Judit Pótó
Assistant Lecturer
poto.judit [at] ktk.pte.hu
Please ask for an appointment in email.
Judit Pótó is a staff member of the Department of Management and Leadership at the University of Pécs, Faculty of Economics. Her main research interests are internal organisational issues related to the growth of non-profit organisations. Her previous publications are on corporate growth theories and volunteer management. She obtained her PhD degree in 2024. As a lecturer, she teaches courses in Hungarian and English, at undergraduate and graduate level, both full-time and part-time programmes. His courses are mainly in the field of management. She teaches courses in management and organisation, business communication, management and leadership, human resource management, economics and sociology of organisations in Hungarian, and in organisational behaviour, human resource management and leadership in English. In 2024, she has graduated from the Faculty's postgraduate management trainer programme. He is a volunteer member of the Hungarian Scout Association and served as its President from 2015 to 2019, among other things. Since 2013, he has been working as an organisational developer in the field of internal development of NGOs.
Curriculum Vitae
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