A RIERC fő kutatási vonalai az alábbi négy csoportba sorolhatóak: - regionális innováció kutatások (ökonometriai vizsgálatok, innovációs hálózatelemzés, ágens alapú innovációs kutatások), - regionális vállalkozáskutatások (a REDI (Regional Entrepreneurship and Development Index) index kidolgozása, GEM (Global Entrepreneurship Monitor) kutatások), - kisvállalati versenyképességi kutatások (kisvállalati, regionális versenyképességi vizsgálatok, a kisvállalati versenyképességi index kidolgozása), -a fejlesztéspolitikai hatásmodellezés (a regionális innovációs és vállalkozási szakpolitikai beavatkozások gazdasági hatásait vizsgáló modellek kifejlesztése).
Kép forrása: Freepik és saját szerkesztés
Futó kutatási projektek
Examining the competitiveness of Hungarian small businesses
Sponsor: National Research Development And Innovation Office
Objectives: While small units constitute the vast majority of the business sector, our knowledge about the small and medium-sized businesses is limited. To close the gap in small business research, we have developed a unique questionnaire that is a useful tool to measure small business competitiveness. Up to now, we have collected data on 1200 Hungarian and 700 other country businesses. We plan to continue this data collection in 2021 and 2023. The small business competitiveness index consists of ten pillars -human capital, product, domestic market, networks, technology, decision-making, strategy, marketing, internationalization, and online presence – representing ten features of small business operation. In this project, we would like to examine five important aspects of competitiveness. By analyzing the composition of these pillars, we could provide useful suggestions on small business stakeholders on how to improve the competitiveness of their business. By collecting additional data about the environment of SMEs, we are able to provide useful policy suggestions to local policymakers on how to improve the institutional, local business atmosphere. We are also planning to shed light on the connection between competitiveness and business financial performance. Small businesses export intensity is much lower than large firms, so we aim to identify the key factors of internationalization and export. Finally, we would like to develop new complex performance measures for family businesses that are more appropriate to quantity family business characteristics and compare them to other nonfamily types of ventures.
Befejezett kutatási projektek 2022-ben
MTA-PTE Innovation and Economic Growth Research Group
Sponsor: Hungarian Academy of Sciences
Duration: 01.07.2012 – 30.06.2022
Researchers: Attila Varga, Katalin Erdős, Orsolya Hau-Horváth, Péter Járosi, Tamás Sebestyén, Éva Somogyiné Komlósi, Norbert Szabó
Objectives: It is proven by economics that innovation is one of the most important factors of economic growth in the modern era (Romer, 1990). The new cohesion policy of the EU introduced in 2014 and related to this also the document Europe 2020 aims the strengthening of innovation to enhance global positions of the EU. Boosting innovation is the key to put Hungary on a new growth path too. The least known, but very critical areas of the domestic innovation system are innovation co-operations and entrepreneurial willingness (e.g. Havas and Nyíri, 2007). It is less likely to gain further, deeper knowledge on the co-operation of the actors of the Hungarian innovation system (industrial companies, service providers, private and publicly funded research institutions), respectively on the national entrepreneurial willingness on the base of traditional tools (entrepreneurial surveys, standard innovation surveys (CIS), patenting activity, analysis of R&D activity. The traditional research methods are also insufficient to analyse the relationship between innovation and economic growth. The research analyses innovation co-operations, the complex relationship of entrepreneurship and economic growth by applying new research tools developed in the international literature.
Befejezett kutatási projektek 2017-ben
Financial and Institutional Reforms for Entrepreneurial Society (FIRES)
Sponsor: EU Horizon 2020 – the Framework Programme for Research and Innovation
Duration: 2015–2017
Role: consortium member
Researchers: László Szerb, Balázs Páger, Éva Somogyiné Komlósi
Objectives: In this project we will analyse the broader contexts of smart, inclusive and sustainable growth in Europe to support implementation of the Commission’s 'Europe 2020' growth strategy and to restore Europe’s ability to innovate, grow and create jobs over the coming decades. In this proposal we argue that entrepreneurship must play a central role in that effort. 'Entrepreneurship' tends to make people think of the US and its model of high growth and high-tech start-ups in Silicon Valley. We are keenly aware, however, that a European growth agenda requires a focus on European entrepreneurship. US recipes and models will not fit the European context and do not deliver the results Europe wants. Our project's objective is therefore to thoroughly analyse European institutional arrangements and their current (in)ability to mobilise Europe’s human, financial and knowledge resources for entrepreneurial activity. This will help us formulate an effective reform strategy to reinvigorate European economies. The current diversity of institutional arrangements in Europe has long and common historical roots that must first be recognised and understood. Based on common global trends in technology and competition, we then establish the urgency and desirability for making the transition to a more entrepreneurial economy throughout Europe. Once this has been established, our project will develop and provide the tools for policy makers to assess the quality of national and regional entrepreneurial ecosystems and to identify the main strengths and weaknesses with regard to making the transition. Based on this assessment we will formulate specific proposals to enhance the allocation of talent, finance and knowledge to new value creation and we will conclude our project with a legal analysis to see where competencies currently lie and what action could be taken.
