Erasmus Days 2021 with 3UAS

2021. október 7. 13:28

"We are excited to invite you to our #ErasmusDays 2021 event that will be held online, 14-15 October 2021. This event will be organized in cooperation with 3UAS: Haaga-Helia, Laurea and Metropolia universities of applied sciences.

We will have two sessions for our partner universities: one for students and one for staff members.

The purpose of the Erasmus Days is to develop and provide exchange opportunities to the students and to improve services and mobility activities with partner institutions."

Erasmus Days website

Session for students

Thursday 14 October

10-12 am (Finnish time, UTC +3)

This session is designed for students interested in doing their exchange in Finland and Haaga-Helia.

Incoming students will be inspired with the Finnish culture and the Helsinki region as well as study possibilities and services at our institutions.

  • 10.00 Welcome
  • 10.15 Finland and student culture by student unions
  • 10.30 Presentations of the universities in break-out rooms
  • 11.00-11.15 Break
  • 11.15 Previuos and current exchange students share experiences
  • 11.55 Open discussion and closing the event


Registration link:

The event takes place in Zoom on both days:

Join the event in Zoom

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