Woxsen University’s Student Exchange

2022. május 3. 11:28

Woxsen University’s Student Exchange Fall Semester 2022 Nomination is officially OPEN! 

The nomination deadline for the Fall 2022 (August to December) Semester is May 31st, 2022. Please send us your nominations by completing the online google form below:
Click Here to Apply
Please find attached the Incoming Students Factsheet (please refer to it for any details, However, this is an old version of the factsheet) which shall guide you with all the relevant details pertaining to the mobility. The Student Exchange Program is available for both Undergraduate and Masters level students in the schools of Business, Arts & Design, Technology & Architecture.
You may view the programs available on our Website.
As part of immediate next steps, the International Office Coordinator at your university can share nominations by filling in the google form attached above. Kindly send all the filled in incoming application forms after the google form submissions. Subsequently later on, Students must be ready to submit the following docs to support the applications as per the given timelines:

  • 1. Official Academic Record or Transcript of classes at the home institution
  • 2. Proof of English language competency if English if NOT the native language (TOEFL/IELTS Documentation or a Certificate issued by your university (duly stamped and signed) stating the English language proficiency)
  • 3. Photocopy of the biographical information page of the passport.

Nomination Deadline: May 31st, 2022

Application Deadline: June 10th, 2022

Submission of documents: 30 days before the start date of the exchange 90 days before for in-person delivery.
Please Note: Food and Accommodation will be provided for FREE on campus.
The Fall Semester will be held in-person

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