PTE Hackathon 2019

2019. szeptember 24. 11:47

PTE Hackathon was a huge success on 20th September.

The event was organized by the Simonyi BEDC, 3D Center, Technology Transfer Office, Institute of Transdisciplinary Studies and Input Program.

Almost every faculty were represented on the event, allowing to form multidisciplinary teams and supporting the analysis of ideas from different perspectives.

Out of 16 teams, the Biowatch team was the winner, the second place winner was Stepcash, who won the PBKIK special award too. Third place was taken by the C-Colors team, the 3D Center special prize was taken by Nanolight and the ITD special prize was taken by the Pharmanager team. Congratulations to the teams!

It is a pleasure for us that besides the mentors of PTE and Input program, the teams was supported by several experts from different companies, including:

  • Czéh Árpád (Soft Flow)
  • Ivanics Péter (Webstar)
  • Szekeres György (Hisztopatológia)
  • Ulrich Gyula (Z-Elektronika)
  • Várhelyi Veszna (Hiventures).

We look forward to deepening cooperation in the future and finding mutually beneficial meeting points for other events as well. In addition, of course, we are looking forward to applying for companies that would be happy to work with the university and meet our students, the future employees.

The PTE Hackathon is organized with a different focus at the beginning of each semester, which aims to provide an insight into the business development, thereby inspiring participants to create new business ideas. So in February 2020, we are looking forward to seeing you at this exciting event.

simonyibedc [at]