Research Window - Kiemelkedő publikációk

Production network structure, specialization and unemployment: Measuring the structural resilience of national economies

ISSN: 0954-349X


Tibor Kiss, Erik Braun, Tamás Sebestyén


• This paper applies the framework of ecological network analysis to input–output data. 
• Captures resilient economic structures between self-sufficiency (redundancy) and extreme specialization (efficiency). 
• Calculates the structural resilience of 69 countries.

Contribution, novelty:

• Economies are more redundant than ecological systems and moved towards more efficient structures over time. 
• Economically more open economies on the export side are more efficient and less structurally redundant, reflecting that specialization and integration into global supply chains go hand in hand. 
• Significant empirical relationship is found between structural resilience and changes in unemployment.

Practical relevance:

• Measuring the structural resilience of national production networks helps capture the robustness of economic systems and provides a tool to design more resilient production systems.



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DOI: 10.1016/j.strueco.2024.11.009


Production network structure, specialization and unemployment: Measuring the structural resilience of national economies


Hungarian Science Bibliography database link:

 MTMT2: Kiss Tibor et al. Production network structure, specialization and unemployment: Measuring the structural resilience of national economies. (2025) STRUCTURAL CHANGE AND ECONOMIC DYNAMICS 0954-349X 1873-6017 72 11-28

Digitalisation in angling tourism: Introducing new technologies to a traditional tourism product

ISSN: 2065-0817


Zsuzsanna Horváth-Ivancsó, Zoltán Raffay, Éva Happ


• The use of digital solutions in tourism has accelerated and smart solutions are now used even in areas that are less technology-oriented, such as angling tourism.

Contribution, novelty:

• This paper explores the current digitalisation of angling tourism, its benefits, and examines the acceptance of new technologies by anglers. 
• The results of the research show that the digitalisation and the introduction of new technologies accelerated during the Covid-19 epidemic, but their adoption by angling tourism has been slower.

Practical relevance:

• The significance of the issue is enhanced by the fact that Hungary now has a National Angling Development Strategy to strategically found further angling tourism developments.



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DOI: 10.30892/gtg.58104-1389


Digitalisation in angling tourism: Introducing new technologies to a traditional tourism product


Hungarian Science Bibliography database link:

MTMT2: Zsuzsanna Horváth-Ivancsó et al. Digitalisation in angling tourism: Introducing new technologies to a traditional tourism product. (2025) GEOJOURNAL OF TOURISM AND GEOSITES 2065-1198 2065-0817 58 1 42-51

Digital entrepreneurship landscapes in developing Asia: insights from the Global Index of Digital Entrepreneurship Systems

ISSN: 1460-1060


Erkko Autio, Éva Komlósi, László Szerb, Mónika Galambosné-Tiszberger, Donghyun Park, Yothin Jinjarak


• This paper proposes a conceptual framework to gain a better understanding of digital entrepreneurship.

Contribution, novelty:

• Using this framework, we have developed the Global Index of Digital Entrepreneurship Systems (GIDES), an analytical tool designed to measure and comprehend the impact of digitalization on entrepreneurship. 
• GIDES assesses the digital entrepreneurship systems of 113 countries, with a specific focus on 21 developing Asian economies.

Practical relevance:

• GIDES monitors all the general, structural and digital frameworks that support digital entrepreneurship. •



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DOI: 10.1108/EJIM-02-2024-0121


Digital entrepreneurship landscapes in developing Asia: insights from the Global Index of Digital Entrepreneurship Systems | Emerald Insight


Hungarian Science Bibliography database link:

 MTMT2: Autio Erkko et al. Digital entrepreneurship landscapes in developing Asia: insights from the Global Index of Digital Entrepreneurship Systems. (2024) EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF INNOVATION MANAGEMENT 1460-1060 1758-7115

Forecasting the daily exchange rate of the UK pound sterling against the US dollar

ISSN: 1544-6123


Zsolt Darvas, Zoltán Schepp


• The paper uses an economic theory-based model to forecast the daily exchange rate of a major currency. • The analysis builds on an out-of-sample forecast evaluation period spanning from 1990 to 2024.

Contribution, novelty:

• The model's forecasts outperform the random walk across all forecasting horizons, ranging from one day to five years. • A trading strategy based on the model's forecasts yields economically and statistically significant excess returns, surpassing those of the carry trade strategy.

Practical relevance:

• An immediate implication of the results would be to evaluate whether an investment strategy based on this model can deliver returns greater than the associated transaction costs. • The model's forecasts can provide valuable guidance in determining the appropriate direction for central bank interventions that aim to align the actual exchange rate with its equilibrium value.


FINANCE RESEARCH LETTERS 71 Paper: 106451 , 14 p. (2024)

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DOI: 10.1016/


Forecasting the daily exchange rate of the UK pound sterling against the US dollar


Hungarian Science Bibliography database link:

MTMT2: Darvas Zsolt et al. Forecasting the daily exchange rate of the UK pound sterling against the US dollar. (2025) FINANCE RESEARCH LETTERS 1544-6123 1544-6131 71

Is a balanced entrepreneurial ecosystem essential for success? A configurational analysis of European regional entrepreneurial ecosystems

ISSN: 0892-9912


Éva Komlósi, Dejardin Marcus, László Szerb, Balázs Páger


• This study challenges the assumption that well-balanced and bottleneck-free entrepreneurial ecosystems (EEs) are the sole drivers of high regional economic performance.

Contribution, novelty:

• We find that high regional economic performance does not universally necessitate the presence of every ecosystem component. • Rather, contextual nuances across European macro-regions show that both balanced and unbalanced ecosystems can lead to significant economic success, emphasizing the importance of recognizing uniqueness.

Practical relevance:

• Policy efforts should focus on acknowledging and leveraging the uniqueness of regional ecosystems rather than striving for a one-size-fits-all approach to enhance economic performance.



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DOI: 10.1007/s10961-024-10149-8


Is a balanced entrepreneurial ecosystem essential for success? A configurational analysis of European regional entrepreneurial ecosystems


Hungarian Science Bibliography database link:

MTMT2: Komlósi Éva et al. Is a balanced entrepreneurial ecosystem essential for success? A configurational analysis of European regional entrepreneurial ecosystems. (2024) JOURNAL OF TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER 0892-9912 1573-7047

Golden Ratio-based Leverage Targeting and the ESG Performance of US and European Listed Firms

E-ISSN: 1878-3384


Vivien Csapi, József Ulbert, Ákos Tóth-Pajor


• This paper identifies and analyses the configurations of regional entrepreneurial ecosystems that lead to high levels of entrepreneurship in urban and non-urban regions.

Contribution, novelty:

• The findings show that when firms in the European manufacturing sector have better ESG performance, they choose to have leverage targets closer to the levels defined by the golden ratio.
• Firms adjust their book leverage considering the distance between the leverage targets and the golden ratio levels.

Practical relevance:

• Prudential sustainability reporting regulation and higher ESG exposure can guide firms toward a more harmonized capital structure.



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Golden ratio-based leverage targeting and the ESG performance of US and European listed firms - ScienceDirect


Hungarian Science Bibliography database link:

MTMT2: Csapi Vivien et al. Golden Ratio-based Leverage Targeting and the ESG Performance of US and European Listed Firms. (2024) RESEARCH IN INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS AND FINANCE 0275-5319 1878-3384 71

Women as Thoughtful and Responsible Consumers of Tourism: Gender Differences in Tourism Consumption Patterns and Attitudes Towards Tourism

E-ISSN: 2065-1198


Tibor Gonda


• This study focuses on consumer habits and attitudes towards tourism and calls attention to the disparate tourism consumption patterns and attitudes of females and males.

Contribution, novelty:

• Women and men can be charaterised by different tourism consumption behaviours. Women are more open than men to adopting environmentally responsible consumer behaviours when travelling.

Practical relevance:

• Changes are needed to maintain and further develop the popularity of tourism, including changes in supply as well as in consumer demand.


GEOJOURNAL OF TOURISM AND GEOSITES, 54(2 supplement): pp. 794-801, 2024.

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Women as Thoughtful and Responsible Consumers of Tourism: Gender Differences in Tourism Consumption Patterns and Attitudes Towards Tourism


Hungarian Science Bibliography database link:


The determinants of entrepreneurship in urbanand non-urban regions: A fuzzy-set QCA approach

E-ISSN: 2353-8821


Evelyn Calispa-Aguilar


• This paper identifies and analyses the configurations of regional entrepreneurial ecosystems that lead to high levels of entrepreneurship in urban and non-urban regions.

Contribution, novelty:

• This study contributes to the ongoing discussion on entrepreneurial ecosystems complexity, particularly regarding the questions of how ecosystem elements interact to support entrepreneurship in a particular place and whether all ecosystem elements are equally important for entrepreneurship.

Practical relevance:

• This study provides empirical evidence of the differentiated relevance of entrepreneurial ecosystems’ elements depending on the urban-rural context.
• The findings suggest that a one-size-fits-all approach for entrepreneurship policymaking might be inadequate since the requirements for achieving high levels of entrepreneurial development are substantially different between urban and non-urban regions.



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The determinants of entrepreneurship in urban and non-urban regions: A fuzzy-set QCA approach | Entrepreneurial Business and Economics Review

Hungarian Science Bibliography database link:

MTMT2: Calispa-Aguilar E. The determinants of entrepreneurship in urbanand non-urban regions: A fuzzy-set QCA approach. (2024) ENTREPRENEURIAL BUSINESS AND ECONOMICS REVIEW 2353-883X 2353-8821 12 2 143-156

The Transformation of the Tobacco Industry Through Technological Development and Changing Consumer Habits

E-ISSN: 2424-8630


Dániel Hegedűs


• This study examines the phenomenon of non-consumption and its impact on the tobacco industry.
• Utilizing industry data, we illustrate the challenges arising from changing market conditions.

Contribution, novelty:

• Tobacco companies are adapting by targeting regions with less stringent regulations.
• Changing consumer habits are compelling companies to continually refine their production processes. The advent of new developments and technologies offers the potential for greater customization, a crucial factor for companies aiming to stay competitive.

Practical relevance:

• To survive in the long term, companies must reevaluate and be prepared to adapt their current operational processes to these evolving market dynamics.



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The Transformation of the Tobacco Industry Through Technological Development and Changing Consumer Habits | Journal of Industrial Integration and Management (

Hungarian Science Bibliography database link:

MTMT2: Hegedus Daniel. The Transformation of the Tobacco Industry Through Technological Development and Changing Consumer Habits. (2024) JOURNAL OF INDUSTRIAL INTEGRATION AND MANAGEMENT 2424-8622 2424-8630 9 2 227-243

Which sectors go on when there is a sudden stop? An empirical analysis

ISSN: 0261-5606


István Kónya, Miklós Váry


• The paper analyzes the dynamics of sectoral Real Gross Value Added (RGVA) around sudden stops in foreign capital inflows.
• Sudden stop episodes are identified statistically from changes in gross capital inflows from the financial account.

Contribution, novelty:

• The construction sector experiences the largest drop in its growth rate during sudden stops.
• Generally, tradable sectors, especially manufacturing, face larger damages during sudden stops than nontradable sectors, but they decelerate less in the medium run than some service sectors.
• The depth of the initial slowdown is related to a more favorable subsequent performance (a rebound effect), while only very weak evidence is found that real exchange rate depreciations facilitate adjustment.

Practical relevance:

• Policymakers face a trade-off when changing the industrial structure of an economy. Increasing the share of the nontradable sector may make the economy more resistent to sudden stops on impact, but it may hinder its recovery from the recession after the episodes.
• Info-communication faces only moderate damages during sudden stops and does not have strong tendencies either to overheat before them, or to overcool during and after them.



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Which sectors go on when there is a sudden stop? An empirical analysis - ScienceDirect

Hungarian Science Bibliography database link:

MTMT2: Kónya I et al. Which sectors go on when there is a sudden stop? An empirical analysis. (2024) JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL MONEY AND FINANCE 0261-5606 1873-0639 146

Competitive balance in the post-2024 Champions League and the European Super League: A simulation study

E-ISSN: 1552-7794


András Gyimesi


• The proposal of the European Super League and the 2024/25 reform of the UEFA Champions League are both major events in European club football.
• This study compares the competitive balance (CB) of these new tournament formats with the previous Champions League format.

Contribution, novelty:

• Short-, mid- and long-term CB are quantified by measuring the average uncertainty of match outcomes, the ratio of stakeless matches, and the recurrence ratio of teams in knockout rounds.
• A simulation method is applied using the teams, their seeding, and Elo ratings in the 2020/21 and 2021/22 Champions League seasons.
• The 2024/25 reform improves CB, especially in match uncertainty and the occurrence of stakeless matches. The Star League of the European Super League concept of December 2023 is superior concerning average match uncertainty.

Practical relevance:

• According to our simulation results, the structural reform of the CL from the 2024/25 season is expected to bring a competition with better short- and mid-term CB in its initial stage.
• The ESL would be a move towards an American-type closed league with a far stronger entry barrier to the Star League than the CL.



