E-Commerce PPC Digital Advertising Specialist

2021. március 2. 13:35

Cloud Commerce Group is looking to recruit an experienced PPC Specialist to work within the digital marketing side of the business - Cloud Seller Pro.

Cloud Seller Pro is a Google Premier, and Technical Sales Channel Partner with Google. Specialising in Google Shopping and Amazon Advertising - with a strong background in delivering meaningful, high-quality B2B and B2C ecommerce marketing campaigns across a wide range of business sectors.

As a growing agency, we are looking for a new member to join our digital marketing team with a vast range of clients. You must be a hard worker and a team player who has experience in running paid media campaigns across search and social channels.

In the current working climate we are now offering the ability for candidates to work from home, and alongside experienced digital marketers whilst taking full ownership over your own projects and reporting to the Head of Operations. You will need to have a strong eye for detail, an analytical approach to working as well as being able to learn fast and work as part of a team.

Required Skills/ Experience:

  • Over 2 years experience in digital marketing: including running Paid media campaigns.
  • Experience of managing PPC activity using the Adwords interface or 3rd party tools and Social Platforms
  • Experience working within Ecommerce advertising
  • Excellent Communication and Customer Service
  • Able to work self-sufficiently
  • An organised self-starter
  • Excellent analytical and reporting skills
  • Experience of turning complex information into meaningful, easy-to-read, plain English copy that builds understanding of organisational initiatives.

The successful candidate will need to demonstrate experience in paid media advertising and understand what it takes to manage successful ecommerce marketing campaigns.

Overall experience in all forms of digital marketing, including SEO, Content Marketing & Social Media will be advantageous.

Please also submit a covering letter with your application.

Job Types: Full-time, Permanent

Salary: From £18,000.00 per year


  • Paid Advertising: 2 years (Required)

Work remotely:

  • Yes


Apply here!

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