Internship Opportunities at the Berlin Global

2019. november 26. 12:19

The Berlin Global Voluntary Internship Project (2018-20) is a 3 year program with the main purpose to enable students to engage in cultural diplomacy and in doing so, to further promote cultural diplomacy and multiculturalism worldwide.

The Berlin Global invites applications from individuals who are coming from the following fields:

  • Communication & Journalism
  • Film, Photography & Visual Art
  • Arts & Culture
  • International Relations & Politics
  • Marketing & Public Relations
  • Business & Economics
  • History & Philosophy

Internship Details

  • Eligibility - The internship is open to currently enrolled students who need this internship as a compulsory component of their academic studies or participants of the ERASMUS program.
  • Duration - The voluntary internships are full time, unpaid, last 2-3 months.
  • Language - Applicants must have good spoken and written English.
  • Personal Skills - Due to the nature of our work, we place a high value on flexibility, a strong work ethic, and the ability to work well with others.
  • Flexibility - Applicants must be prepared for a flexible working environment as teams and tasks might alter often according to the program agenda.
  • Laptop - In addition, all interns must have access to a personal laptop, which they need to bring to the office on a daily basis.

Intern Responsibilities

Intern responsibilities include some of the following activities:

  • International Conferences and Daily Events
    • Office Administration and Logistics
    • Event Administration and Logistics
    • Raising awareness, PR and marketing
    • Acquiring speakers and partners
    • Support for Conferences & Events
  • Cultural Diplomacy Research
    • Conducting interviews and writing articles for the CD-News
    • Supporting the project
  • Media, Press & PR

Apply here:  

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