Summer School 2021 at BI Norwegian Business School

2021. február 17. 13:42

Summer School at BI goes fully digital in 2021.

Bachelor courses
Four-week courses running from 21 June to 16 July 2021. Worth 7,5 ECTS with the possibility to take two Bachelor courses worth 15 ECTS.

Morning session from 9am – 12 noon (GMT+1):
The art of storytelling for business practices
Multisensory experiences

Afternoon session from 1 – 4pm (GMT+1):
The (hi)stories multinational companies tell
The Sustainable Career: Burnout, Boundaries, and Balance in Business

Master course(s)*
Three week course running from 21 June to 9 July 2021, worth 6 ECTS. 
Crisis Management - Preparedness and Response

*Two more Master courses to be announced soon. 


Further info and online application:

Included in the Summer School programme: 

  • Lectures by highly qualified BI faculty members
  • Insights to Norwegian industries through guest lectures 
  • Social and cultural activities online  


Tuition fee
The tuition fee is waived for partner university students, who are officially nominated and students will only need to pay a small administration fee of 600 NOK (60 EUR*/70 USD*). Our exchange ratio remains 2 Summer Programme places to 1 full semester exchange place. This applies unless otherwise agreed upon.

Students from BI partner universities who are not nominated receive a 30% tuition fee reduction. More info here. 

Application and nominations deadlines 
First round: 15 March 2021
Second round: 1 May 2021

Please contact summer [at] bi.notarget="_blank" if you have any questions. 

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