Simonyi Summer Social Entrepreneurship Program 2019

2019. február 5. 12:00

June 21 - July 12

Do you want to...

  • get hands-on experience in social innovation and transformation?
  • experience  real-life business projects?
  • work with international students and professionals?

Then participate in the life changing three weeks of the Simonyi Summer Social Entrepreneurship Program between June 21 and July 12.

The Simonyi Summer Social Entrepreneurship Program 2019 focuses on value creation in the regional socio-economic environment of the University of Pecs. You will cooperate with culturally and professionally diverse student groups in a practice oriented, experiential learning context that focuses on real-life projects and project owners in the region. Professional mentors will assist your teams in imbedding the projects.

Are you a University of Pécs student?

The selected University of Pécs students will be able to apply for up to 100% support for their "costs of training" by the University of Pécs Faculty of Business and Economics, if they register until May 6, 2019 and write a Motivation Letter.


Apply now

Registration deadline: May 19, 2019.


More info on:

simonyisummer [at]

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