Fintech Innovation 2018 Conference - 17th October

2018. szeptember 13. 13:34’s Fintech Innovation 2018 Conference concentrates on the most recent events of the financial innovation market and intends to prepare financial professionals to take part to have an active role in changes started on the international and Hungarian payment services markets.

This year we will apply a new structure meaning that we shall add one day to the conference organizing a conference with the similar topics but not for businessmen but for students. This will be held in the city of Pécs at the Economic Faculty of the local University but students will attend from other universities as well.

Just like a year ago PSD2 and instant payments dominate not only the Hungarian payment market but the European as well. By this reason we keep on concentrating on these two topics but we have involved new presenters to give a broader picture to the participants. Those who come will have the possibility to listen to a presentation about FIntech and AI and the latest developments in blockchain technology.

We wanted to have the opinion of bank managers, IT specialists on the running questions. They are on the users’ side in this respect we, therefore, have invited them to partcipate better in the two, hopefully very lively round table discussions to give their opinions, how they see their own and the whole market’s possibilities.

Along with the presentation of trends and future regulations we wish to present new and innovative solutions on the basis of which new services can be built up.  We want the conference to be also an excellent networking possibility for the participants where everyone can meet professionals of the leading  companies which determine also the future of market development.

Register now to the - Fintech Innovation 2018 Conference, Pécs

You can register also via e-mail - please send your application to konferencia [at]!

For further information please contact Mr. András Gáspár at +36-30-588-70-76