Invited lecturers Laurent Bach (BETA, Université de Strasbourg, France); Ron Boschma (University of Utrecht, The Netherlands); Giulio Bottazzi (Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna, Pisa, Italy); Nicolas Carayol (Université Bordeaux Montesquieu IV, France); Aldo Geuna (University of Torino, Italy); Péter Járosi (University of Pécs, Hungary); Bart Los (University of Groningen, the Netherlands); Mario Maggioni (University of Milan, Italy); Luigi Orsenigo (Universita degli studi di Brescia, Italy); Bettina Peters (Zentrum für Europäische Wirtschaftsforschung, Mannheim, Germany); Pier-Paolo Saviotti (Université Pierre Mendès-France, Grenoble, CNRS-GREDEG, Sophia Antipolis and OFCE, France); Stefano Usai (Università di Cagliari, Italy); Nicholas S. Vonortas (The George Washington University, USA); Attila Varga (University of Pécs, Hungary);
Isabel ALMUDI HIGUERAS; Tobias BUCHMANN; Andrea COCCHI; Friedrich DORNBUSCH; Abiodun A. EGBETOKUN; Drew GERTNER; Ralph HIPPE; Christian KLUCK; Christian MARTINEZ-DIAZ; Lisa MELANDER; Nina MENZ; Mehdi MOHAMMEDI; Oliver PLUM; Judit RONCZ; Sabyasachi TRIPATHI; Antje SCHIMKE; Sangwoo SHIN; Sabyasachi Tripathi
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PREPARE, the "Priority European Programme in Advanced Regional Economics" offers an integrated structure of training, active participation, and discussion for PhD students and young researchers in regional science. The programme is funded by the European Union through its Marie Curie Actions and is held in close cooperation with the European Regional Science Association (ERSA). PREPARE continues and expands the well established ERSA summer institutes. The main activity of PREPARE is a series of four such summer institutes, each with a thematic focus and held in a different city. This ten-day event is held in Groningen, The Netherlands in 2006, in Bratislava, Slovak Republic in 2007, in Pecs, Hungary in 2008, and in Volos, Greece in 2009. Every summer institute includes the following elements: advanced instructions on a current topic in regional science presentation and discussion of the research of participants issues of how to build a scientific career The events are held by leading experts in the respective fields.
For further information on the ERSA PREPARE (concept, partners, events) please visit the official website of the program at the http://www-sre.wu-wien.ac.at/ersa/prepare/index.html!
Pécs session
http://www-sre.wu-wien.ac.at/ersa/prepare/summerschool2008.html The topic of the 3rd Prepare Summer Institute was Spatial Econometrics and Spatial Computable General Equilibrium Modelling. The goal of the Summer School was to provide PhD-students and young researchers with advanced training in Spatial Econometrics and Spatial Computable General Equilibrium (SCGE) Modelling, an opportunity to present and discuss their research, skills and knowledge to advance their careers as researchers.
In a format of combined lectures and hands on training provided by top-level experts, we dealt with the following areas in the advanced training component: Exploratory Spatial Data Analysis, Fundamental Methods of Spatial Econometrics, Selected Advanced Methods of Spatial Econometrics, Introduction to CGE and SCGE modelling Hands-on experience in building a SCGE model.
Invited lecturers
Luc Anselin (Arizona State University, USA); Johannes Bröcker (Christian-Albrechts-University of Kiel, Germany); Julia Koschinsky (Arizona State University, USA); Nancy Lozano-Gracia (Arizona State University, USA); Gunther Maier (University of Vienna, Austria); Rosina Moreno (University of Barcelona, Spain); Mark Thissen (Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency); Attila Varga and Péter Járosi (University of Pécs, Hungary) Participants BAYPINAR, Mete Basar; BIRKELÖF, Lena; CAPASSO, Marco; CORSATEA, Teodora Diana; DOGARU, Diana; GIACCARIA, Sergio; HALLER, Reinhard; HAUSER, Christoph; HEYNDRICKX, Christophe; HORNE, Ron; HU, Jun; KARATHODOROU, Niovi; KOSSOWSKI, Tomasz; KUTTOR, Dániel; LODDO, Silvia; LOW, Sarah Anne; MELENDEZ-HIDALGO, Jose Carlos; MONTÉN, Anna Katarina; OZYURT, Selin; PARAGUAS, Ferdinand J.; Parenti, Angela; Ponds, Roderik; RIDHWAN, Masagus M.; SÖRENSSON, Robert; TRANOS, Emmanouil; TSELIOS, Vasileios dr.; VANOUTRIVE, Thomas; VENHORST, Viktor Andreas; YESILYURT, Filiz; ZSIBÓK, Zsuzsanna
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Invited lecturers
Laurent Bach (BETA, Université de Strasbourg, France); Ron Boschma (University of Utrecht, The Netherlands); Giulio Bottazzi (Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna, Pisa, Italy); Harry Garretsen (University of Groningen, The Netherlands); Aldo Geuna (SPRU, University of Sussex, Brighton, UK and University of Torino, Iltaly); Péter Járosi (University of Pécs, Hungary); Georg Licht (ZEW, Mannheim, Germany); Francesco Lissoni (CESPRI, Bocconi University, Milan, Italy); Frank van Oort (University of Utrecht, The Netherlands); Luigi Orsenigo (Universita degli studi di Brescia, Italy); Pier-Paolo Saviotti (Université Pierre Mendès-France, Grenoble, CNRS-GREDEG, Sophia Antipolis and OFCE, France); Paula E. Stephan (Andrew Young School of Policy Studies, Georgia State University, USA); Stefano Usai (Università di Cagliari, Italy); Nicholas S. Vonortas (The George Washington University, USA); Attila Varga (University of Pécs, Hungary)