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Competitive Balance in the Post-2024 Champions League and the European Super League: A Simulation Study - András Gyimesi, 2024 (

Hungarian Science Bibliography database link:

MTMT2: Gyimesi A. Competitive balance in the post-2024 Champions League and the European Super League: A simulation study. (2024) JOURNAL OF SPORTS ECONOMICS 1527-0025 1552-7794 25 707-734

Against the tide: how changes in political alignment affect grant allocation to municipalities in Hungary

E-ISSN: 1573-7101


Tamás Vasvári,Dóra Longauer


• This paper explores how election outcomes influenced central decisions on intergovernmental transfers.
• The analysis is based on a dataset encompassing over 3000 Hungarian municipalities from 2015 to 2020.

Contribution, novelty:

• The results show that larger municipalities are more susceptible to political influence, particularly in the allocation of discretionary grants, whereas smaller settlements appear less affected by political shifts.
• Changes in political alignment triggered a rewarding policy for municipalities that remained or converted to aligned status, resulting in an additional 86.4% and 65.2% of discretionary funds, respectively.

Practical relevance:

• Political influence in intergovernmental transfers has intensified since 2019, resulting in aligned local governments regularly receiving extra funds, burdening the residents of unaligned settelments.
• More balanced distribution of resources is advised, together with a shift towards formulaic allocation of intergovernmental transfers.


PUBLIC CHOICE, 198: pp. 467-492, 2024.

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Against the tide: how changes in political alignment affect grant allocation to municipalities in Hungary | Public Choice (

Hungarian Science Bibliography database link:

MTMT2: Vasvári Tamás et al. Against the tide: how changes in political alignment affect grant allocation to municipalities in Hungary. (2024) PUBLIC CHOICE 0048-5829 1573-7101 198 467-492

Ecological design of a production plant

E-ISSN: 1873-6106


Tibor Kiss, Zsolt Hetesi, Viktor Kiss


• Some corporate strategies extend beyond conventional sustainable approaches by embracing the fundamental operating principles of ecosystems.
• In this context, resilience—a natural risk management strategy—is incorporated into the design of a manufacturing company, considering all types of material flows, including solid, liquid, gaseous, and thermal.

Contribution, novelty:

• Results indicate that merely achieving zero waste emissions does not ensure sufficient resilience, a core requirement of ecosystems and a fundamental principle of the blue economy.
• Furthermore, it is found that a production system with a flexible product portfolio can adapt into a more ecologically resilient system, despite technological constraints.

Practical relevance:

• A key message is that production processes should follow ecological systems' risk management methods to provide resilience.
• This can be achieved by fostering adaptable production systems with flexible product portfolios, enabling companies to adjust production in response to technological and market changes.


ECOLOGICAL ECONOMICS, 224, Paper: 108290, 2024.

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Ecological design of a production plant - ScienceDirect

Hungarian Science Bibliography database link:

MTMT2: Kiss Tibor et al. Ecological design of a production plant. (2024) ECOLOGICAL ECONOMICS 0921-8009 1873-6106 224

The influence of perceived risk on purchase intention in e-commerce – Systematic review and Research agenda

E-ISSN: 1470-6431


Van Anh Pham Thi, Ákos Nagy, Trung Minh Ngo


• This study systematically reviews the current state of research on the impact of perceived risk on purchase intention (PR&PI) in e-commerce to propose an agenda for future research.
• The theory-context-method (TCM) framework sheds light on developing trends in theories, contextual coverage, and methodological approaches in PR&PI research.

Contribution, novelty:

• The study enriches the current literature by proposing a research agenda to unpack gaps in the current literature and instruct future studies.

Practical relevance:

• The review inspires businesses to develop risk-reducing strategies and software.
• The study also provides e-retailers and e-sellers with an understanding of factors affecting consumers' risk perceptions, emotions and responses to e-commerce, allowing them to improve their performance.



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The influence of perceived risk on purchase intention in e‐commerce—Systematic review and research agenda - Phamthi - 2024 - International Journal of Consumer Studies - Wiley Online Library

Hungarian Science Bibliography database link:

MTMT2: Pham Thi Van et al. The influence of perceived risk on purchase intention in e-commerce – Systematic review and Research agenda. (2024) INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CONSUMER STUDIES 1470-6423 1470-6431 48 4

War heritage impact on museum dynamics in Budapest: a multidimensional analysis of visitor satisfaction through cultural, statistical, and netnographic modalities

E-ISSN : 1872-9185


János Csapó, Éva Schultz


• This study examines the museums in Budapest, Hungary, particularly those themed around World War and Cold War history.
• Beyond presenting the current state and potentialities of Budapest's tourism heritage supply, specifically within the war-themed subcategory associated with dark tourism, this paper adopts a critical lens to assess both the supply and the motivations and expectations driving demand.

Contribution, novelty:

• The findings of this research offer valuable insights that can contribute to repositioning Budapest within the context of post-COVID tourism.

Practical relevance:

• The study argues that capitalizing on the city's war heritage could become a pivotal strategy for enhancing both domestic and international tourism.



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Full article: War heritage impact on museum dynamics in Budapest: a multidimensional analysis of visitor satisfaction through cultural, statistical, and netnographic modalities (

Hungarian Science Bibliography database link:

MTMT2: Csapó János et al. War heritage impact on museum dynamics in Budapest: a multidimensional analysis of visitor satisfaction through cultural, statistical, and netnographic modalities. (2024) MUSEUM MANAGEMENT AND CURATORSHIP 0964-7775 1872-9185

Grant Schemes and Pork-Barrel Politics in Local Government Funding in Hungary

E-ISSN: 1465-3427


Tamás Vasvári


•The article investigates the extent of political favouritism in the central financing of local governments in Hungary between 2015 and 2018. 

Contribution, novelty:

• A combination of transfer types and channels of pork-barrelling, i.e., mayor and the member of parliament (MP) is jointly investigated, while by applying regression discontinuity analysis core supporters hypothesis is also tested.  
• The article shows that the rewarding of core supporters is observable with regard to discretionary intergovernmental transfers, while the political alignment affects the distribution of EU funds. When a grant scheme requires municipalities to file an application for funding, local governments in opposition receive fewer grants.

Practical relevance:

•Based on the findings, central government may be advised to strive for more transparent and formulaic distribution of resources, reverse the recent shift towards discretionary transfers and decrease the dependency of the local tier on intergovernmental transfers.



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Full article: Grant Schemes and Pork-Barrel Politics in Local Government Funding in Hungary (

Hungarian Science Bibliography database link:

MTMT2: Vasvári Tamás. Grant Schemes and Pork-Barrel Politics in Local Government Funding in Hungary. (2024) EUROPE-ASIA STUDIES 0966-8136 1465-3427

Exchange rates and fundamentals: Forecasting with long maturity forward rates

E-ISSN: 1873-0639


Zsolt Darvas, Zoltán Schepp


•The study shows that in a popular model of exchange rate determination, the unobserved expected future exchange rate can be substituted with the observed forward exchange rate.  
•This allows the derivation of a new error-correction forecasting model, which approximates the gap between the fundamental equilibrium exchange rate and the actual exchange rate with the long-maturity forward exchange rate. 

Contribution, novelty:

• The unobserved expected future exchange rate can be substituted out with the observed synthetic forward exchange rate in the general class of rational expectations present value exchange rate models. 
• With a novel combination of the exchange rate model of Engel and West (2005) and the error-correction forecasting equation of Mark (1995) and Chinn and Meese (1995), we show that the forward exchange rate can be taken as a proxy for the difference between the fundamental equilibrium exchange rate and the current exchange rate when the maturity of the forward rate is long. 
•Unprecedented out-of-sample forecasting results are reported, more leading to forecasts more accurate than the random walk for many years and all major currencies.

Practical relevance:

• The forecasting results exhibit a marked improvement over past works with a novel model that is based on a novel theoretical justification. 
•In contrast to various overly complicated models in the literature, the suggested model is extremely simple, linear, easy to replicate, and the data used are available in real time and not subject to revisions.



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Exchange rates and fundamentals: Forecasting with long maturity forward rates - ScienceDirect

Hungarian Science Bibliography database link:

MTMT2: Darvas Zsolt et al. Exchange rates and fundamentals: Forecasting with long maturity forward rates. (2024) JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL MONEY AND FINANCE 0261-5606 1873-0639 143

The impact of financial and behavioural sunk costs on consumers’ choices

E-ISSN: 2052-1200


Kármen Kovács


•This paper focuses on the impact of financial and behavioural sunk costs on consumers’ decisions, judgements and behaviour before and after purchasing.  
•Five related themes are discussed: factors affecting the sunk cost effect; the impact of past investments on purchasing decisions; consumers’ post-purchasing evaluation, behaviour and choices; the mental amortisation of price; and the sunk cost effect on loyalty and switching. 

Contribution, novelty:

• The originality of this study lies in the comprehensive approach to the sunk cost effect from consumers’ perspectives.  
• This paper synthesises and discusses the research results found in the literature related to financial and behavioural sunk costs that can influence consumers’ decisions, judgements and behaviour before and after paying for a good or service. 

Practical relevance:

• It is relevant to consider and investigate the sunk cost effect in a dynamic and broad sense for practitioners, as it may concern not only one factor or phase of consumer behaviour but can influence subsequent consumer decisions and behaviour in several aspects. 


JOURNAL OF CONSUMER MARKETING, 41(2): 213-225, 2024.

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The impact of financial and behavioural sunk costs on consumers’ choices | Emerald Insight

Hungarian Science Bibliography database link:

MTMT2: Kovács Kármen. The impact of financial and behavioural sunk costs on consumers’ choices. (2024) JOURNAL OF CONSUMER MARKETING 0736-3761 2052-1200 41 2 213-225

The sources and structure of wage inequality changes in the selected Central-Eastern European Countries

E-ISSN: 1573-8701


Byambasuren Dorjnyambuu, Mónika Galambosné Tiszberger


•The study analyzes the determinants of wage inequality and its fluctuations in six Central-Eastern European nations using European Union Statistics on Income and Living Conditions microdata from 2010 to 2019. 
•In addition to providing a detailed description of inequality trends in these countries, the demographic and micro-level determinants alongside the minimum wage changes is examined. 
•These effects are estimated using RIF regression and RIF decompositions for various inequality measures. 

Contribution, novelty:

• The changes in wage inequality in the sample countries were driven mainly by wage structure effects regardless of the increase or decrease in wage inequality. 
• Changes in the returns to education and returns to permanent employment contracts are crucial in explaining decreased wage inequality. 
• The changes in the minimum wage explain most of the unknown factors in Bulgaria, and the spillover effects of the minimum wage may explain most of the unknown factors in Hungary. 

Practical relevance:

• The results can support the skill-biased technological change hypothesis in the case of Slovakia, Romania, Czechia, and Bulgaria. 



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The sources and structure of wage inequality changes in the selected Central-Eastern European Countries | The Journal of Economic Inequality (

Hungarian Science Bibliography database link:

MTMT2: Dorjnyambuu Byambasuren et al. The sources and structure of wage inequality changes in the selected Central-Eastern European Countries. (2024) JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC INEQUALITY 1569-1721 1573-8701

Quo vadis higher education? Post-pandemic success digital competencies of the higher educators – a Hungarian university case and actions

E-ISSN: 2662-9992


Ákos Jarjabka, Norbert Sipos, Gabriella Kuráth


•This paper provides knowledge to the actors of higher education to help the leaders of universities motivate employees to reinvent themselves and adopt new strategies to support cohesion in educational communities to face the technical and methodological challenges of non-presence education. 
•This study demonstrates the necessary competence sets for Higher Education (HE) lecturers in the framework of the COVID and post-COVID. 

Contribution, novelty:

• Based on a COVID-situated competence survey among university lecturers, the significant digital education competence are Awareness, Professional, and Digital. 
• The findings emphasize that the forced and drastic changes in the application of digital education to the intensification of COVID-19 should become sustainable and find its proper place and role in the future HE. 

Practical relevance:

• The development of teachers’ digital teaching competence is crucial for effectively infusing technology into teaching in the post-COVID era, consequently, so the results can be considered as guidance to other higher education institutions.



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Quo vadis higher education? Post-pandemic success digital competencies of the higher educators – a Hungarian university case and actions | Humanities and Social Sciences Communications (

Hungarian Science Bibliography database link:

MTMT2: Jarjabka Ákos et al. Quo vadis higher education? Post-pandemic success digital competencies of the higher educators – a Hungarian university case and actions. (2024) HUMANITIES & SOCIAL SCIENCES COMMUNICATIONS 2662-9992 11 1

Domestic Competitive Imbalance as the “Price” of Surprise in the Champions League

E-ISSN: 1552-7794


Rappai, Gábor, Fűrész, Diána Ivett


•Through the data of the last 18 seasons (2004/05–2021/22) and 576 games, this study examines whether the teams from a more balanced domestic league can achieve more unexpected results in the Champions League group stage.

