BSB Summer School 2022

2022. február 25. 12:37

Authentic Leadership and Entrepreneurial Creativity

Burgundy School of Business (BSB) holds an innovative workshop programme for international students demonstrating high levels of curiosity and open mindedness.

The programme has a strong focus on personal development and soft skills. It aims at stimulating a human centered leadership based on students’ awareness of their personal strengths and unique qualities as human beings.

Face-to-face Summer School 2022: June 20-24, 2022

 Online Summer School 2022: July 11-15, 2022

(applications open until March 31, 2021)



Face-to-face Summer School 2022

Administration fees: €160

Tuition fees:

  • Students from partner universities: €500
  • Students with tuition waver: €0
  • Other students: €750


Online Summer School 2022

Administration fees: €80

Tuition fees:

  • Students from partner universities: €250
  • Students with tuition waver: €0
  • Other students: €400


Link to the brochure



Sneak peak of the programme

The workshop concept combines modern learning methods such as experimental learning, problem-based learning, elements of personal development and a number of creativity techniques.

It is built on three learning pillars: Entrepreneurial thinking, Leadership and Creativity, which are stimulated every day. The programme allows students to develop their personal leadership potential and better access their creative potential in their professional and personal life.


Learning objectives of the programme:

  • Understanding entrepreneurial thinking and effectuation
  • Being aware of my personal leadership qualities
  • Learning to be a human-centered leader
  • Knowing how to understand a problem and its context
  • Knowing how to select and apply a number of creativity techniques
  • Learning to think visually and seek feedback for ideas


Programme credits: 

Face-to-face Summer School 2022: The in-person programme is credited with 6 ECTS and contains 25 contact hours with a lecturer during the 5 days.

Online Summer School 2022: The online programme is credited with 4 ECTS and contains 20 contact hours with a lecturer during 4 days.


Apply now

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