Nanjing Field School - 24-30 March 2018

2018. január 19. 11:41

Call for Applications for MSc and BSc students at UPFBE

The University of Pécs Faculty of Business and Economics announces a call for application for the 1st UPFBE- Nanjing Audit University Field School in Nanjing (China).


The aim of the call for applications:

The aim is to ensure the opportunity to gain educational, language and cultural experience at our Chinese partner institution the Nanjing Audit University. Learning mobility is to enhance the academic performance and develop the personal skills and abilities of the student.

Within the framework of our agreement with Nanjing Audit University, successful applicants are given the opportunity to enhance their business related knowledge and experience as well as widen their cultural experience related to China (its education art and economy).


The program covers fully the following expenses for participants:

  • participation
  • flight tickets
  • accommodation

The following expenses have to be covered by the participants:

  • visa application fee
  • health insurance
  • recommended vaccination


Application process

1.  The application package has to be submitted electronically.

2. Application deadline: 12 February 2018, 12:00. Applications have to be sent to Ms. Lilla Kolos the faculty International coordinator (kolos.lilla [at]

3. Interview for selected applicants: 14 February 2018. The interview (held in English) will be about your motivation and international experience.

4. Notifications on decisions will be sent out on 15 February 2018.


Expected follow-up activities

Participants are expected to:

1. Submit subjective reports of their experiences in Nanjing (the best one to be published on the faculty website) within one week after their arrival home.

2. Hold a public presentation for students of the faculty about their experiences within one month after arriving home. 


Application checklist:

1. Application Sheet & Motivation Letter (annex 1 to the Call for Applications)

2. Europass CV

3. Official Transcript of Records (grades of all accomplished courses issued by the Study Department)

4. Copy of Passport - The expiry date cannot be earlier then 26 October 2018!