Contribution, novelty:

• The study contributes to previous literature by applying the market value-based surprise index. 
• The results of panel logistic regression models suggest that a domestic league's lower CB in a given season can support teams to overperform in the international field in the same season. 

Practical relevance:

• The results call for a revision of several factors by the governing body of the UEFA: determining the number of clubs from the same league, the revenue distribution system, or the amount of prize money.


JOURNAL OF SPORTS ECONOMICS, 25(2): 231-256, 2024.

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Domestic Competitive Imbalance as the “Price” of Surprise in the Champions League - Gábor Rappai, Diána Ivett Fűrész, 2024 (

Hungarian Science Bibliography database link:

MTMT2: Rappai Gábor et al. Domestic Competitive Imbalance as the “Price” of Surprise in the Champions League. (2024) JOURNAL OF SPORTS ECONOMICS 1527-0025 1552-7794 25 2 231-256

Agricultural frontiers and environment: a systematic literature review and research agenda for Emerging Countries

E-ISSN: 1573-2975


Arthur Pereira Sales


• The paper provides a systematic literature review and meta-analysis by focusing on the interference of agricultural frontiers on the environment in emerging countries over the last 30 years (1993–2022).

Contribution, novelty:

• The paper concludes that there is no specific framework to analyze the relationship between the agricultural frontier and the environment in developing countries.
• The study points out that the related literature has mainly been concerned with measuring the impact of intensive agriculture on natural resources, as well as verifying how local socio-economic factors and/or public policies affect populations’ behavior regarding this relationship between the environment and agricultural production.

Practical relevance:

• The findings may be beneficial for decision-makers of agricultural policy.



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A systematic review and meta-analysis: leadership and interactional justice | Management Review Quarterly (springer.comAgricultural frontiers and environment: a systematic literature review and research agenda for Emerging Countries | Environment, Development and Sustainability (

Hungarian Science Bibliography database link:

MTMT2: Sales A.P.. Agricultural frontiers and environment: a systematic literature review and research agenda for Emerging Countries. (2024) ENVIRONMENT DEVELOPMENT AND SUSTAINABILITY 1387-585X 1573-2975

A systematic review and meta-analysis: leadership and interactional justice

E-ISSN: 2198-1639


Mahmoud Salameh Qandeel, Gabriella Kuráth


• The paper provides a systematic literature review on leadership styles and interactional justice when found together or with other variables.

Contribution, novelty:

• The systematic review confirmed the connection between interactional justice and leadership styles, while those two concepts impacted other variables in a relationship.

Practical relevance:

• The paper gives managerial implications for leaders who need to pursue integrity and ethical behavior to establish organizational justice, particularly interactional justice.



Click here to read the original publication:


A systematic review and meta-analysis: leadership and interactional justice | Management Review Quarterly (

Hungarian Science Bibliography database link:

MTMT2: Qandeel Mahmoud Salameh et al. A systematic review and meta-analysis: leadership and interactional justice. (2024) MANAGEMENT REVIEW QUARTERLY 2198-1620 2198-1639

An international empirical study on the relationship between decision-making information complexity and resource-based view in small and medium-sized enterprises

E-ISSN: 1099-1743


Norbert Sipos, Edit Bányai, Tímea Venczel‐Szakó


• The paper focuses on the small and medium-sized enterprise (SME) decision-making peculiarities from a resource-based view (RBV).
• It provides empirical evidence on the relationship between the decisions of SMEs and a variety of information sources.

Contribution, novelty:

• The extent of information used by SMEs is positively affected by the intensity of competition, networking and the existence of formal and informal relationships, the higher level of innovation activity and a more complex compensation system.
• The findings only partially support the fact that the amount of information used by SMEs in decision-making is positively influenced by their marketing practices.

Practical relevance:

• The findings may beneficial for SME leaders who should consider the fact that their business is much smaller than their potential benchmarking counterparts.
• Therefore, a mere imitation of decision-making-related information sources is not necessarily leading to the desired outcome.



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An international empirical study on the relationship between decision‐making information complexity and resource‐based view in small and medium‐sized enterprises - Sipos - 2024 - Systems Research and Behavioral Science - Wiley Online Library

Hungarian Science Bibliography database link:

MTMT2: Sipos Norbert et al. An international empirical study on the relationship between decision-making information complexity and resource-based view in small and medium-sized enterprises. (2024) SYSTEMS RESEARCH AND BEHAVIORAL SCIENCE 1092-7026 1099-1743 41 3 453-470

Achieving Workplace Wellbeing Among Indian IT Engineers

E-ISSN: 1556-0856


Nimmi P. Mohandas, Mária Jakubik


• The purpose of the paper is to identify how Indian Information Technology employees’ changing career orientation impacts work wellbeing, psychological capital and perceived employability.
• The paper also proposes a conceptual model of protean career orientation that is empirically tested among Information Technology engineers working at private companies in India.

Contribution, novelty:

• The empirical research results demonstrate that the changing career orientation has a positive impact on work wellbeing, psychological capital and perceived employability.

Practical relevance:

• The study contributes to vocational psychology literature regarding changing career and work orientation among millennials.


JOURNAL OF CAREER DEVELOPMENT, 50(5): 1097-1115. 2023.

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Achieving Workplace Wellbeing Among Indian IT Engineers - Nimmi P. M, Maria Jakubik, 2023 (

Hungarian Science Bibliography database link:

MTMT2: Nimmi P.M. et al. Achieving Workplace Wellbeing Among Indian IT Engineers. (2023) JOURNAL OF CAREER DEVELOPMENT 0894-8453 1573-3548 50 5 1097-1115

The impact of cultural distance on the migration of professional athletes as high-skilled employees

E-ISSN: 1972-4977


Ákos Jarjabka, Diána Ivett Fűrész, Zsolt Havran


• The global migration is examined in the sports industry, involving the Hofstede cultural dimensions, especially in the football transfer market.
• The study is based on 34,430 international transfers to investigate the relationship between cultural distance and the migration of professional footballers.

Contribution, novelty:

• The results of a linear regression model show a significant negative correlation between the number of transfers and cultural distance.
• The results of a multiple regression model including the country's economic performance and professional sports standards or quality are essential confirm the attitude of professional athletes.

Practical relevance:

• Transfers should also take cultural distance into account, with special emphasis on integrating players into a new club and host country.
• Any club that plans to sell its players abroad should focus on player development: players should be able to manage culture shock, be open to other cultures, and receive skills training.



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The impact of cultural distance on the migration of professional athletes as high-skilled employees | Journal of Industrial and Business Economics (

Hungarian Science Bibliography database link:

MTMT2: Jarjabka Ákos et al. The impact of cultural distance on the migration of professional athletes as high-skilled employees. (2024) ECONOMIA E POLITICA INDUSTRIALE /JOURNAL OF INDUSTRIAL AND BUSINESS ECONOMICS 0391-2078 1972-4977

The effect of time resolution on energy system simulation in case of intermittent energies

E-ISSN: 1879-0690


Viktor M. Kiss, Zsolt Hetesi, Tibor Kiss


• This study investigated the efficacy of using hourly time resolution in energy system models, a common practice in capacity planning.
• The outputs of energy models using 60-min resolution data were compared with those utilizing a 1-min resolution benchmark across various dimensions.

Contribution, novelty:

• Results indicate that models using 60-min resolution data maintain a high level of accuracy, with output deviations of less than 2 % from the benchmark.
• Those research studies which are based on 60-min resolution data, do not carry potentially biased results due to their time resolution.

Practical relevance:

• The research emphasizes that established software applications that employ hourly time resolution to simulate upcoming power plant systems retain their relevance for capacity planning objectives.



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The effect of time resolution on energy system simulation in case of intermittent energies - ScienceDirect

Hungarian Science Bibliography database link:

MTMT2: Kiss Viktor M. et al. The effect of time resolution on energy system simulation in case of intermittent energies. (2024) RENEWABLE & SUSTAINABLE ENERGY REVIEWS 1364-0321 1879-0690 191

The positive effects of green technology investments on growth expectations

E-ISSN 1879-3274


András Takács


• The study investigates the relationship between cleaner production and growth expectations attached to firms by investors.
• A sample of 363 companies using USD or EUR and total assets or total revenues exceeding 1 billion USD or 1 billion EUR during any year of the examined period between 2010 and 2019.

Contribution, novelty:

• The study statistically demonstrates that the positive correlation between cleaner production and growth expectations strengthened during the latter half of the 2010s.
• The reverse discounted cash flow method is employed as a novel technique to define the response variable for cleaner production.

Practical relevance:

• A shift towards green technologies is a fruitful investment for a company that is highly rewarded by the stock market.
• Targeted measures improving environmental performance might enhance industries, specific regions or national economies.


TECHNOLOGY IN SOCIETY, 75, Paper: 102407, 2023.

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The positive effects of green technology investments on growth expectations - ScienceDirect

Hungarian Science Bibliography database link:

MTMT2: Takacs Andras. The positive effects of green technology investments on growth expectations. (2023) TECHNOLOGY IN SOCIETY 0160-791X 1879-3274 75

Implementation of a circular supply chain model using reusable components in multiple product generations

E-ISSN 2405-8440


Dániel Hegedűs, Dóra Longauer


• The paper deals with a version of Economic Order Quantity (EOQ) and Economic Production Quantity (EPQ) models, consideering the reusability of raw materials and components in multiple product generations.
• Presents available solutions for managing end-of-life products and aims to present a cost minimization EOQ/EPQ model.
• Examines optimal inventory strategy when products returned from consumers are not remanufactured but disassembled and the extracted components are used in the production of the next product generation.

Contribution, novelty:

• The results provide the optimal strategy for the number of cycles of extracted and new components during the production and identifies the variables affecting this optimal strategy.
• Results show that the company's production rate and set-up costs influence the company's optimal strategy, while the inventory cost has a smaller influence on the optimal strategy.

Practical relevance:

• The options presented can help companies decide what re-use options are available to them.
• With the help of the method, companies can determine the optimal re-use strategy based on company characteristics and product parameters.
• As a result of the company reusing previously manufactured components, the amount of generated waste is reduced, and the extraction of new raw materials and energy consumption are also reduced.


HELIYON, 9(5), Paper: e15594, 2023.

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Implementation of a circular supply chain model using reusable components in multiple product generations - ScienceDirect

Hungarian Science Bibliography database link:

MTMT2: Hegedűs Dániel et al. Implementation of a circular supply chain model using reusable components in multiple product generations. (2023) HELIYON 2405-8440 9 5

Investigating make-or-buy decisions and the impact of learning-by-doing in the semiconductor industry

E-ISSN: 1366-588X


Dóra Longauer, Tamás Vasvári, Zsuzsanna Hauck


• The paper models the make-or-buy decision problem of a firm that decides on the optimal mix of outsourcing and in-house production, considering productivity gain via learning-by-doing and the economic impact of resilience.
• With numerical simulations, we aim to capture the pre-pandemic and the current state of the semiconductor industry.

Contribution, novelty:

• Should outer dominance, the buyer can dictate wholesale prices and quality standards while the seller bears the burden of screening costs.
• Considering learning effect and resilience may lead to the revision of previous outsourcing decisions and even to insourcing production.

Practical relevance:

• Although recent industry conditions have made in-house production more beneficial, this optimal strategy may be fragile due to changes of relative production costs or the extent of economic impact of chip shortages, which may underline the relevance of government incentives aiming to revitalise semiconductor industry.



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Full article: Investigating make-or-buy decisions and the impact of learning-by-doing in the semiconductor industry (

Hungarian Science Bibliography database link:

MTMT2: Longauer Dóra et al. Investigating make-or-buy decisions and the impact of learning-by-doing in the semiconductor industry. (2024) INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PRODUCTION RESEARCH 0020-7543 1366-588X

Coordinating quality decisions in a two-stage supply chain under buyer dominance

E-ISSN: 1873-7579


Zsuzsanna Hauck, Boualem Rabta, Gerald Reiner


• The paper proposes an optimization model to analyze the impact of quality decisions, buyer dominance, and coordination in a two-stage supply chain.
• The investigation centers on the seller–buyer relationship, exploring coordinated and non-coordinated buyer-dominated contracts. Screening time acts as a decision variable affecting the quality level of the batch and influences costs and consumer demand.

Contribution, novelty:

• Analytical solutions are provided and supported with numerical examples to illustrate the consequences of quality decisions for overall profitability of the supply chain.
• Under buyer dominance, the buyer can dictate wholesale prices and quality standards while the seller bears the burden of screening costs.
• Achieving coordination and implementing optimal screening practices may create a win-win situation for supply chain partners.

Practical relevance:

• Coordination in supply chains can increase overall supply chain profitability, decrease retail prices, and improve quality levels, ultimately enhancing consumer satisfaction.



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Coordinating quality decisions in a two-stage supply chain under buyer dominance - ScienceDirect

Hungarian Science Bibliography database link:

MTMT2: Hauck Zsuzsanna et al. Coordinating quality decisions in a two-stage supply chain under buyer dominance. (2023) INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PRODUCTION ECONOMICS 0925-5273 1873-7579 264

Knowledge input and innovation

E-ISSN: 2083-8298


Eristian Wibisono


• This paper argues that one of the reasons why innovation in one country leaves another behind could be its spatial geography.
• Questions relevant to R&D development and technological change are raised on how knowledge inputs affect innovation in the Visegrad Group (V4) (Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, and Slovakia) and how these factors are spatially dependent.

