2021. szeptember 28. 10:48

Are you ready to become part of an elite consulting team?


D-TAG analytics Inc. is a consulting and market research firm providing Business Intelligence solutions via Big Data & Social Media Analytics. We aim to serve companies and organizations that seek to improve their decision-making and value by leveraging our expert team of analysts, consultants, and cutting-edge technology.

The Internship:

D-TAG, a Hungarian-American company, has offices in Seattle, Budapest, and Pécs (Kozármisleny), Hungary. We are currently looking for motivated students and fresh graduates to join our Blended Virtual Internship Program.

Please note that exceptional participants might be offered to renew their Internship contract, or even be offered part-time or full-time employment.

We are very flexible and understanding with our student interns, as we respect class schedules and exam season. We always work together to find an arrangement that suits both of our interests.


What We Offer:

  • No internship fee required
  • Opportunity to learn from professional experts of the industry
  • Possibility of long-term employment
  • Participate in in-house trainings, Social Media Analytics Boot-Camp
  • applicants public transport passes free of charge to facilitate access between our office and applicants’ homes as well as PTE


Tasks During the Internship:

Members of the Internship Program will participate in various activities related to sales, marketing, research, and analytics, although these are not limiting. Some examples of tasks may be found below:

  • Market Research, building Analytics Reports
  • Administrative Functions
  • Business Development / Sales Process / CRM Infrastructure
  • Community Management (Across D-TAG Official Channels)
  • Blog Post Writing
  • Consulting for Clients
  • Support and Participate in D-TAG Speaker / Networking Events
  • Multimedia Material Creation and Editing
  • IT Development (depending on applicant’s skills)


Required Time Dedication:

We expect our interns to be available 8 hours/weekdays. The only exceptions to this schedule are:

  • Regular student class times and student activities conflicting with normal working hours
  • National holidays

Special flexibility considerations will be given during exam season.


Applicants may have the opportunity to e-work, but there are fixed times which must be respected when presence is required at the office. E-work privileges will be extended based on performance and trust.

Please note that successful applicants must submit their full semester schedule before starting the Internship.


Preferred Candidate Requisites

  • At least 18 years of age, and fluency in English is a must.
  • Fluency in additional languages is a big plus!
  • Ability to work in Pécs, more specifically, in the nearby city of Kozármisleny
  • Be open for e-work, telework
  • Ability to take initiative, be proactive, and not afraid to bring and develop new ideas for the benefit of the company
  • Currently pursuing a degree in business, international relations, marketing, economics, statistics, IT or related fields.
  • Strong writing skills in English
  • Proficiency in PowerPoint and Excel
  • Multimedia skills (design, image, audio, video editing)
  • Strong research skills
  • Additional technical skills are strongly preferred, especially with regards to data processing
  • Positive attitude
  • Solid communication skills and willingness to work in a team environment


For more information, please contact us at the following address: analytics [at]

In order to apply, please send your most updated CV and a one-page Letter of Intent (also known as a Cover Letter) showing why you would like to join and what you think you can bring to our team.


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