Horváth Krisztina

horvathk [at] ktk.pte.hu
B223 szoba
Emailben történő előzetes egyeztetés alapján

Horváth, K ; Rabetino, R
Knowledge-intensive territorial servitization: regional driving forces and the role of the entrepreneurial ecosystem
REGIONAL STUDIES , 11 p. (2018)


Krisztina, Horváth ; László, Szerb
Managerial practices and the productivity of knowledge-intensive service businesses: An analysis of digital/IT and cash management practices
STRATEGIC CHANGE: SC 27 : 2 pp. 161-172. , 12 p. (2018)


Szerb, László ; Lafuente, Esteban ; Horváth, Krisztina ; Páger, Balázs
The relevance of quantity and quality entrepreneurship for regional performance: the moderating role of the entrepreneurial ecosystem
REGIONAL STUDIES online : online p. Article in press , 13 p. (2018)


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