Contribution, novelty:

• The study results show that regional knowledge inputs (R&D expenditure and R&D personnel) play an essential role in innovation development in Visegrad Group (V4).
• The study findings also emphasize the importance of R&D funding support in the public sector and R&D personnel capabilities in promoting innovation.

Practical relevance:

• The paper highlights the associations and relationships between knowledge input factors and innovation development and how spatial attributes can explain the various dependencies and correlations in the NUTS-2 regions of the Visegrad Group (V4).



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Knowledge input and innovation in Visegrad Group (V4) regions: A spatial econometric approach | Bulletin of Geography. Socio-economic Series (

Hungarian Science Bibliography database link:

MTMT2: Eristian Wibisono. Knowledge input and innovation in Visegrad Group (V4) regions: A spatial econometric approach. (2023) BULLETIN OF GEOGRAPHY SOCIO-ECONOMIC SERIES 1732-4254 2083-8298 59 59 111-130

The digital entrepreneurial ecosystem in the European Union: evidence from the digital platform economy index

E-ISSN: 1469-5944


Eristian Wibisono


• This paper explores the issue of platformization in three developed and high-income countries in the European Union: Germany, France and Austria.
• The framework and empirical measurement of the Digital Platform Economy (DPE) Index are used to analyze the state of Digital Entrepreneurial Ecosystem (DEE) in these three countries, identify the most prominent weaknesses that could be barriers, and propose policy recommendations to overcome these barriers and promote the development of DEE.

Contribution, novelty:

• The results of the three-step investigation present the current state of DEE in each country and find that similar constraining elements in the Digital Multi-Sided Platforms of the three countries have the most potential to systemically disrupt the DEE balance.

Practical relevance:

• Tailor-made policies with a holistic approach are recommended to address these constraining elements and target overall DEE growth.


EUROPEAN PLANNING STUDIES, 31(6): 1270-1292, 2023.

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Full article: The digital entrepreneurial ecosystem in the European Union: evidence from the digital platform economy index (

Hungarian Science Bibliography database link:

MTMT2: Wibisono Eristian. The digital entrepreneurial ecosystem in the European Union: evidence from the digital platform economy index. (2023) EUROPEAN PLANNING STUDIES 0965-4313 1469-5944 31 6 1270-1292

The Catastrophe of Corruption in the Sustainability of Foreign aid: A Prediction of Artificial Neural Network Method in Indonesia

E-ISSN: 2198-2600


Ade Paranata, Rishan Adha, Hoang Thi Phuong Thao, Elin Erlina Sasanti, Fafurida Fafurida


• This study aims to predict the long-term viability of foreign aid in Indonesia based on international perceptions of corruption and corruption cases in the country.
• This study also aims to provide an alternative estimation method for economic studies, particularly those related to foreign aid and corruption, by using the artificial neural network technique.

Contribution, novelty:

• The findings show a strong relationship between corruption perception and foreign aid sustainability with an R-value of 0.991.
• According to the artificial neural network estimation, gratification has a significant impact on foreign aid.

Practical relevance:

• In response to the finding, the study recommends the Indonesian government take action to combat corruption in maintaining the international trust and ensuring the stability of foreign aid.



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The Catastrophe of Corruption in the Sustainability of Foreign aid: A Prediction of Artificial Neural Network Method in Indonesia | Fudan Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences (

Hungarian Science Bibliography database link:

MTMT2: Paranata Ade et al. The Catastrophe of Corruption in the Sustainability of Foreign aid: A Prediction of Artificial Neural Network Method in Indonesia. (2023) FUDAN JOURNAL OF THE HUMANITIES AND SOCIAL SCIENCES 1674-0750 2198-2600 16 239-257

Identification of factors influencing entrepreneurial behavior: unveiling start-up business initiatives in Indonesia

E-ISSN: 2662-9992


Ade Paranata, Pahrudin Pahrudin, Syamsiyatul Muzayyanah, Thi Ha Trinh


•  This study aims to investigate the factors influencing a start-up business initiative on the people or citizens of Indonesia.
•  The other purpose of this study is to analyze the influential variables of a start-up business initiative launch from 2015 to 2018 in Indonesia.

Contribution, novelty:

• The results demonstrate that theory of planned behaviour construct is relevant to the launch initiative of business.
• This emphasizes the significant functions of self-efficacy, business opportunity, and role models in the plans of people, regarding the establishment of an enterprise.

Practical relevance:

• This study contribute to the understanding of the factors influencing entrepreneurial behavior concerning the establishment of business, as well as provided strategies and plans for its development in Indonesia.



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Identification of factors influencing entrepreneurial behavior: unveiling start-up business initiatives in Indonesia | Humanities and Social Sciences Communications (

Hungarian Science Bibliography database link:

MTMT2: Paranata Ade et al. Identification of factors influencing entrepreneurial behavior: unveiling start-up business initiatives in Indonesia. (2023) HUMANITIES & SOCIAL SCIENCES COMMUNICATIONS 2662-9992 10 1

Analyzing the queuing theory at the emergency department at King Hussein cancer center

ISSN: 1471-227X


Mahmoud Salameh Qandeel, Islam Khaleel Al-Qudah, Riyad Nayfeh, Haitham Aryan, Omar Ajaj, Hisham Alkhatib, Yousef Hamdan


• This study was conducted in 2022 at King Hussein Cancer Center (KHCC) to analyze the queuing theory approach at the Emergency Department (ED) to estimate patients’ wait times and predict the accuracy of the queuing theory approach.
• This study measured patients’ wait times at these three stations: the health informatics desk, triage room, and emergency bed area.

Contribution, novelty:

• Using equations of queuing theory and other relativistic equations in the emergency bed area gave different results. 

Practical relevance:

• To reduce the waiting time in line, the authors suggest making informative boards with clear instructions at the main doors of the hospital about the structure and vital places that should serve patients, such as the reception to answer patients' queries and the patient affairs office to release patients' information and test results.


BMC EMERGENCY MEDICINE, 23(1), Paper: 22, 2023.

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Analyzing the queuing theory at the emergency department at King Hussein cancer center | BMC Emergency Medicine | Full Text (

Hungarian Science Bibliography database link:

MTMT2: Qandeel Mahmoud Salameh et al. Analyzing the queuing theory at the emergency department at King Hussein cancer center. (2023) BMC EMERGENCY MEDICINE 1471-227X 1471-227X 23 1

The determinants of innovation performance: an income-based cross-country comparative analysis using the Global Innovation Index (GII)

ISSN: 2192-5372


Adisu Fanta Bate, Esther Wanjiru Wachira, Sándor Danka


• This study aims to identify the key pillars of innovation based on Global Innovation Index (GII), to determine the best predicting model or the key determinants (inputs) of innovation, and to analyze an income-based cross-country variation in innovation performance.

Contribution, novelty:

• The results indicate that human capital and research, infrastructure, and business sophistication as the key pillars determining innovation performance. 
• The study further reveals that the lack of human capital that promotes R&D is the biggest bottleneck that hampers innovation in a lower-middle-income category, whereas both innovation linkage and human capital that promotes R&D in an upper-middle-income category and innovation linkage in a high-income category.

Practical relevance:

• The study results benefit stakeholders, including policymakers, development and financial agents, venture capitalists, donors, business incubators, researchers, and governments, who foster innovation efforts within a country or across countries.



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The determinants of innovation performance: an income-based cross-country comparative analysis using the Global Innovation Index (GII) | Journal of Innovation and Entrepreneurship | Full Text (

Hungarian Science Bibliography database link:

MTMT2: Bate Adisu Fanta et al. The determinants of innovation performance: an income-based cross-country comparative analysis using the Global Innovation Index (GII). (2023) JOURNAL OF INNOVATION AND ENTREPRENEURSHIP 2192-5372 12 1

The roles of community-based organizations in socializing sustainable behavior: Examining the urban case of Budapest, Hungary

ISSN: 1756-932X


Tamás Veress, Gabriella Kiss, Ágnes Neulinger


• This research supports the argument that community-based organizations (CBOs) can be effective vehicles to shift societal norms and expectations in order to facilitate co-creation and acceptability of new and sustainable ways of living.
• To learn what roles CBOs fulfill when providing space for peer interactions influencing sustainable behavior, a qualitative research study was carried out based on 21 interviews with key stakeholders from CBOs working in different sustainability-related fields (mobility, food, energy, etc.) in the urban context of Budapest, Hungary.

Contribution, novelty:

• The grouping and interpretation of interview data show that the sampled urban CBOs can impact sustainable behavior through (1) raising members' awareness; (2) influencing everyday practices; and (3) providing space for non-consumerist peer interactions. 
• These impacts can be exercised through the three roles of translation, reinforcement, and contribution.

Practical relevance:

• The results imply that sustainability-oriented policymaking could support the sustainability transition by co-designing systems of provisions together with the affected communities.



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The roles of community‐based organizations in socializing sustainable behavior: Examining the urban case of Budapest, Hungary - Veress - Environmental Policy and Governance - Wiley Online Library

Hungarian Science Bibliography database link:

MTMT2: Veress Tamás et al. The roles of community-based organizations in socializing sustainable behavior: Examining the urban case of Budapest, Hungary. (2023) ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY AND GOVERNANCE 1756-932X 1756-9338

Exposure to trade disruptions in case of the Russia–Ukraine conflict: A product network approach

ISSN : 0378-5920


Erik Braun, Emese Braun, András Gyimesi, Zita Iloskics, Tamás Sebestyén


• This study provides a product network-based analysis of the impact of the Russia–Ukraine war on the economy of third countries.
• The method also provides a decomposition of exposures on a country-by-country basis.

Contribution, novelty:

• Recent studies based on input-output data already revealed several economic consequences of the conflict, the approach in this study allows for more detail regarding geographical coverage and heterogeneity of the affected products.beneficial as they can contribute to increased productivity at other stages.
• We apply a comprehensive indicator of exposure and measure the dependence of third countries on products imported from Ukraine or Russia.

Practical relevance:

• The study also analyses the relationship between trade exposure and the extent to which countries were willing to support Ukraine. Results show that it is not exposure itself, but the decrease of exposure over time which correlates with military support.


WORLD ECONOMY, 46(10): 2950-2982, 2023.

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Exposure to trade disruptions in case of the Russia–Ukraine conflict: A product network approach - Braun - 2023 - The World Economy - Wiley Online Library

Hungarian Science Bibliography database link:

MTMT2: Braun Erik et al. Exposure to trade disruptions in case of the Russia–Ukraine conflict: A product network approach. (2023) WORLD ECONOMY 0378-5920 1467-9701 46 10 2950-2982

Make-or-Buy Strategies in a Multi-Stage Manufacturing Process and the Role of Learning Effect in Relocation Decisions

ISSN 0360-8352


Dóra Longauer, Zsuzsanna Hauck, Tamás Vasvári


• Using dynamic optimization, the paper investigates the role of learning effects in both outsourcing and insourcing (reshoring) decisions.
• The study models the cost-related consequences of possible strategies, jointly considering the effect of productivity knowledge and interdependencies of consecutive production stages in the manufacturing process.

Contribution, novelty:

• Firms should stick to or insource production processes where learning potential is high.
• Keeping activities with low learning potential but higher interdependencies may also be beneficial as they can contribute to increased productivity at other stages.

Practical relevance:

• Pursuing activities with considerable learning potential or possible interdependencies with other corporate functions may result in upgrading in the value chain.



Click here to read the original publication:


Make-or-buy strategies in a multi-stage manufacturing process and the role of learning effect in relocation decisions - ScienceDirect

Hungarian Science Bibliography database link:

Longauer D et al. Make-or-Buy Strategies in a Multi-Stage Manufacturing Process and the Role of Learning Effect in Relocation Decisions. (2023) COMPUTERS AND INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING 360-8352 180

How Much Is Winning a Matter of Luck? A Comparison of 3 × 3 and 5v5 Basketball

ISSN: 1660-4601


Gergely Csurilla, Zoltán Boros, Diána Ivett Fűrész, András Gyimesi, Markus Raab, Tamás Sterbenz


• The paper invents the Relative Score Difference Index, a new competitive balance indicator that allows the comparison of luck in two different forms of basketball for both men and women.
• Game-level data about 3v3 and 5v5 basketball World Cups 2010 and 2019 is used between.

Contribution, novelty:

• The contrast between the new Olympic format three-on-three (3 × 3) and five-on-five (5v5) forms of basketball has never been analyzed and provides a comparison within the same form of sports.
• There are differential effects of luck between game formats and sex, such that the 3 × 3 form depends more on luck and women’s games are less influenced by luck when compared to men’s games.

Practical relevance:

• Coaches may better understand the differences between the two forms and sexes regarding luck given the study results.
• The findings provide a leverage point for testing new performance and competition balance indicators.



