General information
You are free to publish all your valuable papers during your PhD studies.
You have to collect publication credits (min. 120).
Some important issues regarding these publications:
- You can always discuss your case with your supervisor. They can give you complementary comments, ideas where to publish and other useful practical tips.
- When you submit a publication in any form (abstract, presentation, paper), please make sure to include a proper affiliation (PhD student, University of Pécs, Faculty of Business and Economics, International PhD Programme in Business Administration).
- Please also make sure to manage your own MTMT platform ( In case you need any assistance here, our support contact is Ms. Rita Fölkerné Csernyik (csernyik.rita [at] (csernyik[dot]rita[at]lib[dot]pte[dot]hu)) from the library.
- Please, keep in mind that different type of publications have different value (or credit points). Try to aim those conferences which will end up in a volume with International Standard Book Number (ISBN) or Digital Object Identifier (DOI). Avoid predator journals. Check the background and the quality of the journals (, or ask for the advice of your supervisor.
- The Doctoral School or the University of Pécs is not able to finance your publication or your Open Access status. Please select amongst those journals that do not request fees for publication. Moreover, many journals provide free Open Access, because of supporting Hungary. If you have questions regarding the free access options please check this page ( or turn to Dr. Tamás Sebestyény (sebestyent [at]
- It is well worth to have a draft plan for publications, as acceptance period of papers by certain journals usually take more months or even a year.
- You are free to work together with your colleagues, classmates or your supervisor or in a research group. The authors of the publications are those who made relevant contribution during its creation. So you do not have to include e.g. your supervisor, just because this person have read through your paper and gave you some advice. If you find it difficult to judge whether the contribution of a given colleague is relevant, you can always discuss this with the given person or with your supervisor. Before submission, you should discuss with every co-authors and get written permission that they agree to be an author of the paper. Keep in mind, that changing the list of authors later is not possible in many journals and/or should have a good and relevant reason.
Warning about predatory journals!
As a Ph.D. student, being aware of the issues surrounding "predatory" open-access journals is important. Predatory journals deliberately mislead authors to collect publication fees without providing proper editorial and publishing services, such as peer review, indexing, or credible impact factors. They often have low-quality standards, false claims, and lack transparency.
Predatory journals can harm your reputation and credibility as a researcher if you publish in them. They can also waste valuable time and resources.
To identify predatory journals, you should check websites that maintain lists of questionable publishers and journals, such as Beall's List at However, no list is definitive, as some journals' practices may change over time. If a journal is not on Beall’s list, it does NOT mean it is definitely not predatory!
Some signs of predatory journals include unsolicited offers to submit articles, promises of very fast publication, and waiving of peer review steps. You should be cautious of journals with fake editorial boards, lack of fee transparency, and incorrect or missing impact factors.
A predatory journal’s website is usually colorful; they publish in many disciplines, they misleadingly promise help with publishing and editing, and sometimes they are even listed in prestigious databases!
If you have any doubts about a particular journal, do not submit your work without seeking guidance. Consult your research supervisor or Ph.D. program management to help evaluate the journal's reputation, peer review process, policies, fit for your research, and credibility. Their advice will help ensure your work is published in a respected, high-quality outlet. Review any journal before submitting it thoroughly to avoid undermining your reputation or wasting valuable resources.
Example in a prestigious journal: Grudniewicz, A., Moher, D., Cobey, K. D., Bryson, G. L., Cukier, S., Allen, K., Ardern, C., Balcom, L., Barros, T., Berger, M., Ciro, J. B., Cugusi, L., Donaldson, M. R., Egger, M., Graham, I. D., Hodgkinson, M., Khan, K. M., Mabizela, M., Manca, A., . . . Lalu, M. M. (2019). Predatory journals: No definition, no defence. Nature, 576(7786), 210-212.
Students have to register their publications in the Database of the Hungarian Scientific Works (Magyar Tudományos Művek Tára)
Students can ask help with the database in the library form the university MTMT coordinator Ms. Rita Fölkerné Csernyik (csernyik.rita [at] (csernyik[dot]rita[at]lib[dot]pte[dot]hu))
The activities of the students will be evaluated two times per year after 31 January and 30 June.
Evaluation Table Of Publications

The activities of the students will be evaluated two times per year after 31 January and 30 June.
Publications with co-authors are considered by the rate of contribution. Publications with two authors have the value of 0,6 (*points), publications with three or more authors have the value of 0,4 (*points). Category ranking is based on Scimago’s ranking at international journals (( In Hungarian publications the ranking is based on the Hungarian Academy of Sciences’ list (
No points may be given to the following:
- doctoral dissertation,
- daily and weekly journals, non-scientific journals.