BESPIRITED - business adventure game

2021. október 26. 08:15

Let your adventure begin! Go on virtual international missions, solve interesting business-related tasks with your teammates and explore the vibrant cities of Budapest and Bangalore during the game.

The competition has three online stages

  1. Virtual business journey and investigation game in the qualification
  2. FMCG Business Simulation in the semi-final
  3. Presentation of Case Study in the final


  • 1st prize: the latest version of the iPad for each team members
  • 2nd prize: Mixer package and a course with a Diageo Brand Ambassador
  • 3rd prize: 20.000 HUF Diageo brand voucher for each team members

Don't miss out on the challenge, apply to the competition with two of your friends until 1 November! Don't leave it to the last minute because the online qualification starts at 22 October, next week! The sooner you apply for BESPIRITED, the more time you will have for tasks of the first round.

Apply now!

Until that...Start exploring the BESPIRITED competition with our teaser game and win a Diageo Gift Pack!

Play now!

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