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IJERPH | Free Full-Text | How Much Is Winning a Matter of Luck? A Comparison of 3 × 3 and 5v5 Basketball (

Hungarian Science Bibliography database link:

Csurilla G et al. How Much Is Winning a Matter of Luck? A Comparison of 3 × 3 and 5v5 Basketball. (2023) INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND PUBLIC HEALTH 1661-7827 1660-4601 20 4

Current college graduates’ employability factors based on university graduates in Shaanxi Province, China

ISSN: 1664-1078


Jiang Lijuang, Chen Zirou, Lei Changkui


• In order to explore the factors that affect employability’s improvement and what factors employability includes, this article summarizes the previous research on employability, uses university graduates of Shaanxi Province as research examples, and investigates the employability factors of college graduates.
• The analysis builds on data of 569 university students with their own businesses in the Global University Entrepreneurial Spirit Students’ Survey.

Contribution, novelty:

• The results of the research show that individual traits, social experience, and workplace training have a significant impact on college students’ employability; knowledge understanding and learning ability, self-management ability, emotional intelligence, generic skills, professional ability, and career planning capability are the important factors of the employability which college students should master.

Practical relevance:

• Contemporary college students have a new understanding of employability, and help them to improve their employability more pertinently.


Frontiers in Psychology, 13, Paper: 1042243, 2023.

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Frontiers | Current college graduates’ employability factors based on university graduates in Shaanxi Province, China

Hungarian Science Bibliography database link:

Jiang L. et al. Current college graduates’ employability factors based on university graduates in Shaanxi Province, China. (2023) FRONTIERS IN PSYCHOLOGY 1664-1078 1664-1078 13

Urban Communities for Transition toward Sustainable Behavior in the Context of Authoritarianism

E-ISSN: 1521-0723


Ágnes Neulinger, Gabriella Kiss, Tamás Veress


• This study demonstrates the importance of communities as potential vehicles of social change.
• Relying on in-depth interviews, the meaning of community and the role of sustainability in the operation of these communities is examined.
• The analysis focuses on an understanding of communities that goes beyond the differentiation of individual (micro) and social (macro) levels.

Contribution, novelty:

• The findings indicate blurring boundaries in the green agenda. The role of new environmental organizations seems to be as important as the role of old, traditional organizations in Budapest.
• There has been an observable shift in the case of traditional organizations to broaden their horizons and work with complex issues related to social and environmental justice. They are also moving beyond the strict positioning of green organizations and positioning themselves under alternative terms.

Practical relevance:

• The labels “green” and “sustainable” are no longer the exclusive markers for communities with awareness of environmental issues in Budapest.
• Through sustainability-oriented practices, communities can find many allies and potential cooperators to learn from and to organize politically


SOCIETY AND NATURAL RESORCES, 36(5): 479-496, 2023.

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Urban Communities for Transition toward Sustainable Behavior in the Context of Authoritarianism: Analysis of Non-Profit Community-Based Organizations in Budapest, Hungary (

Hungarian Science Bibliography database link:

Neulinger Agnes et al. Urban Communities for Transition toward Sustainable Behavior in the Context of Authoritarianism: Analysis of Non-Profit Community-Based Organizations in Budapest, Hungary. (2023) SOCIETY & NATURAL RESOURCES 0894-1920 1521-0723

Why narcissists may be successful entrepreneurs: The role of entrepreneurial social identity and overwork

ISSN 2352-6734


Andrea Sáfrányné Gubik, Zsófia Vörös


• The paper examines why and how social identity and overwork/workaholism represent pathways to convey the effect of dark triad traits – Machiavellianism, narcissism, and psychopathy – on venture performance.
• The analysis builds on data of 569 university students with their own businesses in the Global University Entrepreneurial Spirit Students’ Survey.

Contribution, novelty:

• Results show that compulsive overwork and Darwinian social identity partially mediate the positive effect of narcissism on venture performance.
• Narcissism is not necessarily an adverse personality characteristic in an entrepreneurial context.

Practical relevance:

• Founding teams and financial supporters should acknowledge that entrepreneurs high in narcissism are willing to work to achieve their goals and those goals are likely to be centered around the performance of the venture.


Journal of Business Venturing Insights, 19, Paper: e00364, 2023.

Click here to read the original publication:


Why narcissists may be successful entrepreneurs: The role of entrepreneurial social identity and overwork - ScienceDirect

Hungarian Science Bibliography database link:

Gubik Andrea S. et al. Why narcissists may be successful entrepreneurs: The role of entrepreneurial social identity and overwork. (2023) JOURNAL OF BUSINESS VENTURING INSIGHTS 2352-6734 19

The wellbeing paradox in Hungarian local sustainable agriculture: a health psychology approach

E-ISSN: 1471-2458


Ilona Liliána Birtalan, Imre Fertő, Ágnes Neulinger, József Rácz, Attila Oláh


• The paper investigates the situational and engagement-related work difficulties associated with the everyday world of Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) farmers.
• The proposed analysis of composite indicators allows the computation of endogenous (country-specific) weights that can be used for developing more informed policy making.

Contribution, novelty:

• Newer producer-consumer connections require both time and experience and involve extra effort or skills, but farmers often lack these abilities.
• The results show how perceptions of work processes relate to the general framework of CSA, which necessitates a distinct strategy for farm management.

Practical relevance:

• Specific training and development programs could help farmers to improve the skills that would enable them to better demonstrate a sustainable farming role, and work scheduling or decision-making autonomy.


BMC Public Health, 22, Paper: 2326, 2022.

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The wellbeing paradox in Hungarian local sustainable agriculture: a health psychology approach | BMC Public Health

Hungarian Science Bibliography database link:

Birtalan Ilona Liliána et al. The wellbeing paradox in Hungarian local sustainable agriculture: a health psychology approach. (2022) BMC PUBLIC HEALTH 1471-2458 1471-2458 22

The role of universities on the consolidation of knowledge-based sectors: A spatial econometric analysis of KIBS formation rates in Spanish regions.

E- ISSN: 1873-6041


Krisztina Horváth, Jasmina Berbegal-Mirabent


• Using a sample of 47 Spanish regions (provinces) during 2009–2013, this study evaluates how features related to the regional configuration of universities influence the regional formation rate of knowledge-intensive business service (KIBS) firms.

Contribution, novelty:

• Regions with a greater concentration of universities and with higher proportion of public universities attract more new KIBS firms.
• The results also indicate a substitution effect between these university-based variables and the region's industry specialization.

Practical relevance:

• The paper offers insights on how territories may attract more knowledge-based businesses by encouraging the development of the local higher education system.



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Analysis of the digital platform economy around the world: A network DEA model for identifying policy priorities.

E- ISSN: 1540-627X


Esteban Lafuente, Zoltán J. Ács, László Szerb


• This study evaluates the quality of the digital platform economy at the global scale by employing a network model rooted in nonparametric linear techniques (data envelopment analysis) on a sample of 116 countries for 2019.

Contribution, novelty:

• The core findings indicate that the configuration of countries’ platform economy is very heterogeneous.
• This suggests that an informed, tailor-made approach to policy might produce more effective outcomes.

Practical relevance:

• Policies aimed at enhancing the digital platform economy should emerge from the analysis of its main factors if the development of a strategy seeking qualitative improvements in the system is the desired goal.



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The Role Of Entrepreneurship Ecosystems In Hungarian Urban Regions.

E- ISSN: 1557-9336


László Szerb, Krisztina Horváth, Lívia Lukovszki, Miklós Hornyák, Zsófia Fehér


• The paper uses the Regional Entrepreneurship and Development Index (REDI) methodology to analyze the entrepreneurial ecosystems of 22 urban regions in Hungary.
• These urban regions statistically range from metropolitan agglomerations to smaller regional units with urban centers which organize their respective local economies, representing real economic entities relevant to EEs.

Contribution, novelty:

• Compared to other European regions, Hungarian urban regions perform poorly in entrepreneurship.
• Budapest, the leading Hungarian regions, ranks 81st out of the 140 regions in the sample, and it also lags behind other similarly developed regions.
• Looking at the REDI sub-indices, Hungarian urban regions perform relatively well in Entrepreneurial Attitudes while Entrepreneurial Aspiration is the weakest component in 19 of them.

Practical relevance:

• Pinpointing local weaknesses is particularly important because they act as limitations on the operation of EEs and serve as a basis for policy interventions.
• While Risk Acceptance and Financing as ecosystem components are the weakest pillars in most regions, the combinations of pillar components differ, underlining the legitimacy of case-sensitive policy interventions.



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Dynamics of collaboration among high-growth firms: results from an agent-based policy simulation

E- ISSN: 1432-0592


Anna Varga-Csajkás Anna, Tamás Sebestyén, Attila Varga


• The study introduces an application of an agent-based model that is appropriate for modeling the dynamics of network formation based on different proximity dimensions.
• With the help of unique survey data about the Hungarian gazelles, we have conducted our analysis on a broad range of formal and informal cooperation, which allows a more in-depth understanding of collaboration in innovation.

Contribution, novelty:

• Successful entrepreneurship policy, that induces spin-offs in a given sector, could significantly increase the number of relationships between the organizations.
• Findings show that spin-off formation is conducive not only for the sector concerned but it has a spillover effect on other industries.

Practical relevance:

• Policies targeting network formation can be better designed with the help of the model.
• Larger economic impact models can integrate the proposed method to simulate economic effects of different network-related interventions.



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Innovative tourism development in a Hungarian regional centre in the 1930s.

E-ISSN: 1755-1838


Tibor Gonda, Zoltán Kaposi


• Besides presenting the economic background of Pécs, the current study also discusses the local boom in tourism, which was developing at a rapid clip in the 1930s.

Contribution, novelty:

• Recognizing the economic role of tourism, local leaders started to develop the sector, establishing the Tourism Committee and Tourism Office in 1933.
• New transit hubs were established: direct airline connections were inaugurated to Budapest and Kaposvár and a rail connection to Vienna opened.
• In making urban development decisions, factors taken into account included the needs of tourism, embracing such still fashionable activities as the integration of local products into the tourism supply.

Practical relevance:

• The developments of the 1930s have an impact even on the contemporary tourism of the city.



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Relative age effect on the market value of elite European football players: a balanced sample approach.

E-ISSN 1746-031X


András Gyimesi, Dániel Kehl


• Athletes born late in the selection year are disadvantaged compared to the relatively older in youth age groups. This leads to an overrepresentation of the early-born in professional teams, which is called the relative age effect (RAE).
• This paper aims to estimate the partial RAE on the market value of top-level European football players with a new methodology.

Contribution, novelty:

• Unlike prior studies, we found an extremely strong straight RAE in elite European football, especially for younger players.
• Using our methodology, we interpret RAE as a partial effect, which indicates that an earlier birth date within the calendar year results in a higher market value.

Practical relevance:

• Our results imply discrimination based on birth date in several countries, which needs to be reduced by better regulation of youth competitions.
• Our findings have implications for coaches and managers on how to account for relative age when training, transferring, and selecting players.



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Do specific entrepreneurial ecosystems favor high-level networking while others not? Lessons from the Hungarian IT sector.

E-ISSN 1873-5509
E-ISSN 1873-5509


Éva Komlósi, Tamás Sebestyén, Ákos Tóth-Pajor, Zsolt Bedő


• The paper explores those configurations of micro, meso and macro elements of the entrepreneurial ecosystem of ICT firms in a Hungarian city (Pécs), which result in low or high level networking performance.

Contribution, novelty:

• The study finds that different networking levels require different conditions. Only those ecosystems show very high-quality networking that perform well in both the necessary and sufficiency components.
• Also, different ecosystem configurations are required for high informal, formal, or external networks.

Practical relevance:

• The results provide policy makers with a more advanced understanding of how entrepreneurial ecosystems work, thereby supporting a more efficient allocation of scarce resources.


Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 175, 121349, 2022.

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Impact of Early Inspection on the Performance of Production Systems Insights from an EPQ model.

E-ISSN 1872-8480


Zsuzsanna Hauck, Boualem Rabta, Gerald Reiner


• A manufacturing process with an early stage of quality control is considered.
• Impact of screening time on both screening costs and defect detection rate via different linear and nonlinear functions are investigated.

Contribution, novelty:

• New EPQ model with two stages of quality control: early-stage screening after the most critical operation and final screening.
• Numerical examples illustrate the impact of various parameters.

Practical relevance:

• Devoting more time to the initial screening increases the inspection cost but allows a greater proportion of defects to be detected early, and saving cost of subsequent stages.
• Managerial insights are dealing with highly relevant trade-offs.
• Results highlight the importance of careful estimation of the defect rate.


Applied Mathematical Modelling, 107, p. 670-687, 2022.

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When post-merger price effect becomes smoothed over time: A case of a gasoline market merger.

E-ISSN 1873-6181


Katalin Erdős, Roland Baczur, Dániel Kehl, Richárd Farkas


• The paper analyzes the horizontal merger of two branded gasoline chains.
• It uses a difference-in-difference estimation strategy for the post-merger price effect caused by the merger.

