Call for Applications for the Gap Year Scholarship in the 2024/2025 Academic Year is Now Open!

2024. február 9. 11:53

The EDUC Alliance is pleased to announce its physical mobility program for BA/BSc and MA/MSc students of the University of Pécs.

Are you ready to study at an EDUC university for five or nine months, delving into new educational and cultural experiences? Do you meet the B2-C1 language requirement and have a passion for courses beyond your core curriculum?

If your answer is yes, the Gap Year program awaits your application!


Opportunities offered by the scholarship:

  • Students who win the scholarship will participate in academic studies at an EDUC university.
  • Students will study in the same status as at their home university. Their scholarship is tuition free.

Aim of the scholarship:

  • Explore different fields of science than your degree.
  • Gain new experiences in education, languages, and culture.
  • Develop personal skills through language immersion.
  • Experience intercultural openness in a foreign university campus.

Students who take part EDUC Gap Year program:

  • spend 5-9 months abroad
  • get Gap Year Scholarship
  • enroll at their home university as active students, pay for their occurrent tuition fee at their home university, and get their scholarship for the duration of their stay abroad
  • have to gain a minimum of 30 ECTS at the target university
  • can not take part Stipendium Hungaricum Scholarship or Scholarship for Christian Young People, Hungarian Diaspora Scholarship  during the duration of the Gap Year Scholarship

Who can apply? (Terms and Conditions):

  • BA/BSc or MA/MSc students of the University of Pécs
  • those students who have active status at the University of Pécs in the semester of the Gap Year and they do not get their diploma before the end of the Gap Year mobility period


Call for application (to be announced)

Deadline and submission of application:

  • Not later than 6 March 2024,
  • We do not accept incomplete, non-compliant, or post-deadline applications.


  • in study cases: Judit Németh, Institutional Erasmus+ Coordinator: nemeth.judit [at]

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