Online angol nyelvű tréningek

2020. május 15. 10:52

Personal Development, Debate Crash Course Trainings

Would you like to earn credits while learning how to develop your communication or self-management skills?

We are delighted to inform you that in the framework of the University of Pécs Summer School Program you have the opportunity to participate in two online summer courses from the comfort of your home to learn how to develop your personality and boost your communication skills. The trainings will be led by professional trainers and the program fees are very affordable.


Why shouldn’t you miss this opportunity?

The Online Personal Development Training (June 15-17) will help you learn about yourself and assist you in identifying your strengths and values to build and communicate your personal brand. The training will also help you improve your communication skills required for successful entry into the job market.

The Online Debate Crash Course Training (June 18-20) will help you in your professional development and future career, no matter your academic background; it will also improve your critical thinking, argumentation, rhetoric, public speaking and debating skills.


Earned credits: 3 ECTS

The application deadline for both trainings is May 29.


The number of places is limited, so send your application (including your CV and a short motivation letter - both in English) as soon as possible to summerschoolpecs [at] pte.hutarget="_blank" !

The flyer for the trainings is attached.


Please visit for more information.

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