Internship in Satakunta University of Applied Sciences, FINLAND

2019. április 3. 17:24

We are looking for an intern to work in International Relations Office in Satakunta University of Applied Sciences (SAMK), Finland.


The employer is Satakunta University of Applied Sciences in Finland. SAMK operates in four cities which are Pori, Rauma, Kankaanpää and Huittinen. We have:

  • 6000 students and 450 staff members
  • 30 degree programmes and 11 degree programmes in English
  • 500 international exchange and degree students
  • 60 nationalities
  • 190 partner institutions around the world 

Period of the internship

From 12 August 2019 until 20 December, working hours 7 h 21 min/day

What we are looking for

We are looking for a 3rd year student from the area of business, communication, event management or toursim or other suitable area with:

  • good command of English (other languages are considered an asset)
  • international experience
  • basic knowledge of Microsoft Office tools and social media (versatile computer skills are an asset, especially InDesign)
  • work is usually independent
  • valid driver’s license


The intern will work in the International Relations Office in SAMK campuses Pori and Rauma.The internship will consist of different tasks related to international affairs. The main tasks are:

  • assisting in all practicalities related to student exchange (incoming, outgoing students) 
  • assisting in international relations regarding social media and information material, producing information material, e.g. updating the www-pages and PowerPoint materials
  • correspondence with international partners
  • cooperation with international tutors in SAMK
  • assisting with event organisation such as International café, International week, Get Together Day and Farewell Dinner for incoming students
  • other administrative tasks


App 1290 €/month


Accommodation is offered in the student dormitory, rent app 350€ per month.

More information and applications with CV

E-mail to riitta.rissanen [at] (SAMK Campus Pori), application deadline 30 April 2019

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