RBS Executive International Days 2022

2022. március 9. 08:58

Between the 28th of February and the 4th of March, Dean Schepp Zoltan participated in the RBS Executive International Days 2022 in the Rome Business School.

The aim meeting was to meet each other and discuss relevant trends concerning education, employability and international mobility.

Rome Business School is a Business School which offers Master’s programs and MBA that can be attended both on campus and on line, as well as Corporate Education training programs; the school always keeps an international vision, and its mission is to train global leaders capable of managing companies all over the world.

The Rome Business School is considered the most international business school in Italy with its more than 1500 international students from 161 countries, which includes Hungary as well. The school is offering more than 30 master's programme which are designed based on the needs. of corporate world.


As a sum up of the Executive International Days contained the presentations of the different sessions of the Rome Business School:

1. Plenary Session: Planeta Group and the Rome Business School

2. Coca-Cola HBC Italy: Employability Focus

3. RBS Career Services Department & RBS4Entrepreneurship Project

4. Project Management Institute: The Project Economy & PMI Central Italy

5. RBS Didactic Methodology & Accreditations

6. Daniele Maver: the Modern Business Challenges

7. RBS Corporate Advisory Board8. RBS International Mobility Programs


This summit provided the perfect opportunity for us to establish fruitful cooperation in the future, the chance to share best practices, ideas, and projects when possible to develop this kind of understanding.