Further information: http://www.projectfires.eu/
Befejezett kutatási projektek 2016-ban
Hungarian analysis related to the “Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM) - project” international entrepreneurship research
Sponsor: Ministry of Economy, University of Pécs
Duration: 2001–2016
Researchers: László Szerb, Attila Varga, Balázs Páger, Éva Somogyiné Komlósi
Further information: http://www.gemconsortium.org/
Befejezett kutatási projektek 2015-ben
Modelling the expected macroeconomic Impact of supports for the ex-ante assessment of the 2014-20 programming period
Sponsor: National Development Agency
Duration: 2013–2015
Researchers: Attila Varga, Péter Járosi, Tamás Sebestyén, Norbert Szabó
GRINCOH – Growth-Innovation-Competitiveness: Fostering Cohesion in Central and Eastern Europe (GRINCOH)

Sponsor: FP7-SSH-2011-2 (290657)
Duration: 01.03.2012 – 28.02.2015
Role: Consortium partner
Researchers: Attila Varga, László Szerb, Péter Járosi, Tamás Sebestyén, Katalin Erdős
Objectives: GRINCOH addresses two issues affecting Central and Eastern European economies: the disjuncture between fast productivity growth and poor performance in developing innovative capacities for longer-term sustainable growth; and the pronounced economic, social and environmental territorial disparities resulting from accelerated growth. The project objectives are to: (a) establish development scenarios for CEECs up to 2020 under different assumptions of political frameworks, institutional conditions and development strategies; (b) identify the implications for sustainable growth – based on innovation and the development of technological capabilities – and greater economic, social and territorial cohesion; and (c) advise on future policy options, especially for EU Cohesion policy.
Further information: http://www.grincoh.eu/
Befejezett kutatási projektek 2014-ben
International scientific embedding, technical development and economic growth
Sponsor: OTKA
Duration: 2012–2014
Researchers: Attila Varga, Katalin Erdős, Orsolya Hau-Horváth, Márton Horváth, Péter Járosi, Dórra Longauer, Tamás Sebestyén, Éva Somogyiné Komlósi, Norbert Szabó
Objectives: The economically useful scientific-technological knowledge plays a central role in macroeconomic growth. Research and development is one of the most decisive innovation factor. It is a specific feature of R&D that the process becomes increasingly collaborative in nature, thus new scientific results are born in co-operation of innovative companies, public and private research institutes. Despite the fact that the structure of research networks, respectively the position taken in those are important considering the scientific and innovative performance, previous researches did not analyse the position of internationally outstanding performing Hungarian researchers in global networks. On the base of previous research results, we determine global positions of internationally competitive Hungarian research groups with a newly developed index that measures the quality of the network connection, respectively we analyse the quality of the network connection and the success of the scientific and innovative activity, and the relationship between long run regional and macro level economic growth by using a model framework that is new on the international level as well.
SEARCH – Sharing KnowledgE Assets: InteRegionally Cohesive NeigHborhoods (SEARCH)

Sponsor: FP7-SSH-2010-2 (266834)
Duration: 01.08.2011 – 31.07.2014
Role: Consortium partner
Researchers: Attila Varga, László Szerb, Péter Járosi, Tamás Sebestyén, Katalin Erdős
Objectives: The main objective of this project is to strengthen the integration process between the EU and the NCs by focusing on the European Research Neighbourhood (ERN), thereby improving fundamentally the understanding of institutional framework conditions of the ENP countries, their economic interactions with the EU in terms of people, capital, trade, knowledge, and innovation, in order to improve future definition and implementation of European Neighbouring Policies taking into account that "one size fits all" policy recommendations will not be appropriate due to the bilateral nature of the EU-ENP countries agreements.
