2020. január 14. 14:21

Apply now become an Intern at D-TAG (www.ditag.eu) via the Internship Centre of the Centre for Applied Learning at the Faculty of Business and Economics. We have internship positions available across the three main areas of our company: IT, Business, and Analytics.




Title of Internship: Internship Program at D-TAG (www.ditag.eu, Hungarian-American Big Data & Social Media analytics company)

Location: Petőfi u. 38, Kozármisleny, Hungary, 7761 (15 minutes by bus from Pécs city center)

Full or Part Time: Part-Time, with Full Time options available for successful participants

Start and End Date: As soon as possible

Compensation: Unpaid (Paid Full-Time opportunities for successful participants are available)



D-TAG is a Hungarian-American, VC-backed company that specializes in discovering and extracting value from the "noise" of Big Data by leveraging proprietary text analytics technology. We use our sophisticated Natural Language Processing (NLP) algorithms to process either internal or public, online data for our Clients across more than 25 languages.

Our offices are located in Boston, Budapest, and Pécs (Kozármisleny), Hungary.
We are currently looking for motivated students and fresh graduates to join our Internship Program at our Pécs (Kozármisleny) and work either in our IT, Business, and/or Analytics divisions. Please note that exceptional participants might be offered to renew their Internship contract, or even be offered part-time or full-time employment.
We are very flexible and understanding with our student interns, as we respect class schedules and exam season. We will always work together to find an arrangement that suits both of our interests.



  • Valuable international business experience
  • Practical and theoretical knowledge about big data, social media analytics, and the overall tasks and projects associated to the business
  • Hands-on knowledge about how to build and scale a new company
  • Work with a startup that is driven by its mission to disrupt the field of business and market intelligence
  • Opportunity to develop your transferable and professional skills
  • Opportunity to expand your network, meet professionals from prestigious companies and backgrounds
  • Free participation in professional development courses and activities
  • Free participation in company social events



Participants in the Internship Program will participate in various activities related to sales, marketing, research, and analytics, although these are not limiting:

  • Research
  • Proposal / Tender Writing
  • Database Management
  • Client Support
  • Administrative Functions
  • Building Analytics Reports
  • Business Development / Sales Process / CRM Infrastructure
  • Community Management (Across D-TAG Official Channels)
  • Platform Software and Systems Development
  • Data Sourcing Infrastructure Development
  • Blog Post Writing
  • Community Management
  • Strategic Organizational Brainstorming
  • Consulting for Clients
  • Support and Participate in D-TAG Speaker / Networking Events
  • Multimedia Material Creation and Editing
  • Market Analysis
  • Creating Newsletters and Overseeing Dissemination + Tracking Reception Analytics
  • IT Development (depending on applicant’s skills)
  • Identifying and Exploring New Business Opportunities (financially compensated based on a Success Fee)



  • At least 18 years of age, and fluency in English is a must.
  • Fluency in additional languages is a big plus!
  • Ability to work in Pécs, more specifically, in the nearby city of Kozármisleny
  • Be open for e-work, telework
  • Ability to take initiative, be proactive, and not afraid to bring and develop new ideas for the benefit of the company
  • Currently pursuing a degree in business, international relations, marketing, economics, statistics, IT or related fields.
  • Strong writing skills in English
  • Proficiency in PowerPoint and Excel
  • Multimedia skills (design, image, audio, video editing)
  • Strong research skills
  • Additional technical skills are strongly preferred, especially with regards to data processing
  • Positive attitude
  • Solid communication skills and willingness to work in a team environment



Open to all students currently pursuing Undergraduate or Master’s studies at the University of Pécs



  • CV
  • Cover letter (1 standard page maximum)
  • Transcript

Application deadline: As soon as possible

Applications to be sent via email to: ricky.odedra [at] ditag.eu


Internship Centre - Centre for Applied Learning

Faculty of Business and Economics, University of Pécs


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