2020. március 14. 10:55

Start your career with us at Citi Hungary as a Finance Intern!

During the internship period, you will be allocated to one of the Finance teams and will be given graduate level tasks, which provide you a unique opportunity to gain hands on knowledge on how financial and capital markets operate. You will have the chance to get an in-depth look at complex products from a financial, accounting and controlling perspective, and to work in a truly multinational environment. This is a paid program with competitive salary.



We offer internship roles for 3-6 months with 20-40 working hours/week in two main areas within Finance at our Budapest office:


Product Control

Responsible for controlling, analysing and reporting the financial performance of our Sales, Trading, Investment Banking and Corporate Lending Businesses. The roles include understanding of the trading strategies including the products (such as equity, FX, commodities, credit, rates) hedging, pricing, funding, risk management, and regulatory implications.


Regulatory Reporting

Prepares statistical and prudential reports for the local regulators in various EMEA countries. Calculates capital adequacy figures under Basel 3 and reports the Balance Sheet, the Income Statement and their breakdowns according to the rules of their local regulators.


What we offer:

  • Diverse positions within Finance
  • Learning experience, opportunity to get to know the full range of institutional and investment banking products
  • Transparent career routes and opportunity for future full-time positions
  • Creative, inspiring, multinational working environment


Whom we think will be a good fit:

  • Currently completing a BSc/MSc/PhD in Economics, Accounting, Finance, or similar
  • Excellent verbal and written English
  • Understanding of financial products (stock, bonds, derivatives) and interest in the world’s financial markets
  • Sound accounting foundations (have studied accounting for at least two semesters)
  • Working knowledge of MS Excel, excellent numerical and analytical skills
  • Organizational skills and strong attention to detail
  • Ability to meet tight reporting deadlines, pro-active attitude, team player


Internship start dates: March/June/September


For detailed requirements and application, please visit our career site and search with keywords: Internship + Budapest

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