2023. március 23. 11:09
Our colleagues were invited by Vesna Bratovčić, Vice Rector for International Affairs, who showed great interest in the research on accessible tourism at our institute.
The visit of our colleagues to the University of Tuzla was received with great interest not only by the students on the Torusim and Catering programme but also by local tourism managers. Our lecturers were honoured to be invited by Mayor Zijad Lugavić to his office, where they had a professional discussion not only about Tuzla's tourism development ideas, but also about the possibility of future cooperation.
For our institute, increasing international scientific visibility is a priority, and the successful visit of our colleagues was a major contribution to this. Congratulations to them!
On behalf of our colleagues, we would like to thank Professor Ermina Mustafic for her great organizational work. We look forward to welcoming you at our 5th International Tourism Marketing Conference in April.