Job offer as a Local Ta Roster

2021. szeptember 20. 12:26

The Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) is mandated to lead and co-ordinate international action to protect refugees worldwide and find durable solutions for them. Established in 1950, its primary purpose is to safeguard the rights and well-being of refugees.

The GSC is looking for qualified candidates interested in joining a roster for potential temporary appointment (TA) in the following functional areas:

  • Administration
  • Personnel administration, payroll, recruitment
  • Financial management and control, accounting
  • Programme / Project Management
  • Procurement, logistics, asset management, vehicle fleet management, inventory management, order and delivery management
  • Staff development


Duties and Qualifications

Minimum qualifications/requirements:

  • Secondary education with post-secondary training/certificate relevant to the functional areas.
  • Excellent computer skills, in particular in MS Office applications,
  • Fluency in English.
  • For G5 level positions minimum of 1 year of relevant work experience.
  • For G6 level positions minimum of 2 years of relevant work experience.


Desired requirements:

  • Knowledge of other UN languages, preferably French, is considered as an advantage.
  • Knowledge of UN system.


UNHCR values are:

  • Integrity,
  • Professionalism,
  • Respect for diversity.


Candidates selected for the roster may be offered a temporary appointment of a length of 3-11 months at the Centre in the General Service category.


For more information and application, click here.

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