Better Working World Data Challenge

2021. március 22. 11:52

EY and Microsoft are looking for problem solvers, analysts and any student who craves a challenge and wants to help build a better world.

Is that you? Do you have the tech skills needed to innovate and solve society′s toughest challenges?

The Better Working World Data Challenge asks you to look at how data and AI can be used to find tangible solutions to real-world problems. For 2021, the Challenge is to develop an automated fire-edge detection and forecasting model using airborne and satellite imagery from NASA, to help tackle the global threat of wildfires/bushfires [delete as appropriate].

What will you get?

  • Free access to Microsoft’s cutting-edge technology stack, Azure
  • Access to industry expert tutorials and training, including sessions to get you up to speed on the Challenge
  • Free Microsoft IT certifications
  • The opportunity to collaborate with students around the world
  • An opportunity to present your work to leading global organizations, such as EY, NASA and Microsoft
  • The chance to win up to US$10,000 in cash prizes
  • The top 60 global finalists will be offered mentoring from EY


Registration is open now. To join the Challenge go to

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