Internship program at BSB- Burgundy School of Business

2020. július 27. 11:03

Assistant Project Manager for Short Term Programmes (International Office); Based in Dijon, France


Internship Summary:

Provides administrative help in the promotion and organisation of short-term programmes taking place at BSB under the direction of the Project Manager for Short-Term Programmes.

Dates: From January 4th to June 30th, 2021


May include any and/or all of the following: 

  • Participates in the marketing and promotion of BSB short-term programmes
  • Participates in the organization of BSB short-term programmes (booking classrooms and material), liaises with BSB staff and external providers (bus companies, cultural sites)
  • Provides help in the management of outgoing and incoming student mobility at BSB under the supervision of the International Mobility Managers and Assistants


  • Marketing and Communication skills
  • Ability to operate various software applications and manage social media
  • Written and verbal communication skills in English and in French
  • Interpersonal skills
  • Strong attention to detail  
  • Ability to manage multiple tasks simultaneously  
  • Ability to work with short deadlines 


BSB - Burgundy School of Business offers a stipend to its interns.  The amount is as follows for students registered in a third or fourth year of a Bachelor's degree OR in a Master's degree: €591 per month payable at the end of each month by electronic transfer to a French bank account. 


CV and cover letter in French must be sent by e-mail to Mrs Claudia SAMPEL, Associate Dean International Relations at the following address by September 15th, 2020:  claudia.sampel [at] 
For more information on BSB - Burgundy School of Business, please visit our webpage: 

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