Ayse Nur ALBAYRAK; Najoua BOUFADEN; Joan CRESPO; Anja DETTMANN; Mercy ESCALANTE Ludeña; Claudio FASSIO; Christian HUNDT; Jon Mikel Zabala ITURRIAGAGOITIA; Christine ISAKSON; Magnus JOHANSSON; Christina KAKDERI; Justyna Ewa KLOSOWSKA; Ildikó KNEISZ; Cristina LINCARU; Roman MARTIN; Cornelia MEISSNER; Anne NYGAARD MADSEN; Tiana RAFANOMEZANTSOA; Charlotte SCHLUMP; Sanna Kaisa SEPPÄNEN; Dennis STOCKINGER; Dániel VÉRTESY; Zsófia VAS; Zsuzsanna ZSIBÓK
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DIMETIC is the summer school of the DIME (Dynamic of Institutions and Markets in Europe) network of excellence. The aim of DIMETIC is to offer younger researchers a specific training in the new developments of the Dynamics of Institutions and Markets in Europe and to provide an opportunity for direct interaction between younger researchers and "seniors" known for their expertise in the field. There are three sessions each two weeks every year: Strasbourg (in March), Pécs (in July) and Maastricht (in October). Participants are expected to attend two sessions at least. Each session includes a series of seniors’ lectures, PhD presentations discussed by one PhD (junior) and one senior, and various forms of round table or summary meetings.
If you would like to know more about DIMETIC, please visit the official website of the initiative at the http://dimetic.dime-eu.org/.
Pécs sessions
The topic of the Pécs session was Regional and policy dimensions of innovation and growth. The first week focussed on Geography of innovation and growth: theory and empirics and the second week focussed on Policy for the knowledge economies.
Technological change is the single most important drive of long run economic growth. In the recent economics literature scientists’ interests turned heavily to the regional dimension of this process that is the extent to which spatial proximity and agglomeration of the actors in innovation contribute to the effectiveness of the system both in terms of technological development and per capita growth. The focus of the first week was on the current state of affairs of this field in theory, empirical research and methodology. Leading international experts provided overviews from the theoretical perspectives of the new economic geography and evolutionary geography and summarized empirical results in entrepreneurship research and the geography of innovation. Sessions on spatial econometrics and spatial computable general equilibrium modelling were also provided to introduce students to empirical research methodology.
The second week explored the growing role played by science, technology and innovation policies in modern economies, and to which extent their design, implementation and evaluation take into account the specificities of knowledge-based economies. Emphasize was given to the renewed importance of science policy and the role of universities, the role of policy towards financing high-tech start-ups, the evolution of European policies and the coherence with some other policies addressing social needs and industrial issues.
Zoltán J. Ács (Director, Center for Entrepreneurship and Public Policy; School of Public Policy, George Mason University, Fairfax, USA); Laurent Bach (BETA, Université de Strasbourg, France); Andrea Bonaccorsi (School of Engineering, University of Pisa); Ron Boschma (University of Utrecht, The Netherlands); Giulio Bottazzi (Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna, Pisa, Italy); Aldo Geuna (SPRU, University of Sussex, Brighton, UK and University of Torino, Iltaly); Georg Licht (ZEW, Mannheim, Germany); Terttu Luukkonen (The Research Institute of the Finnish Economy (ETLA), Helsinki, Finland); Francesco Lissoni (CESPRI, Bocconi University, Milan, Italy); Rosina Moreno (University of Barcelona, Spain); Pier-Paolo Saviotti (Université Pierre Mendès-France, Grenoble, CNRS-GREDEG, Sophia Antipolis and OFCE, France); Keith Smith (Australian Innovation Research Centre, Tasmania, Australia); Mark Thissen (Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency); Attila Varga (University of Pécs, Hungary)
Borbála BODÓ; Andrea CARAGLIU; László CSONKA; Stefano ELIA; Katalin ERDŐS; Andrea FABRIZI; Vitor Hugo FERREIRA ; Sergey FILIPPOV; Tomasz JERZYNIAK; Catherine LECOCQ; Balázs LENGYEL; Roberto NAPOLI; Sandrine NOBLET; Serena NOVERO; Dorothy SUTHERLAND OLSEN; Adrien QUERBES-REVIER; Milena Yumi RAMOS; Tamás SEBESTYÉN; Haniyeh SEYED RASOLI; Bram TIMMERMANS; Zsuzsanna ZSIBÓK
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