Contribution, novelty:

• The prices of merged and non-merged stations increased to different degrees.
• A market-wide price increase occurs after the signature of the acquisition contract.
• A further price increase followed the completion of the station design change.

Practical relevance:

• Our findings underpin that the effects of a horizontal merger can significantly increase the prices on the retail gasoline market, which can have significant welfare consequences that would be essential to be considered in competition authority decisions.


Energy Economics, 105, 105682, 2022. 

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Golden ratio-based capital structure as a tool for boosting firm's financial performance and market acceptance.

E-ISSN 2405-8440


József Ulbert, András Takács, Vivien Csapi


• In this study, 455 US and European manufacturing and service firm's data are examined from the period 2010–2019.
• The purpose of the investigation was to determine if there are any positive impacts of a golden ratio-based capital structure on financial performance and market acceptance.

Contribution, novelty:

• Significant positive relationship is found between the deviation from the golden ratio-based capital structure and the deviations of firms' revenue, income, stock price and market value data from their historical maximum.
• This relationship is more obvious in the United States than in Europe, and stronger for service firms than for manufacturing companies.

Practical relevance:

• The golden ratio-based capital structure may be an efficient tool for firms to boost their performance and market acceptance.


Heliyon, 8(6), e09671, 2022.

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Applicants' institution selection criteria in the higher education: An empirical study in Hungarian higher education management

E-ISSN 1741-9883


Norbert Sipos, Gabriella Kuráth, Edit Bányai, Ákos Jarjabka


• This paper shows what are the applicants' institution selection criteria in higher education in Hungary and what changes this will imply in higher education management and communication.
• These questions were investigated based on a review of the most relevant literature and the analysis of 1396 applicants.
• Exploratory and confirmative factor analyses were used to identify the relative order of the application influencing factors.

Contribution, novelty:

• The first most important factor is the vivacity, followed by career and costs, fourth is image and the last one is the low commitment.
• The paper shows that the identification of the application strategies requires renewed management and communication techniques.

Practical relevance:

• The results help the institutions to determine the possible actions to be implemented to attract more students and improve the level of offered services.


Management in Education, in press, 2022.

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A composite indicator analysis for optimizing entrepreneurial ecosystems

E-ISSN: 1873-7625


Esteban Lafuente, Zoltán J. Ács, László Szerb


• The study employs the ‘benefit of the doubt’ approach to evaluate the entrepreneurial ecosystem of 71 countries for the period 2016.
• The proposed analysis of composite indicators allows the computation of endogenous (country-specific) weights that can be used for developing more informed policy making.

Contribution, novelty:

• Results show that countries prioritize different aspects of their national system of entrepreneurship, confirming that tailor-made policy is necessary if the objective is to optimize the resources deployed to enhance the countries’ entrepreneurial ecosystem.
• There is a significant positive correlation between quality improvements in the entrepreneurial ecosystem and venture capital investments.

Practical relevance:

• Significant improvements in the quality of the entrepreneurial ecosystem can be realized by targeting the policy priorities of the local entrepreneurship system identified by the ‘benefit of the doubt’ weights.


Research Policy, 51(9), Paper:104379, 2022.

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Information leakage in the football transfer market

E-ISSN 1746-031X


Diána Ivett Fűrész, Gábor Rappai


• The research investigates the impact of information leakage about players’ transfer on the stock price of football clubs.

Contribution, novelty:

• In the vast majority of cases, the stock reacted to the announcement; moreover, in two-thirds of the transactions, information leakage was also established.
• Most of the transfers affect share prices even before the announcement because the small shareholders of football clubs are, presumably, emotional investors, rather than rational ones.

Practical relevance:

• This study provides some managerial implications for football club owners, managers, and regulators.


European Sport Management Quarterly, 22(3), p. 419-439, 2022.

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Beneficiaries and cost bearers: evidence on political clientelism from Hungary

E-ISSN: 1743-9388


Tamás Vasvári


• This study analyzes political clientelism and the softness of budget constraint for local governments from the persepctive of both local and central decision-makers

Contribution, novelty:

• The author conduct an analysis regarding the Hungarian local government system between 2006 and 2018 to capture the political patterns in local fiscal policy and central granting policy
• The fiscal discipline was lower at aligned local governments
• Local governments in opposition were underfinanced
• Favoured municipalities enjoyed more funds and could deliver more projects to their citizens
• The unaligned local governments struggled to establish a fair distribution of the burdens between beneficiary generations

Practical relevance:

• The study emphasizes that fair distribution of burdens is key to exploit the benefits of fiscal decentralization.
• The study provides information to policy-makers about the nature of budget constraint for local governments
• Policy-makers may get insight about the importance of raising own revenues and the role of central grants in municipal financing.


Local Government Studies, 48(1), p. 150-177, 2022.

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The evolution of the global digital platform economy: 1971-2021.

E-ISSN 1573-0913


Zoltán J. Ács, Abraham K. Song, László Szerb, David B. Audretsch, Éva Komlósi


• This paper examines the evolution of the global Digital Platform Economy from 1971 to 2021.
• Using a unique database the paper revisits the thesis that incumbents in the 1970s were unable to harness new technologies.
In this study, 455 US and European manufacturing and service firm's data are examined from the period 2010–2019.

Contribution, novelty:

• The paper developes a conceptual framework of the DPE consisting of three interrelated concepts: digital technology infrastructure, digital multisided platforms, and platform-based ecosystems (users and entrepreneurs) to better understand the evolution of the DPE.
• The framework provides a roadmap for thinking about the governance of the global DPE.

Practical relevance:

• The key research question for the twenty-first century is, “What is the governance structure of the Digital Age?”
• It calls for inventing more effective ways to govern an interdependent world.


Small Business Economics, 57(4), p. 1629-1659, 2021.

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Shock propagation channels behind the global economic contagion network. The role of economic sectors and the direction of trade.

E-ISSN 1932-6203


Zita Iloskics, Tamás Sebestyén, Erik Braun


• The study examines a cross-country analysis to measure the systemic operation of national economies through the importance of domestic sectors as a supplier
• Using panel-econometric techniques, the study points out the role of the openness and structural asymmetry in shaping this strength

Contribution, novelty:

• The structure of the domestic production network is different across countries in terms of sectors’ centrality and the intensity of the linkages between domestic sectors
• The estimates reveal that openness has a negative, while asymmetry has a positive effect on this index, but other country specific characteristics also play a role in shaping the systemic operation of nationaleconomies

Practical relevance:

• The level of systemic operation can be a useful signal of how resilient an economy is to emerging global shocks such as a pandemic, natural disasters or wars


PLoS One, 16(10), e0258309, 2021.

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Joint quality and pricing decisions in lot sizing models with defective items

E-ISSN: 1873-7579


Hauck Zsuzsanna, Rabta Boualem, Reiner Gerald


• A profit maximization model with consideration of quality screening, pricing and lot sizing.

Contribution, novelty:

• The time spent on the screening is also a decision variable 
• Price-sensitivity quality perception of customers in considered in the demand function.

Practical relevance:

• Optimizing the screening time can have significant impact on the final profit.
• Parameter values (e.g. proportion od defective items, demand function coefficients, penalty cost, salvage value) were examined a high range in order to make the findings applicable for several types of products and industries.


International Journal of Production Economics, 241, 108255, 2021.

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The effects of subclinical ADHD symptomatology on the subjective financial, physical, and mental well-being of entrepreneurs and employees

ISSN 2352-6734


Vörös Zsófia, Lukovszki Lívia


• The study examines the effects of subclinical ADHD symptomatology on the subjective quality-of-life outcomes in employment and entrepreneurship.

Contribution, novelty:

• The results indicate that subclinical ADHD impairs only entrepreneurs’ subjective income and harms entrepreneurs’ health perception to a larger extent than that of employees. Yet, the negative effects of ADHD symptomatology on life satisfaction are rather felt among employees.

Practical relevance:

• We argue that these results reflect a relatively good fit between entrepreneurship and subclinical ADHD symptomatology on the needs-supplies dimension but not on the demands-abilities dimension.


Journal of Business Venturing Insights, 15, e00240, 2021.

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Develop resilience - a System-Level dynamic indicator for testing the Long-Term impact of planned projects based on a Watershed and a city strategy example

E-ISSN: 1872-7034


Kiss Tibor, Kiss Viktor Miklós


• Creating a resilient energy-flow structure for an existing system (example: Cone Spring Watershed)
• Develop a system-level dynamic indicator for testing the long-term effectiveness of planned projects in a system.

Contribution, novelty:

• Development of a resilient system structure for an ecological system through an iteration procedure
• A system dynamics model, an integrated assessment tool, is built to test the long-term effect of projects
• Sensitivity analysis optimizes projects' impacts

Practical relevance:

• Testing the long-term effectiveness of the planned investment strategies can help in the allocation of the investment budget.
• Dynamisation of the static input-ouput table with help of a system dynamics model is useful in other research topics as well.


Ecological Indicators, 129, 107970, 2021.

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Production dynamics in case of organizational learning

E-ISSN: 1879-0550


Vörös József


• The speed of implementing productivity knowledge increase is a key component of competitiveness and for the case when the implementation is instantaneous, an optimal control model is developed.

Contribution, novelty:

• A closed form solution is provided to determine the optimal production level.

Practical relevance:

• If the implmentation of gained knowledge increases is instantenous, then the production rate is constant over time for a zero discount rate and is increasing for positive discount rate.
• If implementation happens step by step, production dynamics will be decreasing in case of zero discount rate and for a positive discount rate,the dynamics can be decreasing and increasing as well.


Computers & Industrial Engineering, 157, 107340, 2021.

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Sports activities of 60 above Hungarian elderly-explaining and predicting impact of exercise on health

E-ISSN: 1471-2458


Lampek Kinga, Csóka László, Hegedüs Réka, Zrínyi Miklós, Törőcsik Mária


• The proportion of elderly is on the rise both in Europe and in Hungary. The challenge is to increase the number of years spent in good health as well as to improve quality of life of those 60 years and above. This study focuses on the impact of physical activity on this age group.

Contribution, novelty:

• The positive relationship between satisfaction with life and self-reported health and relationship between active sporting and personal health was confirmed. 
• It was also confirmed that rapid pace of living and satisfaction with life increased personal health, the biggest gain in health was by frequent physical activity.

Practical relevance:

• The main conclusion of this paper is that physical activity can be the most effective way to improve personal health of our senior citizens.


BMC Public Health, 21, 1863, 2021.

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The changing form of overconfidence and its effect on growth expectations at the early stages of startups

E-ISSN 1573-0913


László Szerb, Zsófia Vörös


• This study examines the link between entrepreneurs’ beliefs in their entrepreneurial skills and the actual or expected growth of their venture

Contribution, novelty:

• The outcomes of the analyses reinforce that the incongruent results on the relationship between perceived entrepreneurial skills and expected and realized growth may be due to the variations in the form of entrepreneurial overconfidence, the actual and perceived skill relationship and the strengthening effect of the more realistic entrepreneurial expectations

Practical relevance:

• Policy makers could found programs that support new venture owners to appropriately evaluate their skills and the expected outcome of their business


Small Business Economics, 57, p. 151-165, 2021.

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Evaluation on the effectiveness of energy policies – Evidence from the carbon reductions in 25 countries

E-ISSN: 1879-0690


Kiss Tibor, Popovics Steve


• The paper evaluates the effectiveness of national level policies are in place since 2005, including countries in the EU emissions trading system (EU ETS), nationwide carbon tax policies and hybrid policies. 

Contribution, novelty:

• Total and per capita carbon dioxide emissions continued to rise despite the growth of carbon pricing mechanisms.
• When the increase of the emissions due to economic factors were separated, the emissions still increased in respect of most policy types.

Practical relevance:

• The current economic and social structure might strongly determine the greenhouse gas emissions, therefore, focussing on only emissions reductions is not sufficient.


Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews Volume 149, 111348,  2021.

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The strength of domestic production networks: an economic application of the Finn cycling index

E-ISSN: 2364-8228


Braun Erik, Sebestyén Tamás, Kiss Tibor


• The study examines a cross-country analysis to measure the systemic operation of national economies through the importance of domestic sectors as a supplier
• Using panel-econometric techniques, the study points out the role of the openness and structural asymmetry in shaping this strength

Contribution, novelty:

• The structure of the domestic production network is different across countries in terms of sectors’ centrality and the intensity of the linkages between domestic sectors
• The estimates reveal that openness has a negative, while asymmetry has a positive effect on this index, but other country specific characteristics also play a role in shaping the systemic operation of nationaleconomies

Practical relevance:

• The level of systemic operation can be a useful signal of how resilient an economy is to emerging global shocks such as a pandemic, natural disasters or wars


Applied Network Science, 6(69), 2021.

