Kutatói Szemináriumok: 2023 Archívum

Kutatói Szemináriumok programjai májusban


Május 18. 




13:00 - 14:30


Esteban Lafuente, PhD,  Full professor, Department of Management, UPC

Előadás témája:   A composite indicator analysis for optimizing entrepreneurial ecosystems.


Abstract: We employ the ‘benefit of the doubt’ approach rooted in non-parametric techniques to evaluate the entrepreneurial ecosystem of 71 countries for the period 2016. By scrutinizing the relative efficiency of countries’ entrepreneurial ecosystems, the proposed analysis of composite indicators allows the computation of endogenous (country-specific) weights that can be used for developing more informed policy making. The results show that countries prioritize different aspects of their national system of entrepreneurship which confirms that, contrary to homogeneous prescription, tailor-made policy is necessary if the objective is to optimize the resources deployed to enhance the countries’ entrepreneurial ecosystem. The findings of the empirical application reveal significant improvements in the quality of the entrepreneurial ecosystem can be realized by targeting the policy priorities of the local entrepreneurship system identified by the ‘benefit of the doubt’ weights. By analyzing the variation in economic and entrepreneurship outcomes over the seven-year period centered on the study year (period 2013–2019), we found a significant positive correlation between quality improvements in the entrepreneurial ecosystem and venture capital investments.



Kutatói Szemináriumok programjai áprilisban


Április 17. 




Egész napos


Dr. Florian Schubert, University of Twente

Előadás témája:   Structural Equation Modelling and its applications.


Kutatásmódszertani tréning: a PLS-útelemzés módszeréről. A tréning egy rövid felvezetővel kezdődik, az alapok tisztázása, ezt követően pedig példákon keresztül mutatja be a modellépítés logikáját az elemzési eszköztár részeit.


Április 20.   B323/1 13:00 - 14:30

Dr. K. Hemachandran, Woxen University, India

Az előadás témája:   Basics of AI and ML and AI Applications in Business and Practice.


Abstract: Az Artificial Intelligence és Machine Learning informatikai eszközök elméleti alapjai, és felhasználási lehetőségeik a közgazdaságtan területén. A Woxen University's AI Machine Learning Research Centre: a Központan folyó kutatások bemutatása.



Április 27.   B323/1 13:00 - 14:30

Gyimesi András, Dr. Kehl Dániel, Dr. Kruzslicz Ferenc, PTE /KTK.

Az előadás témája:   Association rule mining and Market Basket Analysis.


Abstract: In this session the concept of association rules data mining tools is discussed, which is a form of local-pattern discovery in an unsupervised learning system. Association rules are used to uncover relationships between inherently unrelated data items. We mention and explain some of the most well-known algorithms and measures (support, lift, confidence). Different possible visualisation and implementation tools are shown. MBA is used for retail data analysis to explore customer purchasing patterns. We show an application on data of a major Hungarian fuel company. We also show how the outputs can be represented as networks and analysed this way.