2020. augusztus 25. 16:14

Dear Student,


taking into consideration the current news and forecasts on the global coronavirus pandemic, and also the recommendations received from the state secretariat of higher education, the Dean of the Faculty of Business and Economics ordered the following code of teaching and conduct in the Dean’s Order No. 4/2020. to be applied until the end of the 2020/2021 fall semester or until withdrawal:


Rules of teaching


  1. Classes at the Faculty shall be held, depending on the program’s level, schedule, type of subject and language of education, in the following forms:
    1. module “A” and “C” subjects in Hungarian language full-time bachelor programs (basic compulsory subjects – including zero-credit criteria – and optional subjects), furthermore, all subjects of part-time bachelor programs and full- and part-time higher level vocational trainings: exclusively digital teaching,
    2. module “B” subjects of Hungarian language bachelor programs (specialised professional subjects), furthermore, all subjects of Hungarian language master, English language bachelor and master programs and doctoral programs: hybrid teaching.
  2. In digital teaching classes are followed by students from distance (online); lecturers, however, are expected to hold classes from the building of the Faculty (from their own offices or from available empty lecture rooms). Deviation from this is only allowed in justified cases (e.g. classes of several lecturers in a joint office room are organised at the same time, lack of available lecturing rooms at the Faculty), with special permission by the Dean.
  3. In hybrid teaching lecturers are obliged to hold the classes in the lecturing room to students present personally, in a way that the class can be simultaneously followed from a distance (online), guaranteeing thereby the possibility of completing the subject in this form. Students cannot be obliged for personal presence in the case of hybrid training, no sanctions can be imposed on them if they are not present. The Management of the Faculty provides the tools necessary for hybrid training, and also offers methodology assistance with the inclusion of the heads of departments.
  4. In both digital and hybrid training, it is advised to organise tests and examinations in digital form, in order to guarantee the same criteria. In case of subjects held with hybrid training, lecturers are allowed to choose tests and examinations, evaluations that require personal presence (e.g. evaluation of class activity, in-class test), but participation therein cannot be made obligatory for students, and students cannot be sanctioned for not being present, they must be given the opportunity for alternative examination and evaluation in digital form.
  5. Administration of the study affairs (registration of courses, announcement of examinations, application for examinations, uploading of syllabuses etc.) is still done through the Neptun study system. For sharing lecture materials, information concerning the subjects, and for exanimations, the Moodle system is to be applied, instead of the formerly used MeetStreet/Unipoll system, while digital teaching (including the teaching of remote students in hybrid teaching) is to be done via the Microsoft Teams system. For individual communication with the students, official Faculty e-mail addresses and digital channels offered by the systems mentioned above (Neptun message, Moodle message, Teams message) are to be applied.


Code of conduct serving the protection of health


  1. In the Faculty building, continuous wear of face mask covering the nose and the mouth is compulsory, except for the specifications in par. (2). Wearing face mask is especially important and expected in the corridors of the building, in its community spaces and administrative areas (e.g. Study Department, Foreign Affairs Office, Talent Point Office).
  2. Wearing a mask can only be ignored in lecturers’ office rooms and in lecture rooms filled below the capacity limit specified for each room by the Faculty Management (though it is still advised) if the protective distance of 1.5 metres among those present can be secured.
  3. Before and after classes washing hands with soap or use of hand disinfectant is advised.
  4. Lecturers are obliged to ventilate lecture rooms at the start and finish of the classes.
  5. If weather conditions allow, students are advised to spend the breaks between the classes outdoors, making sure that the protective distance of 1.5 metres is kept.
  6. Entering the building of the Faculty and the classes is only allowed for healthy students and lecturers, showing no symptoms of disease. Those who notice symptoms typical of disease on themselves, on any of their fellow students, lecturers or colleagues, are asked to notify the Faculty Management as soon as possible (through the lecturer in case of students, directly in any other case), in order to take appropriate actions.
  7. During the semester, responsible behaviour of lecturers and students, obeying the specifications of this order and also the general pandemic regulations made at governmental or university level, are continuously expected.



Please strictly follow the above instructions. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.


Pécs, 25 August 2020



The Faculty Management


The full text of the order is available at