MSCI Virtual Open Day

2020. május 19. 10:19

We are organizing a Virtual Open Day event at MSCI, on the 22nd May. In the past years MSCI organized open days every spring and fall. We would like to continue this successful event regardless of the current situation. In this event participants will have an opportunity to hear from our colleagues, Office Head and Executive Director of HR.


Participants will not only have a chance to get to know the different departments and gain insights about the different career paths but to get to know how the virus changed our everyday life at MSCI. Attendees will also have the possibility to ask question during and after the event.

You can register at Eventbrite or using the QR code from the attached poster of the event.

If you have questions, please, do not hesitate to reach out to us.

Best Regards,

MSCI Open Day Organizers

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