Internship at the International Education Office, University of Agder, Norway

2019. november 22. 09:19

The University of Agder (UiA) is looking for an intern / Erasmus+ trainee starting at the beginning of January 2020, ending at the beginning of June.

Who are we?

The University of Agder (UiA) is a young and dynamic university, recognised for its modern teaching and research facilities and innovative use of technology and communication media. UiA has approximately 13 000 students in two campuses in the very south of Norway. The Intern will be based in the main campus in the city of Kristiansand but will also work at our campus in Grimstad, and will work closely with the staff from the International Education Office and other departments. The main work-place will be our Global Lounge, an area designated to welcome and support International and Norwegian students, guests and staff.

Your fields of responsibility:

  • First point of contact for Global Lounge
  • Supporting mobility team (incoming and outgoing students)
  • Help with marketing / promotion, social media and public relations
  • General administrative support
  • Coordinate language tandems
  • Help with organising activities in Global Lounge for students, staff and guests
  • Support with promotion and running of our Summer School in European Integration


Who are we looking for?

  • Student enrolled at a bachelor’s or master’s level or a recent graduate
  • EU / EEA national (due to visa restrictions)
  • Fluent English spoken and written
  • Strong communication and customer service skills
  • Computer skills
  • Marketing and administrative experience
  • Flexible and able to work independently
  • Must be able to start at the beginning of January 2020 (ideally first week of January, or second week of January at the very latest)



The internship is financed through the Erasmus+ program. The exact amount of your grant depends on your home country. For more detailed information please contact the International office of your university.

What can we offer you?

  • Varied work experience
  • Free single-room accommodation in student housing
  • Free local bus pass
  • Free Norwegian Language course
  • The opportunity to join international students for trips and events


To apply:

  • Send your CV together with a one-page cover letter describing why you are interested in the internship
  • Supply the names and contact details of two referees (teachers, former employers, etc.) who can be contacted by us
  • A Skype interview will be required if short-listed
  • Applications should be sent by e-mail to aase.galteland [at] by 29th November 2019
  • Send e-mail to current interns at int-office [at] if you have questions about the position


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