Further information: http://www.ub.edu/searchproject/
Complex analysis and modelling of the effects of energy production, energy use and waste management technologies on company competitiveness, city, region and macro-economy
Sponsor: SROP 4.2.2./A-11/1/KONV-2012-0058
Duration: 2012–2014
Role: principal investigator
Researchers: László Szerb, Attila Varga, Katalin Erdős, Tamás Sebestyén
Befejezett kutatási projektek 2013-ban
Principles of environmental protection and environmental management in urban and rural areas, in modern architecture
Sponsor: SROP 4.2.1./B-10/2/KONV-2010-0002
Duration: 2011–2013
Researchers: Attila Varga, László Szerb, Katalin Erdős, Orsolya Hau-Horváth, Márton Horváth, Péter Járosi, Tamás Sebestyén, Éva Somogyiné Komlósi, Norbert Szabó
The Regional Entrepreneurship and Development Index - MEASURING REGIONAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP
Sponsor: DG Regio
Duration: 2013
Researchers: László Szerb
Befejezett kutatási projektek 2012-ben
Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM), entrepreneurial activity in Hungary
Sponsor: OTKA
Duration: 2010–2012
Researchers: László Szerb
Befejezett kutatási projektek 2011-ben
Science and Technology Research In a Knowledge-based Economy (STRIKE)
Sponsor: ESF-COST (action number: IS06049)
Duration: 2007–2011
Role: consortium member
Researchers: Attila Varga
Analysis of the innovative and co-operation capacity and development opportunities of SMEs in Hungarian-Romanian cross-border regions
Sponsor: EU Cross-Border (InCoDeSME, HURO/0801/087)
Duration: 2010–2011
Role: external advisor
Researchers: László Szerb
Befejezett kutatási projektek 2010-ben
DIME Network of Excellence
Sponsor: EC
Duration: 2005–2010
Role: consortium member
Researchers: Attila Varga, László Szerb, Katalin Erdős, Orsolya Hau-Horváth, Márton Horváth, Péter Járosi, Tamás Sebestyén, Norbert Szabó
Objectives: DIME (Dynamics of Institutions and Markets in Europe) is a network of social scientists in Europe, working on the economic and social consequences of increasing globalization and the rise of the knowledge economy. DIME is sponsored by the 6th Framework Programme of the European Union. The network brings together a wide variety of scholars, for example from economics, geography, sociology, history, political science and law.
DIME is a formal organization, of which academic research units (typically universities or other public research organizations) can become members. However, most of the activities in the network are open to scholars from outside the DIME membership list.
Further information: http://www.dime-eu.org/
IAREG – Intangible Assets and Regional Economic Growth (IAREG)
Sponsor: FP7-SSH-2007-1 (216813)
Duration: 01.02.2008 – 31.07.2010
Role: consortium partner
Researchers: Attila Varga, László Szerb, Péter Járosi, Tamás Sebestyén, Katalin Erdős
Objectives: The general objective is to analyse the role played by intangible assets (IA) in the generation of innovation and productivity and growth at a theoretical and especially at an empirical level. In addition to the analysis of the actors generating these IA, the project will also consider the linkages among them and the geographical dimension in which these processes take place. This will be done in order to give scientific support to policy activities in relation to IA and to identify best practices for regional innovation systems.
Analysis of factors influencing establishment and growth of domestic companies.
Sponsor: OTKA (69283)
Duration: 2007–2010
Researchers: László Szerb
Befejezett kutatási projektek 2008-ban
Competitive Integration into the European Research Area. Enhancing the co-operation of publicly funded research organisations and the economy.
Sponsor: NKFP5 Programme
Duration: 2005–2008
Role: consortium member
Researchers: Attila Varga
Business potential of R&D activities in the university environment and their transfer to SMEs in the Cross-Border Region (CrosboR&D)
Sponsor: SL-HU-CR/05/4012-106/2004/01/HU-12 (Slovenia, Croatia, Hungary)
Duration: 2005–2008
Role: research subprogram leader
Researchers: Attila Varga
Befejezett kutatási projektek 2007-ben
Development of a complex macro- and regional economic model for the National Development Office to support decision making in development policy
Duration: 09.2005–04.2007
Researchers: Attila Varga
Growth opportunities of small and medium-sized enterprises: external and internal supporting and impeding factors
Sponsor: NKTH „Researches in economics (KOZKUT_06)”
Duration: 2007
Role: principal investigator
Researchers: László Szerb
Befejezett kutatási projektek 2006-ban
Enhancing university innovation transfer potential towards SMEs of cross-border regions (CrosboR&D)
Sponsor: EU INTERREG III (Sl-HU-CR/05/4012-106/2004/01/HU-12)
Duration: 2004–2006
Researchers: László Szerb
The Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM) Enterprises in Hungary research during the period 2004 and 2006
Sponsor: GKM (XII/125/2003)
Duration: 2004–2006
Researchers: László Szerb
Supporting the innovation activity of new technology-oriented enterprises by state-tools: identifying best practices, domestic empirical research and suggestions for policy-makers
Sponsor: NKTH Jedlik Ányos programme
Duration: 2006
Role: participant
Researchers: László Szerb
Befejezett kutatási projektek 2005-ben
Knowledge transfer between universities and the economy in Hungary
Sponsor: OTKA T 042840
Duration: 2003–2005
Researchers: Attila Varga
The value of European Patents. International comparative analysis
Sponsor: EC
Duration: 2005
Role: consortium member
Researchers: Attila Varga
Befejezett kutatási projektek 2003-ban
Ex ante assessment of the macroeconomic impacts of the EU structural funds
Sponsor: Ministry of Economy
Duration: 2002–2003
Researchers: Hans Joachim Schalk, Attila Varga
Befejezett kutatási projektek 2002-ben
Business consultation
Sponsor: EU PHARE HU9705
Duration: 2000–2002
Role: leader of the 5th subproject
Researchers: László Szerb