V Research Pitches Contest of the Compostela Group of Universities

2020. november 5. 09:35

Research pitches contest.

The university network, through the research pitches contest of the Compostela Group of Universities (GCU), aims to give visibility to the research carried out by member universities and promote the dissemination of their results. In this way, it contributes to the policies developed by the member universities to promote the dissemination of their research activity, by promoting:

  • The dissemination of research among partner universities and society in general.
  • The emergence of funding opportunities.
  • Contact with other research groups that carry out similar research.
  • Attracting doctoral students interested in these lines of research.

Researchers from CGU member universities have the opportunity to participate each year in this permanent activity. To do so, they must present a pitch, that is, an audiovisual presentation in which they briefly introduce the key aspects of their research. The Compostela Group of Universities will recognise those pitches that best adapt their message to the general public, transmit the relevance of their research and their contribution to society. The three winners will receive prizes of 1,000 euros, 600 euros and 300 euros. In addition, they will be awarded a recognition diploma and their research will be disseminated through CGU profiles on the main digital platforms.

Find here more information about the V Research pitches contest of the Compostela Group of Universities.



November 2020 – Launching of 2021 call.
7 April 2021 (12:00 PM GMT – noon) – Deadline for submission of applications.
June 2021 – Jury deliberation and the announcement of the winners.
September 2021 – Official presentation of the winning pitches during the annual Compostela Group of Universities General Assembly.


More info.

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