Global Graduate Program - Operations (Manufacturing/Engineering)

2022. április 22. 10:03

BAT is evolving at pace - truly like no other organization.

To achieve the ambition, we have set for ourselves, we are looking for colleagues who are ready to live our ethos every day. Come be a part of this journey! We are BAT! A global leader with more than 200 brands in over 180 markets. And we bring together the world's brightest and best minds. That’s why we value uniqueness. If you're driven, passionate and ambitious, apply to our exciting new opportunity of a Global Graduate Program in Operations, which will let you achieve your potential! 

What is Global Graduate Program & What do we offer?

It's a 12-18 months, fast-track development program to a management job for high potential fresh graduates and young professionals! The aim of the program is to raise future leaders of BAT Operations Team! Our Graduate Program in Operations helps you to develop exceptional skills - full of understanding the dynamics of the market you are operating in, and how the BAT Operations Supply Chain, Production, Quality Assurance, Product, Engineering, work together to achieve outstanding business results

During your program we will give you:

  • a real job with real impact from day one
  • world-class leadership training in Global Graduate Academy where you will establish networking with fellow graduates and senior colleagues from around the world
  • chance to make an impact on our international business participating in global cross-market projects, under the supervision of your dedicated Coach & Mentor.
  • ultimately, it will set you up for a successful career ahead - the chance to progress from graduate to Junior Manager in 12-18 months.

We're serious about putting you on the right career path and consider our Global Graduate Program as a stepping-stone to bigger and better things.

It's tough. It's fast-paced. And it'll stretch you to the limit. If you have what it takes, no other organization can offer a graduate experience quite like ours. The only question is: are you up to the challenge?

If your answer is YES, then this may be the role for you. We are seeking for high caliber graduates to join our 2021 Graduate Program!

If you...

  • are looking for an international career in Operations (Manufacturing, Engineering)
  • have higher education (preferably in Engineering)
  • native Hungarian and fluent English
  • are a fresh graduate or graduated in the past 3 years
  • possess leadership skills demonstrated through extra-curricular activities
  • have strong analytical skills
  • are driven and ambitious

.... we are looking forward to your application! We are looking for the very best!

Application methods

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