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Task Characteristics as Source of Difficulty and Moderators of the Effect of Time-on-Task in Digital Problem-Solving

E-ISSN 1541-4140


Zsófia Vörös, Dániel Kehl, Jean-François Rouet


• To be able to solve complex information problems in a digital environment is a key 21st century skill
• Authors analyzed data from a large-scale international study in which representative samples of adults had to solve more or less complex problems using standard computer applications 

Contribution, novelty:

• Spending more time on a task is more likely to compensate an average problem solver when task complexity can be attributed to intrinsic task and technology drivers than when complexity stems from the cognitive/metacognitive activities belonging to information problem-solving processes per se, especially acquiring and evaluating information

Practical relevance:

• The interpretation of time-on-task should take the source of difficulty into consideration


Journal of Educational Computing Research, 58(8), p. 1494-1514, 2021.

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Analysis of screening decisions in inventory models with imperfect quality items

E-ISSN: 1366-588X


Zsuzsanna Hauck, Boualem Rabta, Gerald Reiner


• The study examines an Economic Order Quantity (EOQ) model with imperfect quality items where both the cost and the defect detection rate depend on the time devoted to screening.
• Screening time is decision variable jointly with the order quantity.

Contribution, novelty:

• Screening-time dependent screening cost and defect detection functions are defined.
• Nonlinear forms lead to nonconvexities in the total cost function consisting of multiple cost components, e.g. inspection cost, penalty costs, etc. 

Practical relevance:

• Reducing return rates and improving customer satisfaction can be achieved by adjusting the operational parameters, without a significant increase in system cost or new investments.
• Lower screening costs motivate longer screening times, the effectiveness of this operation is only obtained in combination with the reliability of the defect detection method. 


International Journal of Production Research, 2020.

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University-Centred Entrepreneurial Ecosystems in Resource Constrained Contexts.

E-ISSN: 1758-7840


Zsolt Bedő, Katalin Erdős, Luke Pittaway


•  The paper suggests a conceptual framework outlying the structure, components and mechanisms that enable universities to operate as catalysts in the creation of entrepreneurial ecosystems.

Contribution, novelty:

• The presence of a university in resource constrained locations should enhance the prospects of progress but the nature of the university itself would impact any outcomes
• Universities that make concerted efforts to be entrepreneurial and that have entrepreneurship programs have strategies available to them that can enhance entrepreneurship ecosystems over time

Practical relevance:

• The contribution of this paper is to show “how” a university and its entrepreneurship programme can operationally address deficits in a local ecosystem and how it might bring about positive change
• The paper also opens new avenues for entrepreneurship education researchers


Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development, 27(7) p. 1149-1166, 2020.

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Estimating the economic impacts of knowledge network and entrepreneurship development in smart specialization policy

E-ISSN: 1360-0591


Attila Varga, Tamás Sebestyén, Norbert Szabó, László Szerb


• This paper introduces how enterpreneurship (the REDI) and knowledge networks (the ENQ index) are implemented in the GMR-Europe (geographic, macro and regional) model.

Contribution, novelty:

• The simulations highlight that smart specialization policy targeting the development of enterpreneurship and knowledge networks is not equally successful in all regions.
• The impact of policies depends on several interrelated factors (level of enterpreneurship in the region, the embedness of the region in the interregional knowledge networks, the magnitude of policy shocks, the size of R&D and human capital, etc.).

Practical relevance:

• The model could helpfully contribute to the design of a Smart Specialisation Strategy. 


Regional Studies, 54(1), p. 48-59, 2020.

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Economic impact modelling of smart specialization policy

Which industries should prioritization target?


Attila Varga, Norbert Szabó, Tamás Sebestyén


• The Geographic Macro and Regional (GMR)-Hungary policy impact model is exctended with additional features to make this model applicable for economic impact analysis of smart specialization policies.

Contribution, novelty:

• In the illustrative policy simulations, authors applied the two-dimensional framework suggested by Foray (2015) for prioritization: spillover potential and economic significance.
• Simulations with the GMR model is shown to be useful in supporting the prioritization process, as it is able to capture economic impacts of changes in soft dimensions behind regional productivity.

Practical relevance:

• With policy simulations, the paper illustrates how the application of this model helps policy-makers in the prioritization process of S3.


Papers in Regional Science, 99(5) p. 1367–1388, 2020.

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Optimizing entrepreneurial development processes for smart specialization in the European Union



László Szerb, Raquel Ortega-Argilés, Zoltan J. Acs, Éva Komlósi


• This paper demonstrates how the Regional Entrepreneurship and Development Index (REDI) can be used to optimize local entrepreneurial discovery processes, in a manner which can support smart specialization strategies (S3)

Contribution, novelty:

• While S3 industry prioritization is based on the identification of local strengths, regional improvement can be achieved by improving the weakest features of the local entrepreneurial ecosystem

Practical relevance:

• Without optimizing the entrepreneurial ecosystem, the industry prioritization alone may not be successful because of the inability of the ecosystem to be able to nurture high growth potential ventures


Papers in Regional Science, 99(5) p. 1413-1457, 2020.

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Do economic shocks spread randomly?

A topological study of the global contagion network
E-ISSN: 1932-6203


Tamás Sebestyén, Iloskics Zita


• This study draws a map of economic contagion across countries
• This map is tested whether contagion links show up randomly or they exhibit some predictable structure

Contribution, novelty:

• While business cycle synchronization is widely studied, this is the first attempt to provide a topological description of cross-country economic contagion
• Significant non-random topology is found, there is a persistent contagion path in 16% of all possible connections.

Practical relevance:

• Non-random topology reveals systematic patterns in shock-transmission which may help predicting possible contagion paths in future economic turmoils.


PloS One, 15(9), e0238626, 2020.

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Competencies and success measured by net income among Hungarian HE graduates.

E-ISSN: 1758-6127


Gabriella Kuráth, Norbert Sipos


• The purpose of this paper is to show the effects of the six competence areas of Garcia-Aracil and Van der Velden (2007) on new graduates' labor market success measured by salary.

Contribution, novelty:

• The analyzed results show that the six competence sets do exist, but that not all of them have a significant effect on salaries
• This paper contributes to understanding better the connection between competencies and labor market success.

Practical relevance:

• Based on the results, more soft-competence development courses and opportunities should be offered by the HEIs.


Education + Training 63(3) p. 417-439, 2020.

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League Ranking Mobility Affects Attendance: Evidence From European Soccer Leagues

E-ISSN: 1552-7794


Gyimesi András


• The study examines a historical panel dataset of 19 European football leagues
• It raises the question, how attendance demand is affected by season to season changes in league rankings

Contribution, novelty:

• Ranking mobility is found to affect stadium attendance, particularly at the top 5 positions
• It suggests that the closeness of competition across
seasons matters for spectators

Practical relevance:

• Spectators respond positively to upsets in the league rankings, so dominance of top teams could be detrimental to the attendance of the league. The European Super League is a warning sign, that unpredictability of domestic leagues should be improved.


Journal of Sports Economics, 21(8), p. 808-828, 2020.

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Show me the money: Option moneyness concentration and future stock returns

E-ISSN 1096-9934
E-ISSN 1096-9934


Kelley Bergsma, Vivien Csapi, Dean Diavatopoulos, Andy Fodor


• The study analyses the options which are not in-the-money due to higher potential gains for a smaller upfront cost

Contribution, novelty:

• The study shows that stock returns increase with AveMoney (a measure of stock-level dollar volume-weighted average moneyness ), suggesting informed options traders prefer to use options that offer higher leverage
• The results are strongest when AveMoney is calculated using call options only, probably because puts are often used for hedging while calls are more often used for speculating on future stock price movements

Practical relevance:

• The study demonstrates that relative trading activity in options of different moneyness levels can signal the direction of future stock returns.


Journal of Futures Markets, 40(5) p. 761-775, 2020.

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The effect of fair valuation on banks' earnings quality: empirical evidence from developed and emerging European countries

E-ISSN 2405-8440


András Takács, Tamás Szűcs, Dániel Kehl, Andrew Fodor


• This study investigates average earnings quality (AEQ) and its determinants in the European banking sector based on data of 409 European banks from the period 2006–2018

Contribution, novelty:

• The authors find that, while the interest change observed in the total period and the banks' size significantly and negatively affect AEQ, the proportion of fair value assets has a significant positive effect
• They show that the latter is only valid for developed countries

Practical relevance:

• The paper provide clear evidence that the introduction of IFRS 13 resulted in a measurable improvement in fair value regulation


Heliyon, 6(12) e05659, 2020.

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The global technology frontier: productivity growth and the relevance of Kirznerian and Schumpeterian entrepreneurship

E-ISSN 1573-0913


Esteban Lafuente, Zoltan J. Acs, Mark Sanders, Laszló Szerb


• This paper evaluates how country-level entrepreneurship—measured via the national system of entrepreneurship—triggers total factor productivity (TFP) by increasing the effects of Kirznerian and Schumpeterian entrepreneurship

Contribution, novelty:

• The authors employ non-parametric techniques to build a world technology frontier and compute TFP estimates
• The results of the common factor models reveal that the national system of entrepreneurship is a relevant conduit of TFP and that this effect is heterogeneous across countries

Practical relevance:

• The policy-makers need to turn their attention to the development of an appropriate national system of entrepreneurship; and prioritize policies that promote the ‘interconnector’ role of the national systems of entrepreneurship


Small Business Economics, 55, p. 153–178, 2020.

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A system dynamics approach for assessing SMEs' competitiveness

E-ISSN 1758-7840


Esteban Lafuente, László Szerb, András Rideg


 • Drawing on the resource-based view and the configuration theory, this study evaluates the effect of both competitiveness and the configuration of the competitiveness system on performance

Contribution, novelty:

• Results show that the impact of competitiveness-enhancing strategies is conditional on the configuration of the system of competencies
• The findings also indicate that competitiveness positively impacts performance and that the exploitation of competitive strengths leads to superior results among high-competitive businesses

Practical relevance:

• By employing an index methodology, the analysis contributes to unveil how competitiveness impacts business performance


Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development, 27(4) p. 555-578, 2020.

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Knowledge networks in regional development

An agent based model and its application
E-ISSN: 1360-0591


Tamás Sebestyén, Attila Varga


• The paper sets out a modelling framework that captures the dynamics of link formation in a knowledge networks and integrates it into a broader economic impact analysis model

Contribution, novelty:

• The paper develops an agent-based model of network formation and estimates the potential economic effects of specific policy interventions in the prioritization process of Smart Specialisation
• The model points to those sectors/fields of activity the support of which sets in motion link formation dynamics resulting in the largest improvement in the learning potential arising from knowledge networks

Practical relevance:

• The proposed method helps to find the optimal policy for regions in the prioritization process of Smart Specialisation.


Regional Studies, 53(9), p. 1333–1343, 2019.

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An analysis of the dynamic price-quality relationship

E-ISSN: 1872-6860


József Vörös


• The paper examines the operations and marketing interface, highlighting the impact of the demand function and operational efficiency on optimal price 

Contribution, novelty:

• A dynamic model is developed in which demand depends on both price and quality. The applied objective function maximizes the profit and the salvage value of the firm.
• The results highlight that higher quality does not involve price increase necessarily, the type of demand functions plays a key role. 

Practical relevance:

• Quality dynamics may have both increasing and decreasing impact on price.
• Improving operational efficiency softens price increase while quality increases, and many times results in price decrease while quality is improving.


European Journal of Operational Research, 277(3), p. 1037-1045, 2019.

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Price transmission in the presence of a vertically integrated dominant firm: Evidence from the gasoline market

E- ISSN: 1873-6777


Richárd Farkas, Biliana Yontcheva


• The paper provides an empirical examination of cost pass-through on a market with a vertically integrated firm which has substantial market power in wholesale and faces competition in retail
• This investigation focuses on gasoline pricing in Hungary

Contribution, novelty:

• The research demonstrates the importance of monitoring the behavior of vertically integrated firms on all tiers of the production and distribution process
• This find a positive relationship between market power and pass-through asymmetry 

Practical relevance:

• From a policy perspective, it needs to re-evaluate optimal regulation whenever there are changes in the level of concentration at any point in the production and distribution of the goodount rate,the dynamics can be decreasing and increasing as well.


Energy Policy, 126, p. 223-237, 2019.

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The relevance of quantity and quality entrepreneurship for regional performance: the moderating role of the entrepreneurial ecosystem.

E-ISSN: 1360-0591


László Szerb, Esteban Lafuente, Krisztina Horváth, Balázs Páger


• This study analyzes how the entrepreneurial ecosystem and different types of entrepreneurship impact regional performance

Contribution, novelty:

• This study proposed that quantity- and quality-based entrepreneurship have a heterogeneous impact on territorial outcomes, measured via GVA per worker and employment growth
• Furthermore, it emphasized the relevance of the regional entrepreneurial ecosystem as a key factor moderating the role of different types of entrepreneurship on regional performance

Practical relevance:

• The analysis of the outcomes that flow from the connection between the entrepreneurial ecosystem and different types of entrepreneurship contributes to identify policy actions that can help optimize territories’ available resources and, ultimately, lead to a greater territorial economic growth


Regional Studies, 53(9), p. 1308-1320, 2019.

