécsi Tudományegyetem Közgazdaságtudományi Kar, Pécs); János Varga (Az Európai Bizottság Gazdasági és Pénzügyi Főbiztossága, Brüsszel); Ernő Zalai (Budapesti Corvinus Egyetem, Budapest)
Programme: Download PDF
Kis- és középvállalkozások válaszúton: versenyképesség, innováció, nemzetköziesedés
Date: January 28, 2010
Venue: Hall of the Pécs Academic Committee of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences
Sponsors: IKU Innovation Research Centre, Financial Research Foundation, Faculty of Business and Economics of the University of Pécs, Business Economics Committee of the Pécs Academic Committee of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences; NKTH Innotárs programme „Chances of Hungarian SMEs in the globalizing knowledge economy” (KKVENT_8) project, OTKA „Analysis of factors influencing the establishment and growth of domestic enterprises” (Topic number: NK 69283)
Speakers: László Csonka, IKU Innovation Research Centre; Annamária Inzelt, IKU Innovation Research Centre; Gábor Márkus, University of Pécs; Magdolna Sass, Hungarian Academy of Sciences; László Szerb, University of Pécs;
Programme: Download PDF
Conferences in 2005
Universities and regional development: Success factors and potential dangers of failure
Date: October 21-22, 2005
Venue: Faculty of Business and Economics, University of Pécs
Mission: The Center for Research in Economic Policy at the Faculty of Business and Economics, University of Pécs (a DIME Center of Excellence) organizes an international workshop „Universities and regional development: Success factors and potential dangers of failure". Anecdotal evidence suggests that under certain conditions a research university can play a central role in generating economic growth for the region where the university resides. Unlike Silicon Valley, Route 128 or the Cambridge Phenomenon recently emerging high technology centers in the US, Europe and Asia are strongly supported by regional economic development policies. Despite high expectations regarding positive regional economic effects of knowledge transfers from academia, systematic evaluations of different knowledge-based regional economic development programs are still rare in the literature. It is still a major question whether university-generated local economic growth observed for the most successful technology regions can also be achieved by other areas. In other words, is local economic development nurtured by academic institutions a rule or an exception? Inviting internationally well recognized scholars from Europe and the US this workshop focuses on the issue of regional economic development/cluster building centered around universities. The interest is on international experiences: what are the policy tools that work and what are those that don't? What are the local/national/industrial/cultural/institutional/legal and other factors that determine whether universities can successfully be the drivers of regional development?
Sponsors: Main sponsor: Ohio-Pécs International Study Center Further sponsors: Faculty of Business and Economics, University of Pécs, National Office of Research and Technology, Hungarian Regional Science Association
Speakers: Edward M. Bergman (Vienna University of Economics and Business Administration, Vienna, Austria); Edward Feser (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, USA); Harvey A. Goldstein (University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC, USA); Annamária Inzelt (IKU, Budapest Corvinus University, Budapest, Hungary); Charlie Karlsson (Jönköping University, Sweden); Knut Koschatzky (Fraunhofer Institute Systems and Innovation Research, Germany); Imre Lengyel (University of Szeged, Szeged, Hungary); Gunther Maier (Vienna University of Economics and Business Administration, Vienna, Austria); Frank van Oort, (The Netherlands Institute for Spatial Research (RPB) and Utrecht University, the Netherlands); Andrea Parag (University of Pécs, Hungary); Roderik Ponds (The Netherlands Institute for Spatial Research (RPB) and Utrecht University, the Netherlands); Javier Revilla Diez (University of Kiel, Kiel, Germany); Hugh D. Sherman (Ohio University, Athens, Ohio, USA); Ádám Török (University of Veszprém and Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Hungary); Attila Varga (University of Pécs, Hungary)
Programme: Download PDF
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Conferences in 2000
Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Regional Economic Development
International Workshop in honor of the 30th anniversary of the Establishment of the Faculty of Business and Economics of Pécs University
Date: July 3-4, 2000
Venue: Faculty of Business and Economics, University of Pécs