On the way of EPAS Accreditation

2018. február 15. 09:26

The University of Pécs Faculty of Business and Economics joined a non-profit organization called European Foundation for Management Development (EFMD) in 2016.

The faculty’s aim is to obtain the EPAS accreditation for its Business Adminsitration bachelor degree within the EFMD programme accreditation system. The first step in this process that takes several years to implement is the submission of the so called Data Sheet. We have managed to complete the first draft of this document during the fall semester in cooperation with the faculty’s departments. Our plan is to submit the document for the spring EFMD board meeting. In the past two months the faculty attended two accreditation focused conferences. The Conference for Deans & Directors General, held late January in München, covered the following topics: Quality Services, Digitalization of Business Schools, Curriculum Development and How to Manage Accreditation. The EFMD Board reviewed our Data Sheet and suggested important modifications to improve our document. The next event was the EPAS Seminar in Prague, which was focused on the Data Sheet and the Self Assesment Report, the next step following the Data Sheet eligibility. The experiences provide us useful guidance in planning and implementing the next academic year’s accreditation related tasks, for which the faculty management fully counts on all departments and units.