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Past themes and future trends in medical tourism research: A co-word analysis

E-ISSN: 1879-3193


Andrea de la Hoz-Correa, Francisco Muñoz-Leiva, Márta Bakucz


• The purpose of this paper is to analyze the evolution of medical tourism (MT) research from a longitudinal perspective (period 1931–2016). 
• A co-word analysis was applied to themes found in published research listed in the Web of Science (WoS) and Scopus database services.

Contribution, novelty:

• This study is one of the first attempts to use a bibliometric approach and co-word analysis so as to offer powerful insight into the conceptual structure of MT research from academic literature and to visualize all the underlying and interconnected subfields. 

Practical relevance:

• The results  provide a guide to researchers by improving the understanding of the current state of the art and predicting the direction of future research.


Tourism Management, 68, p. 200-211, 2018.

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Innovative potential for development of Europe’s neighbouring countries and regions

E-ISSN 1432-0592


Edward M. Bergman, Attila Varga


• This study attempts to illuminate key innovative factors that underlie the fragile but important relationships between Europe and its immediate regional neighbours during the EU post-accession period.

Contribution, novelty:

• The paper highlights that helping neighbouring states and regions to become more friendly, stable, and prosperous depends upon their ability to tap innovative sources of development. The generation and exploitation of the newest innovations remains the province of advanced countries and regions, others following as they become capable of deploying valuable innovations. 

Practical relevance:

• This study hews closely to the economic development goals of the ENP by examining forces and factors that underlie the ability of neighbouring regions and countries to acquire and exploit innovative technologies, which are seen as the key element of a successful ENP.


Annals of Regional Science, 60(3) p. 443-449, 2018.

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Entrepreneurship, institutional economics, and economic growth: an ecosystem perspective

E-ISSN 1573-0913


Zoltán J. Acs, Saul Estrin, Tomasz Mickiewicz, László Szerb


• This study analyzes conceptually and in an empirical counterpart the relationship between economic growth, factor inputs, institutions, and entrepreneurship.

Contribution, novelty:

• The paper investigates whether entrepreneurship and institutions, in combination in an ecosystem, can be viewed as a “missing link” in an aggregate production function analysis of cross-country differences in economic growth.
• The paper builds on the concept of National Systems of Entrepreneurship (NSE) as resource allocation systems that combine institutions and human agency into an interdependent system of complementarities.

Practical relevance:

• The study explores the empirical relevance of these ideas using data from a representative global survey and institutional sources for 46 countries over the period 2002–2011.  
• The empirical analysis finds support for the role of the entrepreneurial ecosystem in economic growth.


Small Business Economics, 51(2), p. 501-514, 2018.

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Ecology-related resilience in urban planning – A complex approach for Pécs (Hungary)

E-ISSN: 1873-6106


Kiss Tibor, Kiss Viktor Miklós


• Introducing an urban planning methodology with a resilient strategy structure, based on the selected projects.

Contribution, novelty:

• A sustainable city strategy is developed
• Sustainable city strategy is better if it has a resilient structure
• A methodology is given for testing the resilient structure.

Practical relevance:

• The world's knowledge about sustainable cities can also be organized into a resilient structure
• "Rule of thumb" is given for practical use of the methodology.


Ecological Economics 144, p. 160–170, 2018.

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Entrepreneurship development in Russia: is Russia a normal country?

An empirical analysis
E-ISSN: 1758-7840


László Szerb, William N. Trumbull


• The purpose of this paper is to  investigate whether Russia is a normal country in terms of entrepreneurship by comparing Russia with other post-socialist and similarly developed countries.

Contribution, novelty:

• In this study the authors use the Global Entrepreneurship Index (GEI) methodology to analyze Russia’s quality-related individual as well as institutional features from a system perspective in a single model.
• The single-model framework reveals that individual factors are even greater obstacles to entrepreneurship development in Russia than the institutional factors that most studies focus on.

Practical relevance:

• The results show that conditions supporting entrepreneurship in Russia lag seriously behind other post-socialist countries.
• Russia’s individual scores are even lower than the institutional ones. 
• Hence, improving the hostile environment alone would not be sufficient for entrepreneurship development.


Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development, 25(6) p. 902-929, 2018.

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The role of landscape preferences in the travel decisions of railway passengers: Evidence from Hungary

E-ISSN: 2199-6202


Bence Somogyi, János Csapó


•This study provides an evaluation method for the landscape preferences of passengers travelling on Hungarian railway lines, demonstrating how the landscape around the railways could become an attraction during the travel. 
•  The study is based on the exploration of the relationship between the subjective value appraisal of railway passengers and objective indicators of land use.

Contribution, novelty:

• The results show what types of landscape appearance would be needed in order to generate travel decisions for tourists and also how the travel experience itself could become a tourism product.

Practical relevance:

•  The results  provide a guide to researchers by improving the understanding of the current state of the art and predicting the direction of future research.


Moravian Geographical Reports, 26(4), p. 298-309, 2018.

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Place-based, Spatially Blind, or Both?

Challenges in Estimating the Impacts of Modern Development Policies: The Case of the GMR Policy Impact Modeling Approach
E-ISSN 1552-6925


Attila Varga


• This study surveys the most important modeling challenges raised by the two modern economic development approaches: the space-neutral and the place-based approaches.

Contribution, novelty:

• To illustrate how economic models can respond to
these challenges the author briefly introduces the GMR-Europe model.
• It is found that promoting research excellence in leading agglomerations combined with human capital development in the rest of the regions in Europe could result in a sustained positive GDP impact of EU Framework Programs at the aggregate EU level.
• It is also important to emphasize that the aggregate impact masks marked regional differences.

Practical relevance:

• This paper suggests macroeconomic models that integrate geography could usefully help policymakers in their choice among different complex geography-instrument mixes.


International Regional Science Review, 40(1), p. 12-37, 2017.

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Does EU Framework Program Participation Affect Regional Innovation?

The Differentiating Role of Economic Development
E-ISSN 1552-6925


Attila Varga, Tamás Sebestyén


• This paper assumes that the overall missing impact of European Union Framework Program participation on regional patenting masks an important spatial regime effect.

Contribution, novelty:

• The results strongly support the assumption of the paper. 
• While FP research subsidies act as a substitute for funding from other sources in regions of old EU member states and capital regions in CEE countries, innovation in peripheral Central and Eastern European regions tends to rely more on the external knowledge transferred via FP funded research networks to compensate for their less developed local knowledge infrastructures.

Practical relevance:

•The findings suggest that, in combination with other policies, strengthening research excellence and international scientific networking in relatively lagging regions (such as regions in CEE countries) could be a viable option to increase regional innovativeness.


 International Regional Science Review, 40(4), p. 405-439, 2017.

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Properties and comparison of risk capital allocation methods

E-ISSN: 1872-6860


Dóra Balog, Tamás László Bátyi, Péter Csóka, Miklós Pintér


• This paper is a guide for both researchers and practitioners in risk capital allocation. 
• If a financial unit consists of subunits, then the risk of the main unit should be allocated to the subunits using a risk capital allocation method in a fair way.

Contribution, novelty:

• In this study the authors analyze seven risk capital allocation methods applying coherent measures of risk. 
• The study proves how the seven methods perform in terms of ten fairness properties. 
• The simulation of Core Compatibility in 24 treatments is up to nine subunits.

Practical relevance:

• The conclusion of the results show that some of the ten properties should be given up in practice. 
• The paper can serve as a useful guide for both practitioners and researchers.


 European Journal of Operational Research, 259(2) p. 614-625, 2017.

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Measuring quality perception in electronic commerce: a possible segmentation in the Hungarian market

E-ISSN: 1758-5783


Ildikó Kemény, Judit Simon, Ákos Nagy, Krisztián Szűcs


• The purpose of this paper is to provide a description of an analysis into the relationship of the dimensions of perceived e-SQ and satisfaction as well as WOM intention in case of an online bookstore in Hungary where technical development and internet penetration is emerging; however, it is developing from an economic perspective. 
• Beyond this a potential segmentation is introduced in the Hungarian market.

Contribution, novelty:

• According to the research only the dimension of efficiency and responsiveness have a significant positive effect on satisfaction, and beside these the quality perception of fulfilment has a significant influence on WOM intention.
• Using the relevant latent variable scores segmentation was conducted and four clusters were identified. 

Practical relevance:

• According to the results the study suggests that web-shops managers should focus not only on online characteristics but also on offline, human-based interactions and the service quality of their delivery partners.


Industrial Management & Data Systems, 116(9) p. 1946-1966, 2016.

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Issues and solutions relating to Hungary's electricity system

E-ISSN 1873-6785


Viktor Miklós Kiss, Zsolt Hetesi, Tibor Kiss


•The paper developed a model capable of simulating the electricity system of Hungary. 
•It was used to simulate three possible scenarios for the electric power system for 2030.

Contribution, novelty:

•The results of the simulations show that developing the changes proposed in the scenario of the authors,  Hungary would operate an electric power system which is diversified with respect to fuel input, has double the renewable energy share than the business as usual scenarios, and uses 38% domestic sources to cover its electricity demand, compared to 15.8% for the business as usual scenarios. 
•Also, its emission intensity would be 35% less than the
business as usual scenario where the current centralized, fossil fuel
based production strategy would continue.

Practical relevance:

• This much more secure and environment friendly electric power system would not be unaffordable, as it was shown that the development and the operation of such a system could be 3.4%-32.3% more expensive to build and operate. 
•This costs could be outweighed by the tremendous advantages in energy security and environmental impact.


ENERGY, 116: 329-340, 2016.

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Economic impact assessment of alternative European Neighborhood Policy (ENP) options with the application of the GMR-Turkey model

E-ISSN 1432-0592


Attila Varga, Mete Basar Baypinar


• This paper applies the GMR-Turkey policy impact model to estimate the likely regional effects of a selected set of policies suggested in the European Neighborhood Policy literature. 

Contribution, novelty:

• The study groups the policy suggestions into two alternative sets of measures, which became the bases of two alternative scenarios of regional economic development, the Conservative scenario and the Technology- and innovation-based development scenario.

Practical relevance:

• The results suggest that a persistent and systematic long-term regional technology development-based economic policy which applies measures such as investment, education and R&D support, promotion of better connectedness to EU research networks and increased physical accessibility to developed markets could in the longer run result in higher levels of regional and national production together with decreasing interregional differences than a scenario supporting the expansion of traditional industries in the region.


ANNALS OF REGIONAL SCIENCE, 56(1): 153-176, 2016.

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Process quality adjusted lot sizing and marketing interface in JIT environment

E-ISSN 1872-8480


József Vörös, Gábor Rappai


• This study developes a new lot sizing model in JIT environment. 
• The characteristics of the total cost is analyzed as a function of demand, and suggests a way to determine the optimum demand volume in the contracts.

Contribution, novelty:

• As the occurrence of problems (deviations and variability) is natural, the authors consider both the output of the assembly line and the frequency of violating the Jidoka principle (cars with quality problem are tagged and go through the assembly line arriving at the clinic area and waiting for repairing) random variables.
• These two random factors result in new lot sizing rules and modify the traditional formulae.  
• The results prove that the sales volume minimizing this function decreases when backlogging costs increase.

Practical relevance:

• The analysis of the case emphasizes the importance of the inclusion of the clinic area into the discussion not only because in JIT systems clinic area exists, but the last two propositions indicate that core problems may behave differently.


APPLIED MATRHEMATHICAL MODELLING, 40(13-14): 6708-6724, 2016

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The non-emptiness of the weak sequential core of a transferable utility game with uncertainty

E-ISSN: 1873-1538


Tibor Németh, Miklós Pintér


• This study introduces a subclass of transferable utility games with uncertainty, the class of generalized balanced games with universal veto control–which class properly includes the class of convex transferable utility games with uncertainty.

Contribution, novelty:

• This paper gives a necessary and sufficient condition for the non-emptiness of the weak sequential core.
• It is shown that a transferable utility game with uncertainty has a non-empty weak sequential core if and only if it is uniformly P-balanced on the cores.

Practical relevance:

• The results shows that every generalized balanced game with universal veto control has a non-empty weak sequential core.



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Country level efficiency and National Systems of Entrepreneurship: A Data Envelopment Analysis approach

E-ISSN 1573-7047


Esteban Lafuente, László Szerb, Zoltán J. Acs


•This paper tests the efficiency hypothesis of the knowledge spillover theory of entrepreneurship.

Contribution, novelty:

• Results support the efficiency hypothesis of knowledge spillover entrepreneurship. 
• The paper shows that innovation-driven economies make a more efficient use of their resources, and that the accumulation of market potential by existing incumbent businesses explains country-level inefficiency.
• Regardless of the stage of development, knowledge formation is a response to market opportunities and a healthy national system of entrepreneurship is associated with knowledge spillovers that are a prerequisite for higher levels of efficiency. 

Practical relevance:

• Public policies promoting economic growth should consider national systems of entrepreneurship as a critical priority, so that entrepreneurs can effectively allocate resources in the economy.


JOURNAL OF TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER, 41(6): 1260-1283, 2016.

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