International Summer School on Collaboration and Visualization in Mixed Reality

2020. február 28. 11:42

The Summer School will be held 6 - 11 July at our School of Informatics, Communications and Media in Hagenberg. 

This Summer School gives you an excellent opportunity to enhance your knowledge and at the same time explore Upper Austria, meet new people, and expand your network internationally. You can earn 3 ECTS for this summer school.

We are inviting undergraduate, graduate or PhD students in Computer Science, Mixed Reality, Human-Computer Interaction, Media Informatics, Visualization or related fields to join us for this international event! Students from partner institutions are free of charge!

All students have to bear the costs for housing and travelling costs, lunches are not included. A few scholarships for non-Euorpean students are available!

For application please write an e-mail to international [at] - you will then receive a registration link. Application deadline is May 5.

In addition to lectures, workshops and laboratory tutorials, our programme will include site visits and two days filled with social and cultural activities (no extra costs!).

We are looking forward to receiving your applications!

The International Office Hagenberg


Contact and further information: 

Christina Huber-Beran, Head of International Office, Phone: +43 (0)50804-21530, christina.huber-beran [at]

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