2023. április 21. 11:19
Please introduce yourself and tell us what is the aim of your visit?
I’m Dr. Hemachandran, I’m the director of AI Research Centre at Woxsen University. I came to University of Pécs for the Faculty exchange programme, especially to take a session on AI in business as a part of theories and Practice of Innovation course and also I conducted a workshop for the research students on the topic „Basics of AI and ML and AI Applications in Business and Practice.”
Is it your first time in Hungary?
Yes, and I really like the culture here, the food and I had the chance to connect with some great people. All in all, it’s a good experience for me.
The main difference here is that the students are from different countries and there’s a really diverse cultural situation in the classes – we can learn a lot of things from that. Because at our University most of the people are from India and only 30% are international students.
I’d like to add how enthusiasthic the students are here, they have a lot of potential to learn new concepts when we teach them.
Tell us a little about your work – what is your research area?
Besides of being the Director of AI Research Centre, I am also an Advisory Board member of APT AI Labs in the USA and Agzistence Technical Advisory Board member in India.
For me the skill development of the students are really important, for example we organise short-term courses.
What are your future plans?
It’s a great opportunity for me being here and actually I had a conversation with Professor Krisztian Szucs and his team and we are planning to collaborate on a really interesting project – but it’s still in an initial stage. We also would like to collaborate in Hackathons and other projects in the future. Apart from that I really would like to thank to University of Pécs and Woxsen University for giving me the chance to participate in this exchange programme.