Lecturer-Researcher Department of Urban and Regional Planing, Istanbul Technical University
My primary goal is to become a senior researcher and decision maker in economic geography, regional science and urban and regional development. Currently I am involved in SEARCH Project, under EU FP 7 Program, with University of Pecs, and working on Science and Technology Policies and Regional Development. I have been involved directly or indirectly to a variety of top-level planning work in Istanbul and Bursa, including Bursa Master Plan, Earthquake Master Plan of Istanbul, Master Plan of Istanbul Metropolitan Area and OECD Istanbul Metropolitan Review. I have prepared a presentation on the Finnish innovation system to be presented to Greater Municipality of Istanbul. Furthermore, I have worked as a researcher in Bakırköy District Strategic Plan, Keşan District Environmental Master Plan, did surveys in slum areas and urban regeneration projects, and participated in the organization of strategic planning meetings in Keşan District and Çanakkale City. I have been the secretary of the International Conference on the Black Sea Region (by the British Academy Black Sea Initiative and ITU) in Istanbul at 2004, and one of the organizers of EU-Regional Economics Application Laboratory Workshop held in Istanbul at 2008, and participated in the organization of Turkish Regional Science Conference at 2002 in Istanbul Tecnical University. I have given seminars about Istanbul to visiting groups of scholars from London School of Economics, University of Stuttgart, University of Groningen and University of Rennes. I have won 2 first prizes and 2 honorary mentionaries in national competitions on regional development and urban design, together with other urban planners, architects, landscape architects, civil engineers and an agricultural engineer.
Research Interests
multiple regression models, spatial econometric models, spatial data analysis,